F ■, October 1, 1986 Portland Observer, Page 11 Planned Parenthood Butler said then lack o f prior business experience was a handicap in the beginning, but after a short period o f tim e they got the sw ing o f the travel business Butter sa d the travel business is very com petitive, especially after the airlines' strikes and the results of the past recession. Furthermore, Butler said the mega travel agencies have made it tougher tor small agencies like his to com pete in the travel m arket Despite this, he is confident that his business w ill survive and grow . He encourages groups and individuals to contact his agency fo r travel inform ation and travel services Schedules Special Programs M in o r ity B u s in e s s C o n tr a c to r D ir e c to ry Columbia River Chapter Girl Scouts Greer said in the past, mothers and daughters w ho participated in the programs were very enthusiastic about the results They said that after going through the program they were more at ease when talk ing about sexuality In fact, impro ved com m unication on all sub|ects was the result R o b e rt B u tle r T ra ve l R o b e rts T ra ve l A g e n c y P h o to by R ich a rd J B ro w n Travel Roberts'Travel Agency Ten years ago Robert Butler and his friend Roland Catlett were searching for a business to go into as partners The tw o decided to open up a travel agency, thus creating Travel Roberts Travel Agency I ‘ ” i ■> . ■ 14 Aii Open Letter Ahoni Mei • ♦ * More than 200 leading m inority contractors from th roughout the M idw est are listed in the SBA 1985 1986 directory The purpose of this directory is to provide local, county, state, federal and private corporate purchasing or contracting officers w ith a com prehen sive source of inform ation about the capabilities of m inority ow ned bust nesses functioning in S B A s 8 (A) program Thorough profiles are provided about firms w hich participate in S B A s M inority Small Business and Capital Dwnership Development program in Illinois. Indiana. M ichigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and W isconsin Copies of these new publications can be obtained by co n ta ctin g SBA , Chicago District Office at 219 South Dearborn, Rm 437, Chicago, Illinois, 60604 1779 or by calling 353 9096 by J®” V Gainer Ih e m onth of October is the , fit im tua m inem oration of anal 1 aunty Sexuality Education Mi tii Tbs is ,i period in w hich , j ro ts become the prim ary sexual •y edui allots ol then children In ,m effort to help parents talk w ith then < hildren atxiut their own . cues • H" tim ing sexuality and to be o|»'o i,. then children's questions i il i d • s Planned Parenthood , ,1 die Columbia W illam ette IPPCWI has scheduled some special pro irams relating lo m other • daughter uininuriication during National Fa m ly Sexuality Education M onth PPCW will offer a Mother Daughter Program a tw o session w orkshop w hich will be offered wice one set on Mondays Octo .et 20 aid 2 / 6 30 9 00 p m . the Ihei sessions will he Thursdays li to b e ' 30 and November 6 3 30 to r 00 p n The workshops will be held at PPCW conference room lo ated at 3231 S E 50th A i i indnig to Sue Greer, Public Rel.dm « Coordinator for PPCW. the profliam s are designed to help lOthr - . talk w ith then daugtiters from the age of 9 to 16 about sex uality physical development and personal values The sessions will discuss such u b ie its as puberty and develop lent, i mi m uincation skills, friend ship, decision making, self esteem > id gendei roles "T h e format en ^outages interaction by having acti ftie s for mothers and daughters to i together, small group exercises, id question and answer periods he program enables mothers to lentify rod express then own val es about sexuality to then daugh its T fie workshops are taught y educators Donna Noonan trorn tanned Parenthood and Wendy ankin from M ultnom ah County ealth said Greer > ‘ • d ie S h n t d n " " .„.n W » “ ’* * * ” ’ * b- S,.ptetn1* r - • p a rille > tn M - i k . i «- I 11 «*■ . ..miti H"' J. » • " Ì Ì L l . I-—•' ........... « * •’..7 , . E T C . ... xw H IO I pi.««»' ’ ( >U. Ir» Pr»lr * " Viole— ” V,'* 'OM » r ' Of,«»" I ll t " * " ' 1 SR Mid IO I fie Mother Daughter Program the past lias been used by the , an - " ” V' ia V h e h n '" '„ t a . m m e d t a t e l 1 t * iris a— and e dition m in » fin . . . . ............. , V a»M»r . ............... . ..... »e th e .......... ’T.'.h , ■ ■ • «r ''v T '- " '- ' 5 - . - ........................... ....... * I Or»” , k7ix'r- ‘* rw », p e c ia l G ift ffe re d To N e w 3a re n ts ...... - w h i r ' ' V“ * U .Sal*” »* ’ M»«*0" i" " '1 n vo te r* tn n '« °y ...... lM lw .ed by Oregon D ear V oter I r«"' I s la lr ' ll r r « " " " • * • M o ''" " d h ' .... g iv e n p r» « ” ' ( ,„ l„ w n I" ' ‘ ’ T r Z i" '■**’* ( .r n . l l r V . " ' - r * ' . In celebration of the first antnver try of the opening of its remodeled ■ i ■ , , Btrtf 1 iv ter t m anual Hos tai Ft Health Center will present all •w parents during October with ee wine g la s s e s at the hospital s i litional Candlelight Dinner The in idlelighi Dinner is a bee service all new patents the night before ii y leave the hospital fo r many parents this is a last lance to en|oy a quiet moment igethei before tfiey return home to le task of raising their child said n icy McKean Nurse Manager of e Family Birth Center • The k e e p s a k e wine glasses ate | nutifully sketched w ith a peach the W omen s and Children’s • laviston logo •z • ............................... . . . ■ " ' ’ Ä " " ....... 2 ... x iT ..|i» n ........ .. ......... „ „ Orr«..» k. Il W Mart»« .. O »* ” l * ' - a * ’" ’ * . . , - iMMlMi” ’*1' ’" “ ' ... I hxir" ..... rB.lr’ v - l Vrr-"‘»"‘ Sm m n re r s ie - h l , r .lo h n U " ’^ Af /J .. .rs Eehr»- f / r u ie * * ” r eenng S n r h - a r K ' h V n iv (,r .d v Oregon u .Z D e n n » ..— U M end* r V uundinh I » "I*' ' ' I . I , , vb" '" t p a n i" ' s a ..» -'"» ""n , ullrgr ot ' ( , „ ,„ ..1 , , n a rr-*' E x e rc is e D u rin g • P re g n a n c y : W h a t T o Do a nd N o t T o Do V rolr-r*a ’ O ,r r > n ' * n v e .- '” ............. .. .».„.„'I«' «•'*“ . A ^ h U t d n * '’ «4 • M easure i t , n ls r r u h H»rr on »>•' H 1 O 1 1 ,0 • • h ifo n iM tio f' afxjut what happens lim in g exercise tu a pregnant wo b a n s body anil Ihe baby she is ta n ,.n g and an opportunity to par licip a te n a sample prenatal exet t'Se program will tie offered during 8 class sponsored by St Vincent h o sp ita l and Medical Center It will be held Ihursday Oct 9. from 7 to 9 p m at the hospital's Health and Lifestyle Center. 11640 S.W Park way Cost is $7 60 Dr Marcia Darm. obstetrician/ gyrie> ologist on the St Vincent M ed" a Statt and Diane Barton, pxen se spei talist will talk about what i. lo and not to do when exer psing during pregnancy t To register for the class, persons ¡nay drop by the Health and Life Hyle Center weekdays, 8 30 a m. to 6 p m , or mail in a registration form Snd the class fee For more mfo call 291 2225 i r »«W S . n o - ..... ........ • . M '» ” " 'T n o " « " * ' .lef t I L \c s , I u n n llo help si«,, (I k * s lm ld o u ii o f lli<‘ ; T rojnn <»!<•<•!r i f p ln n l. Please add m \ im ine 1« sour ro n im iU e e A o u i»,«,\ use ms uuiue puhliels. I'le iise lo t u ih e i lin n ih m e m bers u h o w i s h i o | i m i m i l l u s . lo o I I ’leiise p ro u I S iu n ilt ilie S ilr b e s s Vote NO on 14- ( li i opali, m (opi louai I I Pilone 11 ipl n n m l I S l.o llo I Ireuooians Sumiisi the S h illd in r n ol the Ir o jin i I le rtru I ’liin t S oile !MM). 1220 S SS Slot i ison P o rtla n d . I )IU l7 2 0 a '• y ;*’ • I 1 ' .* • * * w \ V : * r- • • ’ * * • • s I t unve vnu a I“ 1’ „ m l it r-n'tW » . 1 1 0 . - 1 » ” “ " * • ' h ” in " * t ! 'n T” * •I ........... ........... ' c I . u ....... p « ’» I* ''® " s rt o . - •’ - , s u . t r » > A V n .f r - '" ' L I ’ * - pros dele.d H llu.. V-r^«»'^ Î ^ ,,n rr. K "-1 h»nl.r- t . V *rn»rf ___ swtt.»t 4 tr i I, I L I, h Z< i 1 ' IPV * • • • • * I • • > * » ,* . * >• ••• - »? t k - - - Is3, m * ' ,