Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 10, 1986, Page 5, Image 5

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    Pittman Appointed to
Welfare Commission
Bv Jerry Garner
Edna M Pittman has been ap
pointed by Oregon's Governor Vic
Atiyeh to be a member of the Public
Welfare Review Commission
term officially began August 20.
1986 and will end August 14. 1907
Pittman replaces Barbara Simington
on the Commission
Pittman has a M.S. degree in
Public Administration from Portland
I State University and a 8 S in
Science from Portland State Uni
The Public Welfare Review Com
mission is authorized under ORS
411 125 to advise and consult with
the assistant director of the Adult
and Family Services Division in car
rying out the functions of the di
Pittman was quoted as saying.
Being appointed by Governor
Atiyeh to the Commission is an
honor for me. I will do my best to
represent those who are in need of
Pittman, who has six children,
has been active in a host of com
munity activities
In October of
1986, she was appointed by Gover
nor Atiyeh to the Advisory Com­
mittee on the Prevention of Child
Abuse and Neglect. She served as
energy coordinator for Salvation
Army Family Services She has also
served as research coordinator, AT
bina Ministerial Alliance Family Day
and Night Care Support Services
and as minority consultant. Depart
ment of Mental Health Albina Multi
Service Center. Pittman has been a
member of the Board of Directors
for North/Northeast Community
Mental Health Center since 1980;
Nutrition Course Scheduled
by Red Cross
"Better Eating For Better Health"
will help you take the guesswork
out of nutrition while you learn
about food, health, and the diet that
is right for you. The course sessions
Sept 24 through Oct. 29 (six week
session), from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at
the American Red Cross. 3131 N E
Vancouver Ave
Better Eating For Better Health
teaches the practical matters of lear
ning to understand the information
on food labels, to evaluate food
additives, to consider the relation
ship between diet and disease, and
to link about the vitamins, miner­
als, and other nutrients in your
food. No matter what age or how
busy you are, if you eat "sm art” you
can look and feel better, be health­
ier, live longer, and save money,
The course gives materials
on nutrition during pregnancy, in­
fancy, childhood, adolescence, and
The course fee is $15 per indivi­
Call Red Cross, 284 1234,
x303, to register.
Cleaning —Efficient,
All areas 249 7950
2 Bedroom House
For Sale By Owner
Phone (503) 287 8303
I una Fiih h*') >>/
8< lb.
Alpo Dogfood, 15-or
Dry Dogfood
Name-brand mix:
50 lbs
OJ, frozen 12-oz
$ 8 .4 9
♦ ALSO *
Cosco Baby Stroller
Huffy 'Workhorse'
$ 2 4 .9 9
$ 1 2 9 .9 5
800 N. Kllllngsworth St.
Portland (503) 283-3171
Open Mon-Sat.
9:30 e.m. - 6 p.m.
Portland Sickle Cell Anemia f oundation. Ine.
2nd Annual Banquet
Saturday. Sept. 20, 1986
for North Northeast Community
Mental Health Center since 1980
and on the Advisory Committee of
the Emergency School Aid Act
In recognition of her services to
the community, Pittman has re
cieved the following honors 1983
Jefferson awards for community
service for her involvement in or
gamzing. planning and directing the
North Northeast Community Men
tai Health Center. Region X U S
Department of Health and Human
Resources award for her volunteer
work in mental services, and the
Community Service Award from the
National Council of Christians and
Pittman was asked how she finds
the strength to dedicate so much of
her time to the community. She
replied, "Perhaps it is my desire to
help those who are unable to help
My encouragement
comes from my family, my children,
and something inward that is hard
to explain."
Chernobyl remind« the world of
the need for a peaceful and safe
nuclear era
September 10, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 5
6 p.m
W ill« D o rs e y w ill be g u e s t s o lo is t a t th e P o r tla n d S ic k le C e ll A n e m ia
F o u n d a tio n s 2 n d A n n u a l B a n q u e t S a tu rd a y S e p te m b e r 20. 1986 a t
6 p m
E xe c * L o d g e n e a r a ir p o r t . 6221 N E 8 2 n d »15 00 d o n a tio n
o r in f o c a ll 249 1366 T ic k e t o u t le t s C h r is tia n S u p p ly C e n te r. L lo y d
C e n te r, H o u s e o f S o u n d 3634 N E W illia m s
M a rtin L u th e r K in g , J r.
S c h o la rs h ip Fund R aiser G ala
M a r t in 's V is io n s o f th e F u tu re
You arc c o rd ia lly in v ite d to a tte n d a gala event on S eptem ber 21. 1986
fro m 5 30 p m 12 00 a rn at the PSU B allroom , S m ith M em o rial Center
fe a tu rin g Neil G o ld sch m id t, co host and speaker There w ill be an art auc
lio n o f fin e art fro m the N o rth w e s t, a no host bar w ith b u ffe t and The Ron
Steen A ll Star Jazz Band Com e Et |oin the festivitie s
Tickets are $30 and are tax d e d u c tib le
A ttire is sem i form al
For m o re in fo rm a tio n , call V ero nica A lb e rti. 620 0740
U/f AiW