. r S • ' * POSITION OPEN POSITION W ANTED C o m m u n ity E d ito r ' F e a tu re W rite r P h o to jo u rn a lis t C om m unity editor w anted at the News Guard on the scenic Ore gon coast Feature w riting, abil ity to operate 35mm camera, and stronq design and layout skills preferred Send resume, clips and salary requirem ents to Jim Moore. News Editor. Nows Guard. PO Box 848 Lincoln City OR 97367 Central American Program Direc tor educate Hispanic youths and adults about connections bet ween non intervention in Central America and issues affecting U S Hispanics. Organize His panic non intervention groups Bilingual Bicultural organizer w ith dem onstrated m p a ria n i • w orking in Hispanic com m uni ties Hispanic candidate strongly urged to apply. Job base in Portland, OB Saia ry begins at $20,000 Contact A m e ric a n F riends S e rv ic e C o m m itte e 814 NE 40th St S e a ttle . W A 98105 (2061632 0500 for application form s tions due by 10 I 86 FOR SALE Applica R e p o rte r The Democrat Herald in Baker, Oregon seeks a reporter to cover local governm ent, business and | the courts Photography and lay out desired Send resume, cover letter and salary requirements to Gary M iddleton, Editor. Demo crat Herald, PO Box 807 Baker OR 97814 APT FOR 2nd Floor Duplex RENT New Paint. New Carpet, Tile Bath, 2 BR $230 00 mo. 68,1 N E. Union 286 3189 HELP WANTED NEED CONSULTANT to offer educational toys from around the w orld to parents, schools, etc Part tim e or career in manage m ent. W ill train 1503) 642 9368 estate jewelry BUY ft SELL C ash fo r Y o u r O ld S ilv e r b G old such as • W edding Bands. Fraternal Jewelry, • Class Rings Broken Chains. • Dental Gold; ETC Call Nancy at HELP W ANTED appliance repair person Full tim e wage 2 years exper lence or training All makes, refrigeration necessary Send Carlyle Gems B Custom Jew elry 4425 N.E. Fremont 284 8400 resume to Les Appliances. 309 N Baker S t., M cM innville OR 972,8 ( 5031 472 3329 estate sale janitorial Reduced1 2 Bdrm, 60 by 12 mo bile home Excellent condition A dult Beaverton Court Make offer «43 5368 644 3760 Cleaning Efficient, Dependable, References All areas 249 7950 newspaper prom otions, training staff in both ad sales and design, establishing a co op and classi fied system, and becoming mvol ved in heavy public relations and com m unity affairs Contact Linda Shaffer. ,465 Sunset Drive PO Box 283 0ceans.de OR 97,34 1503 ) 842 2039 or 434 50,0 ' f J 1 « ‘ * > . POSITION W ANTED R e p o rte r E d ito r Previous reporter of the City News Bureau o f Chicago, editor of the Industrial News and tin reau chief of the San Jose Mer Cury News, seeks reporting post tion on a daily or w eekly Will accept freelance work Contar t James LaSorella. 284 Cervantes. Lake Oswego. OR 97034 ( 503) 635 6893 POSITION W ANTED P H O TO G R A P H ER Seeks position on either large or small daily newspaper Eight years experience of w orking w ith both dailies and weeklies Re cent graduate w ith master's de gree from University of Arkansas W inner of several photography awards from Arkansas Press As sociation Contact James Sm ith 300, W edington. No 63 Fayetteville, Arkansas z z /u l (5031 521 2166 j • r •„ ... • . R e p o rte r E d ito r New Challenges sought by versa hie newsman Eight years exper lencn as reporter, six years .is , ity editor and tw o years as managing editor on dailies Contact Paul Macom ber, 953 NE 10th St Grants Pass. OR 97526 15031 479 7081 September 17, 1986, JOBS, Page 7 ’ 1 7 POSITION W ANTED 2 Bedroom House For Sale By Owner Phone 1503) 287 8303 POSITION OPEN a d v e r t is in g repr esentative m anager Previously employed at the Tilla m ook Headlight Herald for ap proxim ately four years where she began in ad sales In ,980. was prom oted to ad director, w hich included managing a staff of four, planning all advertising and ' i •. *>< CENTRAL A M ER IC A N PROG RAM DIRECTOR « .1 *• z * • à ’ • 4 . » » r • • . W ' 7 . 7 • .. . '.