October 1, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 9 David M. Nero, Chief Executive Officer Nero and Associates, Inc. Nero and Associates is a growing and diversified Pacific Northwest com pany with 300 employees in 18 states including Hawaii and Alaska with gross sales in excess of $45 768,741 in 1985 Nero and Associates. Inc specializes in engineering management, operation and maintenance of government, military, municipal and private sector plants and facilities The firm also provides fire protection, security. LA ROUGE STYLING SALON BENNIE'S ON BROADWAY 2750 N.E Broadway LA ROUGE 287- 5566 brought lo vou every week by AM ERICAN STATE BANK ■MUR RW MUU OVUSrr MURANO COMKMAtVM I Sparrow it tha nam e of m any tm a ll. com m on birds The nam e com es from an Anglo Saxon w ord which it it believed w a t a general J term for all tm a ll b ird t Jospeh Taylor, o w n e r of J b M Taylor and A ssociates Joseph Taylor, Owner J & M Taylor and Associates J & M Taylor and Associates is a tax firm business located at 5621 N E 39th. The firm has been in operation since 1981, said Joseph Taylor, owner/founder of J & M Taylor and Associates Taylor is a licensed tax consultant and former instructor for H b R Block and Portland Community College He taught both basic and advan ced income tax classes Recently he was elected to his second one year term as president of the Columbia River Unit of the Oregon Society of Tax Consultants. vehicular operation and maintenance, waste and waster! water sewage treatment plants, buildings and structures In February of this year, Nero and A n o t lates was awarded a $1,067,737 contract to provide facility engineering, operation and maintenance ser vices at the Army's Yuma, Arizona Proving Grounds Mr Nero’s advice to young aspiring minority business entrepreneurs is, "Get a college degree, if only in Underwater Pinochle M r Nero urges highly qualified minority scientists, engineers and business management persons to apply at Nero and Associates. Ini HOMEWORK HOTLINE W hen President Theodore R ootevelt took cross country w a lk t, he m ade It a point to a lw a y t w alk in a straight line even if that m eant s w im m in g | a creek in w in te r or tceling a steep cliff 'A m an ’s delight in looking forw ard to and hoping for to m a particular satisfaction i t a part of the pleasure flow ing out of it. enjoyed in advance * Arthur Schopenhauer W e do lo t d ll b u s in e s s w it h S o u th A f r ic a American State lian k AN INDEPENDENT BANK Today Portland Association of Teachers and Portland Public Schools announced their jointly sponsored program. Homework Hotline, will re sume broadcasting September 30, 1986, at 4:00 p.m The televised pro gram appears on Cable Channel 2 Westside, and Channel 21 Eastside Hosted by Portland teachers, the program will appear every Tuesday and Thursday — 4:00-5:30 p.m. from September 30, 1986 to May 16, 1987 Students can receive homework assistance by dialing 280 5252 Questions will be answered over the phone for those without cable service A lb in a M in iste ria l A llia n c e Head Office 2 7 3 7 N E Union Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 1 2 286 0493 Fred Meyer is proud to have an employee like Judy Robinson and to be a part of North Portland Fred Meyer salutes the minority- owned businesses and the minority employees that work for North Portland businesses. “ I made it and you can too!” "Hi, I'm Judy Robinson I work as a Receiving Clerk at the Walnut Park Fred Meyer store Ive worked for Fred Meyer since 1978 "I grew up in North Portland. I've lived here all my life I graduated from Jefferson and went to Mount Hood Community College for a year I'm married in fact, my husband works for Fred Meyer, too I met him right here when he was working at this store I have a three year old daughter, love to travel and I m very active in my church 'I'm also very proud to be a part of our community North Portland is a great place to grow up. live and work "I want people to see me and say- Look, she came from here and she made it And I want them to make it tool" / »»nr people Io know the, can depend on me and that I m here to serve the com m unity 9 The m ost evatmg thing that ever happened to me * a s when I had Jo Ann my baby Shes a real blessing I ve worked at the Gresham F red Meyer store and visited the MoHywmod and «oso City stores too bur I'll always come back to Walnut Park because the people here are special The Walnut Park Fred Meyer One-Stop Shopping Center is located at We all have a bad day now and then but you /u si smile and keep g a n g 5408 N.E. Union Ave. Open 9AM to 10PM 7 Day« A Week Fred Meyer LOW 809 22525 IONE STOP SHOPPING J CENTERS < I f * v u »¡» nW « >»• ft A' • > i ; * • • • w