* • -4 -x INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 10 1 86 to 6 30 87 The N NE C om m unity Mental Health Center, Inc announces an immediate opening for an Interim Executive Director to serve for 9 m onths A perm anent Director will be chosen thereafter The Interim Director may also apply for permanent directorship Du ties include supervision of staff, grant budget adm inistration, personnel adm inistration, fund raising activities and program ad m inistration M inim um require merits Masters Degree in Men tai Health field. Public A d m in i­ stration, Business A dm inistration b 5 years of clinical and super visory experience in Mental Health or related field Competi tive salary w ith excellent fringe benefits For additional inform a lion, contact: |U •x I • 1 Bobbie Nunn Search Committee N/NE CMHC Inc. 310 NE Oregon Portland, OR 97232 2737 (5031239 8871 Closing date September 25, 1986 A ffirm ative A c tio n / Equal O pportunity Employer PURCHASING MANAGER $34,356 to $41,7607 annually. Coordinates the purchase of goods b services; reviews speci fications; manages the bidding process, prepares purchasing contracts Req form al training in purchasing and responsible exp in purchasing a variety of goods b services, exp. in pre paring bid specifications b con­ tracts, exp w ith Oregon public purchasing law preferred Coun ty applications required, resumes NOT accepted A pply by Octo tier 3, 1986 to $2136 $2597'm o Reviews commercial b other construction plans for code compliance Req at least tw o years of architec tural or engineering training b 3 years of exp as a B level (residential, small comm ercial! building inspector or plans exam iner; or at least 5 years of a com bination of training b exp. in construction, including the inter pretation of the plans b designs o f concrete, metal, brick, b wood comm ercial buildings Must be eligible for state certi fication as an A level limited (nonstructurall plans examiner b must pass state test w ithin six months after appointm ent Coun ty application form s required, re sumes NOT accepted A pply by September 26, 1986 to: Washington County Personnel 150 N First Ave . Room B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 An E.O.E. P R O G R A M D EV E LO P M E N T S P E C IA LIS T S alary R ange $25 000 $32 500 Assist in the planning, design and engineering of key public capital investments in the South W aterfront Protect Area Pre pare w ork programs, site anal ysis, protect budgets Coordi nate technical consultants and the preparation of plans and do cuments Qualifications include a minim um of 3 years of p ro ­ tect planning and or construc­ tion coordination Knowledge of architecture, engineering, con struction management, urban de sign or urban development is necessary Fill in Commission application form and return by September 26, 1986 Resumes are not accepted as a substi tution for com pleted application form. Portland Development Commission 1120 S W 5th Avenue Ste 1102 Phone 796 5349 An Equal O p p o rtu n ity/ A ffirm ative Action Employer ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT $1593 $1937 mo Provides para professional, administrative sup port for the W ashington County Cooperative Library; gathers sta tistical data b prepares reports; perform s accounts payable/re ceivable functions; performs complex administrative support functions Req increasingly re sponsible exp. in an administra tive support area b in secretarial or office m gm t; training in secre tarial courses b recordkeeping exp in library setting b exp w ith com puters prof County application form s required, re sumes NOT accepted A pply by September 26, 1986 to: Housing A uthority GROUNDSMAN Immediate Opening The Housing A uthority of Wash ington C ounty is now accepting applications through September 30, 1986 for a Groundsman at $7 73 per hour. W ork involves such things as grass cutting, edging, weeding, bark dusting, planting and knowledge of fer tilizers and their applications Prior experience is preferred Possession o f a valid Oregon Drivers License is required Ad ditional inform ation and applica tions can be obtained at Washington County Personnel 150 N First Ave., Room B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 Washington County Personnel 160 N First Ave., Room B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 An E.O.E. An E 0 E Page 6, JOBS, September 17, 1986 t PLANS EXAM INER A Limited Housing Authority Office 560 S.E. 3rd Ave. Hillsboro. OR 97123 Equal O pportunity Employer