Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 17, 1986, Page 7, Image 7

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September 17, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 7
The M t Olivet Baptist Church located at 116 N E Schuyler, w ith Rev
John Jackson o fficia tin g as Pastor, is proud to present it s Seventh
Annual Choir Concert Celebration featuring the M t Olivet Jubilee Singers,
under the direction of Claude Bowles
The M t Olivet Baptist Church located at 116 N E Schuyler, w ith Rev
John Jackson o fficia tin g as Pastor, is proud to present it s Seventh Annual
Choir Concert Celebration featuring the M t Olivet Jubilee Singers, under
the direction o f Claude Bowles
W e encourage everyone to come and join us in our celebration held this
year on Sunday, September 28th, beginning prom ptly at 5 00 P M ,
entitled, “ How Excellent is Thy name”
For further inform ation, call 284 3515.
Reverend Blood in the Flesh and Blood
Inside Outside People, Inc. on the 21st of September, from 1 to 8 p m , will
tie presenting Reverend Blood fct The Crack A tta c k l" W h o is Reverend
Blood? Only the hero we need in a tim e of disaster You can fo llo w the
origin of Rev Blood weekly in the Portland Observer
Also appearing w ill be Tush Aerobics, Calvin Walker b The Conquerors.
Marcus Irving ventriloquist, Ada Jackson in her debut performance.
Totally S ubm itted. Unity Redeemed. The Ray Tellis Band, comedian Billy
Lewis, A Lee W ilson. Sojourner Truth Theatre, and Pass N Artist
A nd th a t's not a ll..... a com m and perform ance o f the hit rap “ Pipe
Dreams" perform ed by The U ntouchables
the debut of Reverend
and a fo o t stom ping perform ance from "S pare Change” , former
ly The Street Music Band
w ith the finale perform ed by The New Testa
ment Choir.
This event is a fundraiser for Inside Outside People
Come join us at Pioneer Square.
St. Paul Rodeo Announces
1987 Court Tryouts
M e tro C risis In te rv e n tio n S e rvice v o lu n te e r. T a m m y S m ith has been
a c o u n s e lo r fo r a b o u t 10 w e e k s
P h o to by R ic h a rd J B ro w n
Crisis Calls Increase — Volunteer
Counselors Needed at Hotline
Tryouts for the ,987 St Paul Rodeo Court w ill be held November 23.
1986 at 1 30 PM at the Salem Saddle Club arena The Court w ill consist of
a Queen and tw o princesses
A pplications and tryout inform ation may tie obtained by w riting to St
Paul Rodeo Court. P O Box 72. St Paul, Oregon 97137, or you may call
Gary or Diane Sim on at 981 1216
Qualifications for the court are listed below
1 M ust be between the ages of 17 and 22. inclusive
2 M u s t tie at least a graduating senior in high school.
3 M usi be unmarried (never having been married)
4 M ust have her ow n horse and equipm ent and transportation for her
5 M ust have sufficient free tim e for wardrobe fittin g s and to attend the
various parades and other functions at w hich the court w ill represent the
St Paul Rodeo
These appearances w ill usually be on weekends
Since January of 1986 over 4,000 calls a m onth have been
answered by mental health professionals and volunteer crisis
counselors at M etro Crisis Intervention Service, the m etropol
itan area 24 hour hotline. Calls are up try nearly 1,000 a m onth
over 1985 figures
People call w ith a variety of problem s including suicide,
dom estic violence, parent child co nflict and alcohol and drug
issues. There are also many calls concerning basic needs such
as emergency shelter, food and clothing
Executive Director, Laura S tola r, attributes this increase in
calls to several factors.
The decrease in funding at the feder
al, state and county levels has caused the reduction or elimina
tion of many social program s,” she stated
Also there are
more people calling w ho are experiencing situational crisis
such as unem ploym ent and divorce
A dditionally there has
been as increase in problems experienced by chronically men
tally ill individuals.”
She also feels that the agency, w hich is
funded by M ultnom ah and W ashington Counties and United
Way, is becom ing better know n in the com m unity for its 24
hour counseling, inform ation and referral, and is therefore
being utilized more extensively
To meet the heavy demand of calls, M etro Crisis Interven
tion Service has made an appeal for volunteers
MCIS is seek
ing caring, non judgem ental individuals w ho t an work one (1)
four hour shift per week
No experience is needed
Over 50
hours o f training is provided and all volunteers work under the
supervision of mental health professionals.
Interested indivi
duals should contact the business o ffice at 226 3099
Peninsula Park
Community Happenings
C h a ra c te r B u ild in g T h ru S p o rts T Th,3 45 5 45 p m $15 Instrs
Pittman b staff A variety of sports b conditioning
Intro to wrestling
W re s tlin g
Age 8 14. M W F 5 M 7 30 p m
815 p h * < i
Instr Pittm an ft staff
C o n d itio n in g ft a e ro b ic s
M W F 7 30 8 30 pm, ongoing Sept 8
Aug, 1987, $90 per year $10 per m onth Drop in fee $2 Instr C ondition
ing staff Aerobic f t conditioning w orkout for adults, class size is limited
Child Care $12 for term or $2 drop in fee per child Childcare for children
1 8 years available during conditioning and aerobics class
W re s tlin g T Th. 8 30 9 30 pm. Sept 30 Der ,1 Instr Pittman ft staff
W restling w orkout time for adults
New York. September 1, 1986
W ith the initiation o f a nationwide
subscription cam paign, TNV News Syndicate announces the introduction
of the Nationalist View a national weekly newsletter, to begin publication
in O ctober, ,986
TNV News Syndicate Chairman, M A Hassan, invisions the newsletter,
directed prim arily at the A frican American reader, as an idea whose time
has come
The context of the newsletter w ill consist o f political and social comm on
tary as expressed by a wide range of writers, both well know and little
know n, whose
w ritings
African nationalism
The subscription campaign w ill include advertising in the print media.
direct mail, and specialized lists, w ith particular a ttention to the collegiates
and professional class
Promising to print w riters whose w orks are considered by some to be too
m ilitant or provocative, TNV boasts to be the rig h t com m entary for African
America today
Charter subscribers can receive TNV for tw o (2) years for the cost of
postage alone, just $22 88 - a savings of $52 To subscribe, please call
1718) 622 2756 w ith your name, address and zip code, or w rite TNV. P .0
Box 644 Adelphi Station, Brooklyn, NY 11238
Tel. 282-1664
• •
4 d
' r-
H om e W e a th e riza tio n
Class Scheduled
A new class, Home Weatheriza
tion Plan Insulation Techniques", is
being offered for three weeks, start
ing September 23, by Portland
C om m unity College
Instructor Kevin Anderson will
discuss different types of insulation
and help students select ttie type
most suitable for their homes
will cover installation techniques,
special installation problems, win
dow insulation, storm windows,
thermostats, gas and oil heating,
flame retention burners and tint
water heaters
The class w ill meet from 7 to 10
p m Tuesdays in Room 119 of W il
son High School, 1,51 S W Ver
m on, St
Further inform ation may Lie oh
tamed from PCC C om m unity Ser
vices, 273 ?8t0
Get Fresh
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New National Weekly Newsletter
Starting O ctober 1986
_QLLh_® People i_P_°_rJpe_People_L By_the_People,
Enclosed is my check/M 0 For $22 88 as full payment
Please pill me with first issue. I have 30 days to pay
(check one)
TNV News Syndicate
P.0. Box 644 Adelphi Station
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11238
In South Africa. There Is Only
One Solution
Your Support of The Freedom Fighters Will
Hasten the Day of Victory for Democracy. One
man - One vote Give as if the absence of Liberty
there diminishes all of us. in truth, it does
Enclosed is my check/M 0 for
___________________ as my
contribution to the Freedom Fighters m the South African struggle
for One man - One vote
Send Contribution to:
^ * O f ^ ^ o u f ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ n ^ l^ ^ ^ C ^ ^ T ^ 4 o n d a ^ h r u ^ a h jr d a ^
Labeled the British version of the Jackson Five, the Pearson siblings, or
Fivestar. climbed quickly to the top of the U S pop charts w ith their 1985
debut album, Luxury o f Lite
Their dehut album, featuring the hit singles
and videos. Let Me Be The One and "A ll Fall D o w n ," is on its w ay to
liecom ing gold Prior to their 1985 U S debut, Fivestar had already created
a follow ing in their native England
Fivestar consists o t 2 , year old
Stedman, 19 year old Dons, 18 year old Lorraine. 17 year old Deniece and
15 year old Delroy The fam ily lives in Los Angeles and is currently recot
ding their second album to be released in the late summer o f 1986
First CORPS, the acronym fo r the First Consolidated Original Peoples
Service. Inc as organization chartered in New York in ,977 for the expres
sion of African American aspirations, announces that it is officially |oinmg
the chorus of Am ericans against apartheid, the hated system of govern
ment in South A frica.
First CORPS plans fund raising campaigns and public speaking events to
give financial, moral and material support to the freedom fighters and raise
sentim ent on the issues in that war torn land
Any organization desiring to contribute to the struggle for one man one
vote in South A frica is asked to call 1718) 622 2756
Democracy Vs Apartheid Committee
P 0 Box 644 Adelphi Station
Brooklyn New York 11238
'across from Satewav Lloyd Canteo
Democracy vs. Apartheid Committee
1106N.E. Broadway
. t •
Sponsored by: The First Consolidated Original Peoples
Service Inc A N Y Registered Not for Profit Corp
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