1 Page 4, Portland Observer, September 17, 1986 &o«'‘><»steVOUr4( sa saatercaro - s t * t a t u s a » elcomeo -A U llS líS ti »ALIOATIOTARIISC - O tT IU WM R.S (»oso A Y SATLROAY | am - lUXINCS AYAIlAMI - (7M ADA MI M U I 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -3 0 0 9 Or Edward G. Ward 610 SW Alder, tu ile IOOM payíTY •r>t Flor» ^ 9 STEVEN BAILEY. N I). N ätit « » pathk : F amily P hysician W ills D o rse y w ill be g u e s t s o lo is t at th e P o rtla n d S ic k le C ell A n e m ia F o u n d a tio n 's 2nd A n n u a l B a n q u e t S a tu rd a y . S e p te m b e r 20, 1986 at 6 p m . . Exec * Lodge, near a irp o rt. 6221 N E 82nd $16 00 d o n a tio n For in fo c a ll 249 1366 T ic k e t o u tle ts C h ris tia n S u p p ly C e n te r. L lo yd C e n te r. H ouse o f S o u n d . 3634 N E W illia m s (5 0 ,, 2H9 9914 FREE GOSPLE C O N C E R T hi «* n KiLUN( ;sw( mm k » htlani » ( * «*7217 As primary health care providers we otter a full range of naturopathic health care service The naturopathic physician provides preventative, wholistic and natural family health care tor a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and minor traumatic injuries The follow ing is a list of services available through the clinic Feel free to call and discuss your questions about the naturopathic approach to health and how it applies to you and your family • COMPLETE PHYSICAL E XA M S • C O N SULTA TIO N S FOR SPECIFIC PROBLEMS • GYNECOLOGIC E X A M S A N D W O M E N S HEALTH CARE • N U TR ITIO N A L A NO OIETARY ASSESSM ENT • ALLERGY TESTING A N D C LINICAL ECOLOOY • G ERIATRICS • C HILDREN S MEOICINE • SCHOOL A NO JOB PHYSICALS • PRENATAL ANO POSTNATAL CARE • S TA N D A R D LABORATORY A N D D IA G N O S TIC TESTING • H AIR M IN ER A L A N A LYSIS • PHYSIOTHERAPY M A N IP U L A T IO N AND MASSAG E • EXERCISE THERAPY • CLEANSING P R O G R A M S A N D FASTING • COUNSELING • BOTANICAL MEDICINE • H O M E O PA TH Y • HYDROTHERAPY 286 0493 THE M O U N T O LIVET B A P TIS T C H U R C H N E First b S ch u yle r • 284 1964 about Special Olympics, call Clackamus Special Olym pics John H Jackson M mi« tar M Ed M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5 OOP M Vatpar Service 10 00 A M Hapti«m Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion Each Feel Sunday The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National. Oregon, P o rtla n d E cum enical M in is trie s , A m erican Bible S o cie ty M E»M Board ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH A I Phillip S N elio n (Pastor) COMMUNITY CHURCH of GOD M O U N T A IN UPDATE A guest speaker from the Big M ountain Support Group w ill dis cuss the resistance that forced the U S Government to delay their planned July eviction of 11,000 Dine people, w ho live atop highly coveted mineral rich Arizona tribal lands Discuss w ith us the present stand o ff and strategies to perman ently halt the forced relocation and genocide of the Dine (Navajo) Na tion. Radical W om en meeting on Thursday, October ,6. 6 30 p.m , M ultnom ah C ounty Central Library. 80, S W 10th Avenue Everyone is welcom e For more inform ation call 249 8067 W heelchair acces sible S o c ia lis t F e m in is t S tu d y G ro u p 202 N E. Skidm ore 281 5678 284 5669 B IG Services 9:46a.m ., Sunday School 11 00 a m , Morning Worship 7 00 p m , Evening Worship 7 00 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meetin Victor R B row n, B Theology. Pastor Dr Hazel I Brown Sr . D D . Assistant Pastor SMILE - GOD LOVES YOU Tuetday YOU A P I W U C O M f TO W O R SH IP AT B>bie Bend Thursday Cho•» Rehaaryai Sunday I Sunday School I Mommy 84 N E K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 " A warm spirit of fellowship always' T te A ^ S f^ S fe ty without which Noon Day Prayer Fndey The Pavor Speak % 1 JOp m I Saturday d o Mommy Prayer man shall see the Cord 9 1 5 am H 'B p m Tuesday Friday Jfollou* peace u’ilh ' all n x o .r holiness 1 00 p m 11 ,5 a m 6 30 p m urch o í God in Christ tkeStUe /3 0 p m "T h e politics o f to m o rro w ," "h o n e s t... self critical and power fully inspiring,” are responses to "S ocialist Feminism: The First De cade, 1966 76", the subject of an eight week study group The book chronicles Radical W om en's and the Freedom Socialist Party's for mative years and contains common tary, history, and analysis of the antiw ar, fem inist, civil rights and lesbian gay liberation movem ents Beginning October 6. the group w ill meet weekly on Monday even ings at 7:00 p.m . at 2111 E. Burn side Registration for the series is $15.00 ($8 00 for unemployed) Everyone is welcom e Snacks and beverages w ill be served. To regi ster or for more inform ation call: 15031 249 8067 _________ J A N IT O R IA L Cleaning - Efficient. Dependable References AU areas 249 7950 7.35% YLD FSLIC INSURED 9 00 a m ONF VFAR CO CALL FOR OTHER RATES ft TERMS I W. WILSON FINANCIAL «71 SW Mh 777 1144 been extended to Local Churches. City, County, and State Officials The Celebration will be held at the Bethel A frican M ethodist Episcopal Church w hich is located at 5828 NE 8th Avenue, Portland. Oregon. The schedule for the day is: 11:00 am W orship Service, 3:30 pm — Cul m ination o f the Celebration Join the Bethel familv in the Celebration of this joyous occasion! "Albina ft Early Portland History” C ity of th e P a s t......... C o m m u n ity o f th e F u tu re Precious M other Justice " , candidate for Honorary Mayor o f Albina, invite you to an evening of looking back to old Portland and Albina w ith Professor Albert Elsworth as he presents a lecture w ith slides and memora bilia Thursday September 25, 7 p m to 9 p.m . at the North Portland Branch Library. 512 N K illingsworth in the Upstairs A uditorium . Refreshments w ill be served and tax deductible donations are welcom e This event is sponsored by the N NE Business Boosters I oi more inform ation, call 285 3625 or 289 3804 You Are Invited Patton Central United M ethodist Church is inviting all former members, 1 he sermon by the Reverend Luther Sturtevant w ill be entitled " A Piece of Pie" Due to the g ro w th of the mentally retaried population in Clackamas County, the Special Olympics year round sports training program needs volunteers Clackamas C ounty Special Olympics is hosting a Volunteer O rientation night Thursday. September ,8 th from 7 to 9 P M at the Clack amas Town Center Cedar Room You d o n 't have to be a professional athlete to be involved, all you need is a desire to see that the mentally handicapped have an opportunity to com pete in the Olyrnpx tradition giving them a chance to fulfill their human potential For more inform ation Albina Ministerial Alliance M a tth e w A W a tle y . P a s to r o f B e th e l A M E C h u rc h . as well as current members and friends, to attend a special worship service on Sunday, September 2 , at 4 o'clock SPECIAL OLYMPICS VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION A P ublic S e rv ic e of th e P o rtla n d O b t t r v r r Corner of 1th end Skidm ore Sunday School 9 1 5 am Sunday Wnrthtp 11 00 a m Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00 p m (second and fourth Sunday«! Guest artist W ills Dorsey, 7:00 p m . Albina Church of God, 5522 N Albina Health Fair, 1986, will be held Saturday, September 20, 1986, at Portland C om m unity College Cascade Campus located at 705 N K illingsworth from 9 00 a m 5:00p.m . Free Blood Pressure Screening, 10:00 a m Free Dental Screening, 12 40 p m 2 3 0 p m Free Middle Ear Screening and Healing Aid Check Free CPR Course. 12 00 (lim ited enrollm ent I Youth Program. Auditorium 12:00 2:30 p.m Includes a skit from 12 00 p.m 1 00 p m Children's Program (ages 5 12 only! for children whose parents are attending ttie Health Fair, Piedmont Church. N Albina Various medical and instructional seminars offered Example Effective Single Parenting. Spinal Care, Foot Care. Basic Hair i t S( alp Marriage ft Family, Coping w ith Hurls, Sound N utrition. Sm oking and Your Lungs, Legal Seminar: Christian Ethics. Stress Management, Sleep Disorders. Basic Ear, Nose ft Throat Care, Single Yet Married Care of the Elderly Predialric Care N urturing f t Loving Your Child. Inner Peace Healing by the Bible, Power of a Pure M ind, Christian Education, and more plus dis plays Inform ation on obtaining help from different outreac h support mini stries Please join us The Bethel A frican M ethodist Episcopal Church has scheduled a Hom ecom ing Celebration Sunday, September 28. 1986 The Church was firs, organized in ,889 in the hom e o f one of its tw enty members W orship services were held in several sites through out the City before a permanent loc ation at North Larabee and M cM illian was obtained W orship services were held at the Larabee site for forty five years at w hich time it was purchased by the City to build the present day Memorial Coliseum The present edifice is n ow located at N E 8th and Jarrett It is the second oldest Black M ethodist Church in the city o f Portland w ith a membership of nearly 700 The Hom ecom ing festivities will be an opportunity to comm erate the church's 97 years of Christian ser vice in the city of Portland The Reverend A Lee Henderson, one o f the former Pastors, w ho now serves as Secretary Treasurer of the Sunday School U nion o f the African M ethodist Episcopal Church will be the featured guest Invitations have 659 7339 A Pie Party 5 00 p m reunion fellowship w ill follow the service at approximately P a to n ( . rural C h u rcti is lo t .tie d on th e corn et o f N A lb e rta a n d M ich iga n Volunteers Needed Do you know a battered woman or have you been abused? Bradley Angle House a help line and em eigency shelter for battered women and children needs volunteers to help battered wom en gain control o f their lives Our next volunteei training begins September 23, 1986 For inform ation about how you can help, call Bradley Angle House at 281 3540 PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE >1 O > l//t P U S Portland Community College cordially invites you to an OPEN HOUSE Celebrating its 25th Anniversary Saturday, September 20. 1986 10am 2pm Cascade Campus 705 N Killingsworth History of the Campus 11 am. • noon Health Fair Tours of Science/lndustry Labs All day Drawings every hour - free classes Register For classes at each campus From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Special PCC Alumni welcoming tables’ Visit with your former classmates’ See what s happening now in your programs of the past