— -r* • • v/W PROPOSED STATEMENT AND USE OF FUNDS CITY OF PORTLAND 1986 87 HOUSING b COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (HCDI PROGRAM ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS By September 30, 1986, the City of Portland will apply for an additional $1,339,000 in Community Development Block Grant ICDBGI funds from the U S Department of Housing and Urban Develop ment (HUD, The following is a proposed statement of objectives and use of funds for the 86 87 CDBG IHCD) program for the additional funds Citizens are invited to comment on the proposed statement Comments should be directed to: Timothy Gallagher. Director Buruau of Community Develonment 1120 S W 5th, Rm 1120 Portland, OR 97204 Public commments also will be heard on Friday, September 26, 3 00 p.m ., 1120 S W 5th, 2nd Floor, Room A Sealed bids for Science I No. 35, Energy Conserva lion Measures (ECM'sl, BPA/ IBP, will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at the University of Oregon Physical Plant Department, Conference Room 2, 1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403, until 2 30 p.m., PST, Tues day, October 28, 1986 The HCD Program statement of objectives was pub lished on May 21. 1986 With the additional HCD funding the City proposes to meet these objectives by carrying out the following activities COMMUNITY SERVICES $949,000 1,00% of funds will benefit low income) Self Help Program - Grants awarded to HCD neighborhood groups for selected projects Emergency Housing and Home less Programs Emergency Housing Voucher Pro gram, Emergency Shelter for Homeless Youth. Ex pension of night shelter. Emergency shelter'housing for special needs with focus on homeless women and children Other Community Services Summer Yardwork Project; Ch id Care Information Project; Locks Program NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS $133,500 (100% of funds will benefit low income,. Neighbor hood Cleanups in HCD neighborhoods, Neighbor hood improvements in 6 southeast Portland HCD neighborhoods; Union Avenue median improve merits ECOMONIC DEVELOPMENT $70,000 151% of funds will benefit low ncome, Economic develop ment project for northeast Portland ADMINISTRATION, Pl ANNING AND CONTIN GENCY $186,500 General Management and over sight of the HCD Program; indirect costs; and contingency. TOTAl NEW FUNDING: $1,339,000 Briefly, the work includes ECM No 4, the replace ment of incandescent fixtures with fluorescent fix tures and the modification of remaining incandescent circuitry to accomodate dimming, and ECM No 5, includes a time based energy management controller and associated power line carrier to control lights For more information, U of O, phone 686 5243 contact Physical Plant, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Scaled bids fur the construction o f l(M)' each o f full and hall street improvements in the City of North Plains w ill he received by the Housing Authority of Washington County at 560 S.E Third Avenue. Hillsboro, Oregon 9712.1, until 2:00 p ni on Wednesday, October 15, 1986, al which time they w ill be publicly opened and read aloud at said office. Copies ot the documents may he purchased at the Owner's office at a cost ol $25 (Ml for each set Make checks payable to the Architect. Wesley V Korman A ll contracts exceeding $10,(KM) 00 shall contain a provi­ sion requiring compliance with Executive Order 11246, entitled, "E qual Employment O pportunity," as amended by Executive Order 11.175 and as supplemented in De partment of 1-abor regulations (41 CER Part 60) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids lor the construction o f a 12 unit ajvartinent building lor the elderly . in the City ot North Plains, w ill be received by (he Housing Authority of W ashington County at 560 S I Third Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 9 7 12.1, until 2.00 p m on Wednesday, October 15, 1986. at which lime they w ill be publicly opened and read aloud at said office Copies ot the documents may be purchased al the Owner's office at a cost o f $25 (Ml lor each set Make checks pavablc to the Architect, Wesley V Korman A ll contracts exceeding $IO,(XM, (M) shall contain a provi­ sion requiring compliance with Executive Order 11246. entitled, "E qual Employment O pportunity," as amended by Executive Order I 1.175 and as supplemented in De partment ol I ahor regulations (41 CER Part 60) Page 8, JOBS, September 24, 1986 >x Z c