LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LIBRARIAN Instructor Life Experience Assessment Program Halftime A pplication deadline October 15, 1986 Provides general reference ser vice under the general supervi sion of the head of Head Refer ence Qualifications MLS from an accredited library school, strong service orientation and ex cellent com m unication skills 6 m onth temporary position. Saia ry: $1,498 00 per m onth. Please submit a letter and resume to: B u sin e ss M a n a g e m e n t Training Specialist Business Assistance Center A pplication deadline October 3. 1986 Assessor A dult Basic Education/ High School Completion Department 9 M onth Position A pplication Deadline October 3. 1986 S e c re ta ry ASLC C Student Activities A pplication deadline October 3, 1986 Lab A id e Mechanics Department A pplication deadline Octotter 3. 1986 In s tru c to r Business Department Temporary A pplication deadline Octobei 10. 1986 Call 1 726 2211 or w rite Lane C o m m u n ity C o lle g e Personnel Services 4000 E 30th A ve E ugene. OR 97406 For application and |ob descrip tion LCC application must be received no later than 5 00 p m on deadline date An A ffirm ative Action Equal O pportunity Institution $60.00 PER HUNDRED PAID For remailing letters from home' Send self addressed, stamped envelope for inform ation appli cation. Associates B ox 96 B Roselle. NJ 07203 Page 6, JOBS, September 24, 1986 (R e fe re n ce) O re g o n S ta te L ib ra ry S ta te L ib ra ry B ldg S alem . OR 97310 P h one (503) 378 4243 WORD PROCESSING INFORMATION PROCESSING ANALYST II High volume department in a ma jor health insurance company has an opening for an Inform ation Processing Analyst II. Qualified applicants must have the follow ing experience: previous machine transcription ft at least 6 months experience in the operation of w ord processing equipement (preferrably IBM) in a centralized environm ent; demonstrated knowledge of correct spelling, grammar ft punctuation; ability to follow complex w ritten and verbal instructions ft procedures; excellent organizational f t com m unication skills Trained Dis playwriter operator preferred A bility to work under extreme pressure, typing 65 wpm . Course work in w ord processing techno logy also desirable Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competi tive salary Please apply or send resume to: B lue C ross and B lue S h ie ld o f O re g o n Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland. OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Employer LEADERSHIP VOLUNTEERS NEEDED THE PORTLAND W OMENS CRI SIS LINE seeks individuals to serve on oui BOARD OF DIREC TORS The PWCL is a fem inist agency providing crisis counseling, refer rals and advocacy to victims of rape, dom estic violence, incest and sexual harrassment The PWCL needs your tune, your skills, and your com m itm ent to guide and support our effort to end violence against women and children If you share our com m itm ent to this cause, please contact The PWCL today P o rtla n d W o m e n 's C risis Line P O B ox 42610 P o rtla n d . OR 97242 0610 (503) 232 9751 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES MULTNOMAH COUNTY D e n ta l A s s is ta n t/ R e c e p tio n is t $6 77 per hour; requires one year experience or com pletion of ac credited dental assisting program and ability to obtain certificate of radiologic proficiency w ithin six m onths apply by October 3, 1986 S c h o o l M e n ta l H e a lth C o n s u lta n t $10 12 12 71 per hour; provides consultation, diagnostic cvalua tiori artd treatm ent for children and adolescents w ho exhibit severe em otional disturbances, requires masters degree in men tai health field and tw o years of experience, apply by October 3, 1986 WHERE TO APP LY M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth o u s e R o o m 134 1021 S W F o u rth A v e n u e P o rtla n d . OR 97204 An Equal O pportunity Employer