4 w. September 17, 1986 Portland Observer, Page 9 I What Your Doctor A T T E N T IO N May Not Be Telling You Secure Horizons is a senior health plan. Join us at one of our seminars to find out how you can reduce out of pocket health care expenses: September 22 Providence Milwaukie Hospital (Dwyer), 10 am. Septem ber 25 St Vincent Hospital, 10 am, September 26 Emanuel Hospital, 10 am, September 29 Woodland Park Hospital. 10 am September 30 — Meridian Park Hospital, 2 pm. For reservations call 620 8934 or 1 800 624 6050 Secure Horizons is a non profit ivteoicare Health Maintenance Oigani zation (HMO) program offered through community physicians and hospi­ tals Please call, if you would like further information Accepting, without question, deci- 'idns your doctor nukes about your medical care may he unhealthy I f you do not ask about drugs heing pt>scnhed for you or the reason for e starting the week of October 13. Classes include The Struggle Against Apartheid Mon Womens Leader ship Development, Mon, The International Green Movement. Tues Inten tional Communities. Wed. Hanford and U S Nuclear Policy, Thur; Abortion and Feminism. Sun All classes start at 7 30 P M Registration is $20 00 ahead of time, $25 00 when classes start, sliding scale for unemployed COURSES RUN UP TO EIGHT WEEKS For more inform ation regarding location or anything else, call 230 0488 SAFEWAY • Become a vocal, informed self­ advocate in vour medical care It is your right to refuse any X ray, test or treatment that you are not convinced is needed If your doctor does not like to he questioned, find another one who w ill accept you as a partner in your treatment • Ask about any medication pre­ scribed fin d out its name, what it is expected to do. what side effects it may cause and whether any other substances you arc taking w ill inter­ fere with it Make sure you tell the doctor any drug sensitivities you have lake only those drugs that are absolutely necessary • Ask what the doctor hopes to leam from proposed laboratory tests or X rays, what the benefits and risks are. and the costs What w ill happen if you do not have it done? Are there alternatives? • When surgery is recommended, ask why Find out if nonsurgical options are available and how often the par­ ticular operation is performed Other questions to ask: W ill the surgery be done by a senior staff surgeon? How often has the surgeon performed the operation? Also, it is advisable to get a second opinion from a board- certified specialist who does not practice in the same office or hospital as the first doctor For a tree reprint o f "T he Disease Doctors Don’t Talk A b o u t," write to Reprints Editor. Reader’s Digest, Box 25. Pleasantville. N Y 10570 Assorted Pork Chops Lean, m eaty, C e n te r and End C ut c h o p s fe a tu rin g S afew .iy e x c lu s iv e 1/4-lnch S uper Trim E co n o m ica l A n d D e lic io u s G reat tim e to sto ck-u p the freezer at th is low p r ic e 1 N o L im it! M rs W r ig h t’ s Multi-Meal Bread mble B ee « ■ boos» Round Sant>».ch Q t ’ ■!» i x M rs B u tte rw o rth Syrups Give your favorite t B umble B ee doctor a ring ’> « ) » • ' ' o r * N « y u a< «X k ••« % $ * $ • • J lü v n » R o tu « \ o u r ( K o i< » ! Oi*K|ji»hlTunain^lrf An amazing percentage o f visits to the doctor are unnecessary. most health problems are "s e lf lim itin g ," which means that they go away by themselves and there isn’t much, if anything, yotxor modem medicine) can do to has­ ten their departure It’s sometimes hard to tell whether you should take two aspirin and go to bed. or go to the trouble and expense o f a doctor’ s visit, however, and that’s w here the phone comes in handy. Good doctors never insist on seeing their pa tienls unnecessarily, and they're al­ ways happy to make self-care recom­ mendations over the phone when it's appropriate Krusteaz^- Buttermilk Pancake Mix Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna Choose from Oil or Water Packed Styles 6 5-Ounce Can or Whole Wheat & Honey Pancake Mix 3 5-Pound Bag W hite/Beige S c e n te d or W h d e /B lu e /G re e n Unscented S a v e Up To $ 1 . 1 8 2. N o L im it! HOW i o M AKE Y o i R DOCTOR’S RECEPTIONIST THINK YOU’ RE TERRIFIC NEW HARVEST If you’ re organized and prepared when you call your doctor's office, you’ ll win the respect and appreciation o f the receptionist, which w ill make the telephone help that much more e ffi­ cient I Introduce yourself State briefly (one sentence) why you're calling ( " I ’ ve had a fever o f lO T fo r three days and I was wondering if there's some thmgelse I should be doing about it.")* If you don’t think your problem needs to be seen by the doctor, say so 2 Be prepared to answer (use notes!): • What are the specific symptoms? • When (what day/what time) did the symptoms start? • What have you done for relief, if anything? (Refer to notes for names o f medications Don't forget to men­ tion over-the counter medications.) • Why are you womed?/How would you like us to help you? Red or Golden Delicious Apples New crop, picked at the peak of flavor and crispness freshly harvested from the orchards ot San LeEore, Jr , of Milton-Freewater. Granny Smith Apples Oregon N o L im it ! Ad Prices Good 9/17 Thru 9/23/86 At Your Nearby Safeway Store. Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. No Sales To Dealers. ) SAFEWAY •COPYRIGHT 1978 SAFEWAY STORES. INCORPORATED 3. Have a pencil in hand to take y • , • . - 6-Pak Charmin Bath Tissue . -, 2 a • ■> YÍ-. > , » • . , * . . •1 « • »» » .. -, "»* . » e ) . , ’ ;