Page 6, Portland Observer, September 10, 1986 ABOUT TOW N In observance of the United Nations International Day of Peace. Sep­ tember ,6. ,986. the students of Irvington Early Childhood Education Center will launch a "Balloon Eor Peace " The five foot in diameter weather balloon will be decorated with a depiction of the earth's surface, and will carry a message of peace from each of the school s 500 students It is hoped that the balloon wil travel a long distance, and stimulate responses from school children near its recovery site It has been reported that a balloon launched in Arizona was recovered one week later in Yugo slavia You are invited to attend the launch on the school playground at 2:00 p m.. September 16 If you wish additional details concerning this event, contact Grace Shaad at 280 6185 G et Fresh A W orld of Fantasy S tay Fresh a Rose City Connection's fashion modeling troupe is hard at work perfecting their routines for this year's "A World of Fantasy" bene fit fashion show This year's show is scheduled for Saturday, October 4th and the entire production team is bubbling with excitement as the show's date rapidly approaches A wide variety of fashions from Portland's leading merchants will lie featured in the fast paced show Entertainment will also be provided This year's fashion show is Rose City Connection's major fundraiser for 1986 Proceeds from this event go to build the organization's scho larship fund which was implement ed this year "Our goal is to raise $5,000 by the end of ,986 " Ticket price is $10 00 and are available at the House of Sound. 3634 N Wil hams Eor m ore in fo rm atio n call 285 at 2nd Avenue • N e w V ita m i« • • • • • ' Tricky Tee M elba M o o re Hard Crue Junk Yard Band Tem p tation s all at rock bottom prices M o n d a y S a tu rd a y 1 0 a m to 7 p m S u n d ay 1 2 noon to 6 p m W M« FOLLAI 0 BUBCMH 2 2 2 -3 7 8 3 4 1 8 S W 2nd 2065 Expo '86 /O n th e M o v e I was fortunate enough to venture to Expo 86 in Vancouver, 8 C-, this last weekend, primarily to see the Kenny G George Benson concert featured in the Expo Theatre. To be honest, being a veteran of the amuse ment park wars, that's the only reason I went. Like many others whom I've talked with, my general opinion was that Expo was no more than a stepped up and glorified amusement park Boy. was I wrongl From the minute I stepped through the gate. I knew that 2 days would not be enough to see all there was to see and do, The exhibits, the rides, the food, the people, Every thing about Expo 86 was positive The theme for this exposition is communication and transpor tation; truly a theme for the 80 s and for the world Some of my favorites (of the few I got to see) were Studio '86, where, for a small fee, you can choose from a list of popular songs blues, country, gospel, pop and funk, and record your voice lor voices) with the actual instrumental tracks used by the artists1 They provide lyrics, your own sound engineer, and rehearsal time. Then there was the air transportation exhibit featuring actual aircraft from the days of the Wright Bros to today's flying fortresses Another one of my favorites was the Ramses II exhibit with artifacts from the days before Christ. These include necklaces, burial cases, statues, games and more, enjoyed by Ramses II. one of the greatest Kings of ancient times I could go on, but in this case, brief summaries |ust won't do. so go see it yourself1 It's only a five or six hour drive, and $100 00 of U S currency gets you $136 00 Canadian to make up for the prices Try to make hotel reservations in advance to avoid the panic Singles, families, old or young. Expo 86 is for everyone As far as live entertainment, there are nightclubs that feature not only music but comedy and dance, as well So far George Benson. Kenny G , Manhattan Transfer, Billy Ocean. Andre Crouch. Al Green. The Mighty Clouds of Joy. Julian Lennon, Lena Horne, Lou Rawls, Ray Charles. George Burns and Smokey Robinson have graced the stages of Expo along with many more Don't dispair, because there's more to come all the way to the close on October 13th I'll be glad to keep you posted on the enter tainment side, but Expo holds more in store than words can say. so don't miss it or you will have missed out B G a a 's .................................................................. 6700 N E U nion. 281 1178 Fri. Sat . Billy Larkin b Co.; Sun., Jam Session Brasserie M o n t m a r t a .......................................... 626 S W Park. 224 5662 Fri.-Sat.. Dennis Springer Quartet Eldorado C lu b .......................................................6016 N.E. U nion 284 8664 Fri. Sat . Cool R. Sun., Walter Bridges Big Band/Mel Brown Quintet H o b b it............................................................... S E 39th b H olgate. 771 0742 Fri.-Sat , Mel Brown Quintet Jazz Q u a r r y .................................................. 1111 S W J efferso n. 222 7422 Fri.-Sat., Lew Tabakin Trio Kay Largo ......................................................................31 N W . 1st. 223 9919 Fri -Sat., Dan Reed Network; Sun., Cool R Last H u r r a h ..................................................... 566 S W Alder St 224 1336 Fri.-Sat , Calvin Walker and The Conquerors Orchestra Original R ic h a rd 's ....................... 4534 S E M cLoughlin Blvd 230 4846 Fri Sat.. LeRoy Vinnegar b Friends Ram o s ....................................................................1424 N W Glisan. 221 1150 Sun., Jam w / Ron Steen; Wed , LeRoy Vinnegar b Friends River City S a lo o n ........................................1133 S W J efferso n. 224 2800 Sat., Norman Sylvester Band Salty s o t of S E M ario n 239 8900 Thurs.. Cool R; Fri. Sat., John Muzzako Band Shanghai Lounge ........................... 0309 S W M o n tg o m e ry . 220 1866 Sun., Calvin Walker and The Conquerors Orchestra Top of the C o s m o ........................................ 1030 N E Union. 236 8433 Mon Sat , Gene Diamond b Aires W h a le r’s 120 N S tate St (Lake O sw eg ol. 636 8880 Fri. Sat., Shirley Nanette Band DOW N THE ROAD Expo 86 .....................................................V ancouver. B C . 1 800 663 0223 Thurs . The Temptations; Fri., The Beach Boys Coming Sept. 22 23: The Culture Club W ord of the w eek nocturnal - relating to or occuring in the night Color of th e w e e k Dove Grey Every day an average of 3,000 American women go into huHincioi for thrmrudvcM P o rtla n d 1 h largc T e y 31 NW FIRST 923-9919 NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT ’“ '‘ gboofo ' j JOU’' dan B t t o . Q COOL B Sun S e v' W holesale Cars N o w A vailab le To The Public!!! 921 S.E. Powell. 238 4438 73 Ford Galaxie 500 ~ 74 Datsun 260Z $500 $2200 76 Buick 2dr $960 Cadillac Eldorado $2200 81 Plymouth 4dr Station Wagon . . . $1900 71 * / et 79 Olds Cutlass Station Wagon . . . . ......................... $1600 72 Volvo 142......................... $990 82 Chevy Chevette $1600 81 Chevy Citation $1600 78 Chevy Cheyenne % Ton PickUp j6 iH T . • /*** r* nava r f #rA«• P<*W9U Fwtt b p '*V0. f J A Z Z Y k M $990 HOHKI W eekdays - 7 15 9 00 Sat Sun 3 0 0 5 0 0 7 15 9 0 0 F M »«k». $1350 r«p t r a R n a 4aa « NOW SHOWING r T 'O ia .Y iM .: ‘ ‘ .......................................... 74 Lincoln Continental E a t, D rin k a n d D a n c e w ith th e la te s t v id e o hits 8 9 The place to bring a friend m eet a friend m ake a friend J - lP ONLY OREGON A PPEA RANCE! Wed. SEPT. 17 thru Sun. SEPT. 21 MEMORIAL COLISEUM S Open Tbesday - Sunday Lunch 6 Dinner • 12 Video Screens A fte rn o o n specials « m ALL T K M T S I 1 M OFF! FATI ! « O KATU® . A i NICHT 4-6 p m ■M i .1 »9 A ' u . ’A ‘ nw Fn SM 3 0 9 W. B u rn s id e 2 2 8 -1 8 3 0 sw s> FT 1A s in SIFT » SWT 21 »9 3 WAYS TO GET ; 1 i YOL K TICKETS IN P E R S O N : mf m < m « i m m h i m i m All hrtUmf Arra Gl R * s il * | „ \ RY P H O N E : (5 0 .3 ) 2 .3 9 4 4 2 2 Hl »X I Ml KI sal II» AM fi» Sfo®( •»AI*» An» MAS! FM Vtsr I »-» » »«A»’ I Xu oval t iwaom A twd Nnvr Mum PINOCCHIO S - MT H 0 0 0 COMMUNITY COLLEGE ♦ S H O W T IM E S * w r it a 1» C AMI» il.*»*' z B V M A I L : '. ix ) Il «AM» A ♦ M&E 11.00 f » AWi ( f m t /Z v -k a ld n -v id »uni» .! ■ «rlopr .nth check or mono order patahle lo RISU I M . HH» ï» l IH» I \ l'O U x l Cidueum. IH I H .» 2746 ICrtUnd »R M72» w I ......................... VW.K BESr ENTtKTAINHE\T i A I .i t: . . . . . . . . . . . ALL S O IS RESERVED 8 0 . 0 0 - 8 7 . 5 0 - 8 9 . 0 0 P H H t ZMZZZMS Z lt Infc.rmatxx, ( 5 0 9 ) 9 3 5 -8 7 7 1 or 3 3 5 -4 4 9 9 Group Katts 1503) 2 3 5 8 7 7 1 - ». ’ r A HRRjtVV'SC; • • V-* ' . •» a. â - /' JT • i » *•