« e xf . . • V . . • >• • • • • - :. • • •• ’ • September 10, 1986. Portland Observer, Paue 3 Wigs Hairpieces and Beauty Supplies Sale & Restyling AUCTION Friday, Sept. 19th - Preview 6:00 - Sale 7:00 PM Holiday Inn Airport Portland. Oregon (Columbia & I-5) Durango Room For Sal* Indian Baskets. Pottery Ru8 s Blankets T-ede Beads and lots More INDIAN SHOW Put these dates on your calendar tor the Indian Show April 25-26. 1967 Portland, Oregon At the Armory on 33rd St Get booth and tables early A fte r a 3 day w eekend th a t had about 200 000 people riding M AX exceeding the e x p e c ta tio n , o f Tri M et. the lig h t rail i . o ff and run ning Except fo r a fe w m in or delays and a d o w n to w n P ortland acci dent w ith an a u to m o b ile in w h ic h there w ere no injuries. M A X stay ed p re tty m uch on schedule C o m m u te r, relaxed as they passed the b o ttle neck o f tra ffic on the Banfield 1106N.E. B roadw ay Col. Larry & Robin Hill («ero»ho». S^eway LtoydCenlen P O Box 468 Canyonville. Oregon 97417 (503)839-6139 Tel. 282 1664 Store Hours 10 00 a m til 6 00 p m Monday thru Saturda Photo by Richard J Brow n Speed-Reading and Proofreading • i' ' ' These F e a tu re G rocery ite m s A re Just An E xam ple Of w h a t B '' j You W ill Find in Y o u r "S afew ay 5 ' / * Shopping Guide" * Look in Your |.‘. - "THIS WEEK” HL Newspaper Today For Even More / Lean Selection And value Ground Beef For Your I ■ Dollar At i i Safeway Lu 1 , Smitheri, “j f »H9 WV to r yr PCC Offers Tax Class People who want to become pro fessional income tax preparers can enroll now tor an evening class in the basics of tax preparation at Cas cade Campus of Portland Commu nity College, 705 N Killmgsworth Street The class will meet in Room 202 of Jackson Hall from 6 to 9 p m. Mondays and Thursdays through the fall quarter which starts the week of September 22, and on three Satur days , place and time to be announ Jeff Schuh, a tax consultant for Adept, Inc., an East Multnomah County firm, will be the instructor Students who complete the course successfully will be prepared to take a state licensing examina tion. Tuition for the seven credit class will be $164 50 Two classes of "Income Tax Pre paration: Basic” , with identical course content, will be held on the PCC Sylvania Campus, 12000 S W 49th Ave They will meet in Room A9 of the Social Science building, from 6 30 to 9:30 p m., Tuesdays and Fridays, and Mondays and Thursdays, respectively Three Sat urday classes also have been sche duled. "Income Tax Preparation: Advan ced” , a three credit class, has been scheduled Mondays from 6 30 to 9 30 p m., in Room C2 of the Sci ence Technology Building at Syl vania Curriculum has been design ed for students desiring license re newal. Registration information may be obtained by calling 283 2541, Ext. 5316or Ext 5317 H To L C o n ten t' ^B ^B Save Up To 59* Lb., No Limit! orange JUICE uMSWttUWi° Golden Ripe Now in your community: 12-Oz. Frozen Bananas pu ™ p S n n ç • Young British ond English spooking Europeans will provide in home child care for one yea' • Choose from our profiles of carefully selected ond screened Au Pairs • $150 per week includes Au Pair s pocket money, airfare m edical insurance and local supervision • First legal Au Pair/cultural exchonge program with U S Goverment designation Great on ice Cream! Orange Juice Bel-air, 100% pure frozen concentrate ■ ■ ■■ W Lt Save Up To 20‘ Lb., No Lim it! bnd for our Ffw brochure Au Fair In Amortca f* IB I I L I W W Ei ■ ' *• - Save Up To 5 0 ‘ Ea„ No Lim it! I * • - • ? . r _ • ... * *' » : ■ . Brick Pack Coffee a irtig h t h SAFEWAY «■AIF& t02 Greenwich Avenue Greenwich. CT 06ÍJ0 PMlfc^QOQO Folgers, 1-Pound bag! SC9< I Packs j {Kh s? 33 Save Up To $ 7 .0 8 On 3, No Lim it! Ad Prices Good 9/10 Thru 9/16/86 A t .. . safeways in Lloyd Center, St. Johns, At 5920 n . e . union & 6400 N. interstate. Sales Limited Tp Retail Quantities. No Sales To Dealers. I •" • » • , A