Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 10, 1986, Page 13, Image 13

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In accordance with the implementation of Suh part
D of Section 106 If) of the Surface Transportation
Ar t (STAAl of 1982. each recipient State is required
to submit its overall goals to the Federal Highway
Administration IfH W A l and the Urban Mass Trans
portation Administration (UM TAl before the begin
mug of the new Federal fiscal year
Additionally, the FHWA and UMTA require each
State receiving Federal Highway funds to publish a
notice announcing these goals, to be available for
inspection 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m at the Washington
State Department of Transportation IWSDOTI for
not less than 30 days WSDOT will accept com
ments on goals until October 27, 1986 Wutten com
ments should be submitted to Maurice Alexander,
Manager, Office of Minority Affairs, Department of
Transportation, Transportation Building. Olympia
W A 98604
This communication will serve as notice of WSDOT's
1987 annual goals at 10% for disadvantaged business
enterprises and 3% for women's business enterprises
for Federal protects
The method used to establish the goals included
past historical ex|>erience and the requirements of
STAA (Section 106 If) regarding disadvantaged busi
University of Lowell Libraries
The U n iv e rs ity o f
L o w e ll
lib r a r ie s are seeking three a d d i­
tio n a l l.itx a ria n s to a c c o m m o d ate a th r e e -fo ld increase in
acrjuisitio ns, planned eapansions o f tw o m am libraries, an
a d d itio n a l lib rary b u ild in g , upgrading and d ev elo p m e n t.
R e fe re n c e L ib ra ria n I or I I . tu h |e c t Ita ik g ro u n d Or exp ert
ence m m usic highly desiraoie R e feren ce L itx a ria n s I or II
tw o professional opening» for persons w ith science tech
oology I sack gro u n d or ea|>er. ence p re fe rre d (som e co m b in e
tio n o f th e fo llo w in g areas engineering, chr-m istry, physics,
b io lo g y , m ath em atics , earth science, c o m p u te * science!
R e sponsible to the head o f Politic Services and w o rk in g m
c o o p e ra tio n w ith the R e fi-ie r v r C o o rd in a to r These L ib r a r i­
ans w ill have general reference duties inclu d ng lib rary orieo
ta tm n a n d in s tru c tio n , d ata I msc searching, c o lle c tio n devel
o p m e n l and o ther duties as assigned strong service o rie n ta ­
tio n and a b ility to w o rk as pa»t o f a team A L A acc redited
M L S Schedule m ay includ* some evenings w eekend responsi­
b ility
L ib ra ria n I $ 1 9 ,2 0 0 $ 3 1 .4 6 ? L ib ra ria n I I.
$ 2 4 .8O O -S 3 7 ,3 5 9 d ep ending u p o n rjuebf « « b o m
22 days
vac atio n , 9 0 % h ea lth insurance, fa c u lty status Send appo
c a tio n , resum e and the n am e, address and telephone num tie*
o f th ree references try S eptem lier 3 0 . 1 9 0 6 , to
Jan M a n e F o rtie r
H ead o f Public Services
U n iv e rs ity o f L o w e ll Libraries
l y d o n L ib ra ry N o rth
L o w e ll M A 0 1 8 5 4
/ h r I rurerafts < > 7 fo u e l/
ta art h i j u i t l < P " f I u n i t s 1 A f f i r r ^ a t l t r A r i t o n ,
/'file / \ $04 > m p /o y e r
Page 8 JO BS, September 10, 1986
Sealed bids for Law Building No 30 Energy Con
servabon Measures (ECM s), USDOE ICP. will be
received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Educa
tion at the University of Oregon Physical Plant De
partment, Conference Room 2, 1295 Franklin Boule
vard, Eugene. Oregon 97403 until 2 30 p m PDT,
Tuesday October 7, 1986
Briefly, the work includes the implementation of
ECM No 1, described as follows Convert air hand
ling units to V A V to provide new variable frequen
cy fan motors and controls, and new air volume val
ves to each /one
Provide a central controller for
temperature control, and programmed time switch
For more information, contact Physical Plant, U of
0 . phone 686 6243
The Hazardous and Solid Waste Division of the
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) invites
bids for an interdisciplinary recycling education
curriculum for grades K 12 to teach basic waste re
duction principles practiced in Oregon Successful
bidder will be familiar with the Oregon educational
system and have expertise in curriculum develop
ment A knowledge of waste reduction and environ
mental practices is preferred.
Proposals will be
selected on a content and cost competitive basis,
with total amount not to exceed $20,000 Deadline
for proposals is 5 p m , Monday, October 13, 1986
Call Alene Cordas
229 6046
for a copy of the request