SECRETARY The Housing A u th o rity of Pott land is looking for an experienced Secretary for its executive de partm ent M ust have 2 years responsible ser retarial experience and m ust type 55 W PM Icorrer ted) Must he able to operate a variety o f office equipm ent Must have good com m and of the English language and gram m ati cal rules Salary is $b 64 pei hour A pply at POSITION OPEN POLICE OFFICER C o m m u n ity E d ito r F e a tu re W rite r P h o to io u rn a lis t Com m unity editor w anted .it the News Guan) on the scenic Ore gon coast Feature w riting, abil ity to operate 35mm camera and strong design and layout skills preferred Send resume, clips and salary requirements to Jim Moore, News Editor News Guard. PO Box 848 Line oln City, OR 97367 The city of Portland is currently accepting applications for police officer from September 15 through 26, 1986 For more in form ation please call HAP 1605 NE 45th EEO M F (Love to travel) Cooper Sales now has im mediate opening for 10 neat and am bitious men and wom en w ho are free to travel California, Florida, Texas and other ma|or cities and return Must be over 18, no experience necessary, on the |ob training cash advance daily You can earn $300 750 weekly and com m ission and bonuses dem onstrating an all new clean mg product. For interview call Mrs. Cooper 232 1672 10 30 A M to 4 30 PM daily Parent welcom e at interview HELP WANTED APPLIANCE REPAIR PERSON Full tim e wage 2 years exper tence or training All makes, refrigeration necessary Send resume to Les Appliances 309 N Baker St . M cM innville, OR 97218 ( 503)472 3329 FOR SALE Cleaning Efficient, Dependable References All areas 249 7950 AGE Candidates must tre 21 years of age at time of hire 20 years to a p p ly 2 Bedroom House For Sale By Owner Phone (503) 287 8303 C IT IZ E N S H IP Candidates must be citizens of the United States try their date of em ploym ent APT FOR RENT P ER SO N AL C H A R A C T E R A pplicants must be of good char acter and must not havo been convicted of a felony crime, or received numerous misdemeanor or traffic violations (fudged on individual basis) 2nd Floor Duplex New Paint New Carpet, Tile Bath, 2 BR $230 00 mo 6811 N E Union 286 3189 ESTATE JEWELRY BUY & SELL Cash for Your Old Silver it Gold such as • W edding Bands; Fraternal Jewelry; • Class Rings Broken Chains; • Dental Gold ETC Carlyle Gems b Custom Jewelry 4425 N E Fremont 284 8400 TRIPLEX FOR SALE JANITORIAL M IN IM U M Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S E D U C A T IO N Applicants must have completed 90 term hours (60 semester hours) of study at time of hire. n o t p rio r to a p p ly in g between 8 30 a m 8 4 110 p rti Deadline for applications is Wed nesday. Sept 17, 198b GUYS & GIRLS NEED A JOB? O ffic e r V A W ade M in o rity R e c ru ite r 796 3200 or Civil Service ?4H 4352 Large 3 bedroom First Floor Ef basement garage, 2 Apts 1 bedroom Upstairs Near Lloyd Center, $49 500, call 288 3336 D R IVER S LICENSE Candidates must possess or be able to obtain a State of Oregon Driver . License A P P R O X IM A T E S A LA R Y Entry $23,545 60 6 m o s $25 02192 l y r $26,519 52 5 y rs $33,549 72 POSITION WANTED P H O TO G R A P H ER Seeks position on either large or small daily newspaper Eight years experience of w orking with both dailies and weeklies Re cent graduate w ith master's de gree from University of Arkansas W im e r of several photography awards from Arkansas Press As sociation Contact: James Smith, 3001 W edm gton, No 63, Fayetteville, Arkancc ? r"31. (503)521 2166 September 10, 1986, JOBS, Page 7