P onland Observer. Septem ber 10. 1986 ESTATE JEW ELRY-BUY & SELL Urban League W o rk s h o p C hange fo r Your Old Silver b Gold • Wedding Band«, • Class Rings, Broken Chains raternal Jewelry . Dental Gold, ETC The Police pre examination workshop scheduled for September ,3 £» 14. 9 a m to 12 p m and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m ., has been moved to the Urban League of Portland, Multi Purpose Room at 10 N Russell St For additional information please contact McKinley Williams. Director of Employment, Urban League. 280 2600 CARLYl F G EM S & C U STO M JEWELRY S co ut M e m b e rs h ip Drive Set 4425 N.E FREMONT 284 8400 Area Cub Scout packs will be conducting Back to school Nights on Sep tember 18th to invite new boys and parents to join Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts. Tiger Cubs is a program for 6 year old first grade boys and parents Cub Scouts is a program for boys in grades 2 through 5 Boys in 6th or higher who wish to join Boy Scouting should call to get information on neighborhood troops Interested boys and parents who live in areas without Cub Scout packs should also call for more information on nearest pack Contact the Columbia Pacific Council. Boy Scouts of America at 226 3423, Guy Eichsteadt, District Executive MRS. C’s WIGS g o d e te you, 6 EDWARDE WARD. DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY "DENTAL CARE LOR THE WHOLE FAMILY' Robert Clark IR). Executive D irector. N E E m ergency Food Pro gram , receives a check from C ornetta S m ith and Rev John H Jack son of Albina M inisterial A lliance Photo by Richard J Brown N orth East E m ergency Food Program FSIUNTK is (M USTIO tkilMMi rsotLsMosu jtah ISM I AM I G lA D O A C U r r t D MIIATKIN IOS U S S IT I»! TATUSTA »its wstisuo r.io t io tsiatuist vba / mastmcabd N tw TA P IN TS tA H L U M lII AU I I S I INKS - » A lli) A T IU T A S IIM . < * > IU IKHAS KOSOAT SATtSDAI 1AM I U M S U A» All A H I Al»A M IM M I » TM 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -3 0 0 9 Dr. Edward G. Ward 610.$W Aider, suite 1008 pien Av« deb'* psY01 A Public Service of the Portland Observer A lb in a M in iste ria l A llia n c e 286 0493 The North East Emergency Food Program is a grassroots protect to address hunger in inner Northeast Portland It provides up to a 3 day supply of nutritious, balanced meals to families or individuals in a crisis and/or emergency situation To date, the program has provided more than 5,000 nutritious meals Located at 1912 N E Killingsworth. the program is 4 years old and is sponsored by the Albina Ministerial Alliance, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and the Urban League Albina Ministerial Alliance (A M A I is an association of ministers serving congregations in North and Northeast Portland The organization has been active for many years and was officially incorporated in 1971 One of the primary purposes of the Alliance is to identify and support programs through which the ministry can provide social and economic enrichment to those who live and work in the community and to seek and disburse funds for the benefit of families residing in the service area Such is the case with North East Emergency Food Program AMA received these funds through the Templeton Foundation In addition to the joint sponsorship of North East Emergency Food Pro gram. A M A also sponsors Portland s only full day Head Start Program, the Family Day and Night Care Program (a support service program for child care), and the Self Enhancement Program The Alliance is currently under the leadership of Re« John H Jai kson Pastor of M l Olivet Baptist Church Persons desiring more information on the Emergency Food Program should call 284 5470 S*tty C.&ine Proprietor .AWMAM AMO», OOUOLAS « '» H C o t i K H A i iw « Wig Styling $7.50 A N D UP (long or specialty styles slightly higher) It s N ew Angel M R S . C ’s W IG S TOT N.E. F rem ont 2 8 1 -6 5 2 5 Closed tun. « Mon. O P IN Tue« thru ts t. 1 1:30 AM to 6:00 PM Indoor Soccer THE MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH N E First b Schuyler • 28AI 19M John H J*< bfton Minutar M fd M Ü 9 31) A M Church School I I 00 A M Conyrayatronal Worship 5 OOP M Vaapar Service 10 00 A M Baptism FuuHh Sunday 11 00 CofTvngnion te c h Firtt Sunday The American Baptist Convention. American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National. Oregon. Portland Ecumenical Ministries American Bible Society. M B M Board ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH 4 C orner o t Sth a nd S lu d m o re Sundes School 9 IS > m Itecond and tourth SundeyAl l»hilhp S M e lto n IP a t t o r l 202 N E. Skidmore 2B1 56*78 284 5869 <4 F Sunde« Worship 11 00 e m Chrnhen Voulh leU ow ihip 6 0 0 p m C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H of GOD I « Services 9 45 a m , Sunday School 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship 1 00 p m . Evening Worship 7.00 p m Wednesday. Prayer Meeting Victor R Brown, B Theology, Pastor Dr Hazel L Brown Sr 0 D Assistant Pastor SMILE - GOD LOVES YOU YOU ARF WFLCOMf TO WORSHIP AT 84 N E K illin g s w o r th • 281 0499 " A warm spirit of fellowship always" The Ark of Safety ( 'hurch of God in Cn rist 3 , » * - , / M r * . hhopUVMwi ..i r r u e lx V » T uOkday B«b*a Band Thu* v ía y Cho«r H*r>aar%ai 1 30 p m 1 Oí) p Sur »da y Sunday Schoo* 9 15 a M< if nifty 11 15 a Wo»\h»p 6 3 0p YPW W I vanyai’M'C. Wor%h<> H 00p lu R v liy Friday m m m m m Noon Day Pray** the BiWt irKlay follou’ peace with Th« Pavor Spaak 1 % O p m all men f bal i ne 55 without which no 9 00a m man shall see the L o r ò -»«.• S aturday irn«rty Prayer r ■ AAA < by It still makes my breath stop,every time I rem em ber JJ My little girl was about the same age my granddaughter is now I d had some cleaning fluids under the sink and Sally must nave gotten into them while I was upstairs. When I found her. she was sitting on the kitchen floor, holding one of those bottles. And acting mighty sick. I called the doctor over in Corvallis, but just kept on getting a busy signal. t did Ihf only thing I could think of, I called the operator S h e just took over and cut in on the line and asked if the doctor was in and he was. She put him on. And just that quick he told me what to do’ ,,, t.ur • , cse(,ays,<>fcourse> the doctors all have something called Call Waiting, so they know if you're trying to get through. Why they can even check your vital signs, right over the phone. . ^ ut ^diatever miracles the phone company comes up with next, III always he grateful for that operator!’ At Pacific Northwest Bell, we’ve always been more than operators or data transmission, or even Call Waiting. At PNB. Wí‘ve always been the future.- YLD FSLIC IN S U R E D ONF VFAR cd @ CALL TOR OTMIR RATES 6 TERMS W. WILSON FINANCIAL 4 Z I S»» Mh n r a i« « ISM . I * , .ft, Hell Pacific Northwest Be« AUSW CST W AN,