PORTLAND OBSERNER Volume XVI, Number 46 September 24, 1986 25C Candidates For Chair Address Forum . i • by Jerry Garner Gladys McCoy and Glenn Otto, the two candidates for Chairman of Multnomah County Board of Com missioners. addressed a forum at tended by 35 people last Saturday at the Fist AME Zion Church, 109 North Skidmore The forum was sponsored by the Oregon Assembly For Black Affairs The Oregon Assembly For Black Affairs is a non profit, statewide corporation committed to improving the status of Blacks in Oregon It was founded on April 9, 1977, and is registered with the Oregon Cor poration Commission. Although nonpartisan, the organization is po litical and places a maior emphasis on building a better Oregon for the Black community. Each candidate was given 10 mi­ nutes to address the meeting. Du ring the ten minutes, each candi date was asked, if elected, how she or he will involve Blacks in econo mic development in Multnomah County; address the issues and con ditions of African Americans in Multnomah County; and whether Blacks will be members of her or his immediate staff. Otto said that he believes that one way to reduce the unemployment among African Americans in Mult nomah County is to get them into apprenticeship programs in plumb ing, carpentry, construction, and painting He said it's vital that Black community leaders stress the impor tance of a high school education to Blacks. "In order to be accepted into these programs, one must have a high school education." There fore, he encourages Black commu nity leaders to stress the importance of a high school diploma to Black youths ., : Otto said the county doesn't have an economic development plan and that the community colleges are do mg more in the area of economic development than Multnomah County He said, as county chair, he would work with the colleges in developing a solid economic devel opment program in the county Otto said he is committed to having a staff in his administration that is representative of the county Not only will there be qualified Blacks on my staff, there are other minorities besides Blacks who are out there McCoy said that not only would she support apprenticeship pro grams, she would also make sure those trainees get the opportunity to practice their craft once they graduate " There should be a strong affirmative action program to ensure that African Americans get a fair share of the |obs that are gener­ t ated.'' McCoy said the county doesn t have |urisdiction over economic de velopment in Northeast Portland. "This is the responsibility of the city of Portland. However, as county chair. I will facilitate the coopéra tion and coordination with the dif ferent governmental bodies to ere ate new businesses throughout all (LI Glenn O tto and IR I Gladys M cC o y, candidates for Chairperson of M u ltn o m a h C ounty Board of C om m issioners, get together fol low ing a forum sponsored by the Oregon A ssem bly For Black A f fairs Calvin Henry (C). O A B A president, joins them . Photo by Richard J B row n areas of Multnomah County " She sa d this can be done by of fenny businesses incentives such as having a trained work force, finan these incentives.' McCoy said. McCoy said she would also focus her attention on small businesses, saying that 85 percent of all new cing, deferred taxes, prepared land, sewers, streets, etc "This is why businesses have been locating in Clark County, because they have