• > .1 < . MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTING INVESTMENT ASSISTANT NEIGHBORHOOD LIVABILITY COORDINATOR Swing S hift Salary Range $2116 83 to $2858 67 per month plus benefits Requires 3 years supervisory experience suppor ted by excellent references, mechanical aptitude, math and com m unication skills plus know ledge of com puter input and out put Experience hi safety and hazard com m unication training A ffirm ative Action supporter BA degree in related field de sired Resumes to The Investment Department of a major health insurance company will be accepting applications for the Investment Assistant posi tion Investment activities in elude transfeiring and recording of figures required to generate daily balance reports, records m onthly buy and sell transactions for stock p o rtfolio perforins ac count reconciliation and other investment related tasks Mini m um qualifications qualified ap plicants w ill have knowledge of investment theory Demonstra ted analytical skills M inim um 1 year college accounting or 1 year accounting or bookkeeping ex perience, 10 key b calculator Experience using a personal com puter and Lotus 1 2 3 w ould be helpful. The Neighborhood Livability Co ordinator will be responsible for coordinating neighborhood out reach activities and w orking w ith H C D N eighborhoods on H C 0 clean up protects Q u a lif ic a tio n s • de m o n stra te d o rg an izatio na l ability • demonstrated ibttity to < om municate well w ith people o, all ages, races and lifestyles • knowledge of the Inner North Northeast Commu mty, neighborhood associa lions organizations and com m unity groups • responsible for recruitment and training of volunteers for involvement in H C D neighborhood activities P e rs o n n e l M a n a g e r C Tran P O B ox 2529 V a n c o u v e r W A 98668 2529 Closes w ith selection of candi date Equal O pportunity Employer MF H HELP WANTED S k ills • ability to w ork independently and to form ulated w ork plan • ahilily lii M p e rv iM and mo tivate volunteers • w riting skills • fam iliarity w ith local govern merit process and policies • ability to understand the to tai concept of the protect Carpet Installers Need journey level carpet mechanics Must be able to relocate Maui, Hawaii Must have ow n tools Paul top money References and or re­ sume needed Call 1 (808) 242 6402, or w rite K B Tester. 401 Hookahi S t., No. ,4. W ailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex tim e w ork hours, and cornpeti live salary Please apply or send resume to: B lue C ross and B lue S h ie ld o f O re g o n Human Resources Dept 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland. OR 97201 HELP WANTED C o m p e n s a tio n $5.000 w ith a com m itm ent of tw enty (201 hours per week for th irty tw o (321 weeks HIRING N O W 1 C onstruction (all phases), drivers, machinists, me chanics, welders, airlines, (up to $32 60 hr) (308) 382 3700 (We know w h o 's hiring) Trans continental Jo b Search Fee required Equal O pportunity Employer HELP WANTED PUBLICATION COM M UNICA TION SPECIALIST w ith strong sales, layout and design exper lence. Chamber activities Base plus comm ission M cM innville Chamber of Commerce, 417 N Adams. M cM inville, OR 97,28 (5031472 6196 N o te Position will be as a con sultant to the H C D neighbor hoods, and the person selected will be acting as an independent contractor, resfMinsible for his her own taxes and social security payments HELP WANTED OVERSEAS JOBS $20 000 to $60,000 plus bonus. Job offers guaranteed Fre>' inform ation Doycorp, Box 697 LGS. Pocatel Io, Idaho 83201 Applications are available at The N o rth e a s t N e ig h b o rh o o d O ffic e 4815 N E 7th A ve n u e P o rtla n d . OR 97211 248 4575 HELP WANTED $20,000 Yearly Possible Pre pare at home for Post Office Clerk Carrier employm ent exams Fee W rite Federated (0R 9I, P 0 Box 160R8. Hattiesburg, MS 3940? 6088 JOBS No a p p lic a tio n s will be mailed Deadline for com pleted applica lions is Wednesday Octotiei 1. 288-0033 September 21 1986 JOBS Pn«je 3 • .• e. e 1- . >■ ’ • . • ■ . r» Z « tz . - z»t • • * .. fa z . f • . • •/ • • ' Z. * .. . . - * • •* .