MULTNOMAH COUNTY R e s titu tio n C o o rd in a to r $9 90 per hour develops employ ment resources for |uveniles or dered to pay restitution, invest! gates victim losses, assists of fenders in obtaining employ ment. m onitors progress of of fenders; requires one year of co minal |ustice or social service ex perience involving resource de velopment and client placement and supervision apply by Sep tember 26 1986 C o m m u n ity H e a lth N urse $10 45 $13 58 per hour, w orks as a member of a health team in areas o f com m unicable disease control, child health, m aternity, fam ily planning and adult health, requires BSN current Oregon license and driver’s license, apply by September 19. 1986 WHERE TO A PPLY M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth o u s e R o o m 134 1021 SW F o u rth A v e n u e P o rtla n d , OR 97204 An Equal O pportunity Employer SPECIALIST WATER SAFETY AND SMALL CRAFT Full tim e position available for planning, prom otion, develop ment and coordination of educa tional programs for Safety Ser vices Current instructor author izations in Adapted Aquatics and Small Craft preferred M ust have a current instructor authorization in W ater Safety and have the ability to teach instructors ap plying educational principles, ability to w rite and speak effec tively, coordinate budget and w ork independently w ith minimal supervision. Postion closes Sep tember 26, 1986 Send resume to: A m e ric a n Red C ross 3131 N V a n c o u v e r A v e n u e P o rtla n d . OR 97208 GUYS ft GIRLS NEED A JOB? NEIGHBORHOOD LIVABILITY COORDINATOR (Love to travel) Cooper Sales now has immediate opening for 10 neat and am bitious men and wom en who are free to travel California Florida, Texas and other major cities and return M ust be over 18, no experience necessary, on the |ob training, cash advance daily Tlte Neighborhood Livability Co ordm ator will tie responsible for coordinating neighborhood out real ti ai tivities and working w ith H C D Neighborhoods on H C D clean up pro,eels You can earn $300 750 w e e k ly • demimstrater, organizational ability and com m ission and bonuses dem onstrating an all new clean mg product For interview call M rs C o o p e r 232 1672 10:30 AM to 4 30 PM daily Parent welcome at interview POSITION OPEN A d v e rtis in g Sales R e p re s e n ta tiv e New m onthly horse publication serving central Et southern Ore gon Et Northern California has immediate opening for ad sales people w ith horsey background Position w ould require some tra veling, working out of K falls, representing magazine m tioth ad sales and news contracts Our first tw o publications were a rousing success Here's your chance to get in on the ground floor o, a publication. Contact Jim Allen, Publisher. Herald ft News. 1503) 883 4000 or Dennis Taylor, The Cascade Horseman at the same number HELP W A N T E D C onstruction, drivers, mechan ics, welders, electricians, mach mists, carpenters, needed imme diately Also Airline jobs W ill train some positions (Up to $6,000 m onth) T ranscontinental Job Search, (308) 382 3700 (feel Q u a lific a tio n s • damonstr ited ability to 1 om rnumcate well with people of all ages, races and lifestyles • k n o w le d g e of th e Inner North Northeast Commu nity, neighborhood associa tions, organizations and com m unity groups • reap« visible ft w rat ruitment and training of volunteers for involvem ent in H C D neighborhood activities S k ills • ability to work independently and to form ulate a work plan • ability to supervise and mo tivate volunteers • w r itin g skills • fa m ilia rity w ith Io, al g o v e rn ment process and policies • ability to understand the to tai concept of the protect C o m p e n s a tio n $5,000 w ith