ACCOUNTING PAYROLL SUPERVISOR $1593 $1937 mo Coordinates ft Supervises payroll processing lor approx 1200 employees in a computerized, decentralized sys tern Req substantial exp supervising in house computer driven payroll systems, working knowledge ol general ledger at counting, labor cost distribution accounting, and exp with FICA. SAIF, and state ft federal with holdings reporting County appli cation lorms required, resumes NOT accepted Apply by Sep tember 19, 1986 to W ashington County Personnel 150 N First Ave . Room B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 An E O E M U LTN O M A H COUNTY F IN A N C IA L SPEC IA LIST $26,142 $33,993 annually, de velops gram accounting stan dards. policies and procedures; requires two years of progressive ly responsible professional ac counting or fiscal management experience, apply by September 19. 1986 WHERE TO APPLY M u ltn o m a h County Courthouse. Room 134 1021 SW Fourth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer CASE M ANAG ER The Urban League of Portland is accepting resumes for the post tion of Adolescent Parent Treat merit Case Manager Anyone wishing to apply must submit their resume to M cK in ley W illiam s D irector of Em ploym ent Urban League of Portland 10 N Russell St Portland. OR 97227 Resumes will tie through 5 PM Sept accepted 17, 1986 P.ttje6. JOBS. September 10, 1986 RESEARCH ASSISTANT S ilviculture To assist in analysis and reporting of studios in silviculture. M S degree in forestry or related field required Desireable statistical, computer, SAS, writing and communication skills, field re search experience Half time ,a culty position Salary $7,500 $8,500 per annum depending on qualifications For information call Dr David Hibbs 1503 754 22441 Send letter of applica tion, complete resume, tran scripts, and three letters of refer ence to: Dr Logan Norris. Head D ep artm en t of Forest Science Oregon S tate U niversity Corvallis. OR 97331 An EEO AA employer Complies Sec 504 Rehab 1973 st ksisi. PRECERTIFKLXTION COORDINATOR Blue* ( rt»** and Blue M itv ld <»f ( >r<*gnn. a m a jo i h v a llli m *u v < co m p an y , ha* an opening for an l< \ pm fcxM onal Io conduct rrvicw x for prvcertifica tion program , including pruuertifica tion. M.*coud opinio n, discharge plan ning. and benefit extension reviews. Successful candidate m ust he an k \ . c u iT c n th licvn*cd in the state o f O re gon. and hast* 3 f- years hospital nurs mg experience. l*Skt >. quality assur ance. o r u tiliia tio n rexicw experience preferred Hospital or professional au dit background helpful ( m w k J coin m u n ic a tio n skill* are a must Blue < io * * and Blue S hield o f < Iregon offers au excellent em ployee t*eiief*Ls package, flex tim e w o rk ho u rs, and co m p etitive salars 11« asc apph or send resum e to Blue Cross Blue Shield o i O regon H uiiijii K p .o u o r t P rp t , 5th I Itwir I (HI S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 BuaCmu GSaStwM LANE C O M M U N IT Y COLLEGE P io,ect C oordinator Women's Program Project Assistant Women's Program Job Resource C enter Specialist Training b Development C oordinator H alf tim e Coope“rative Work Experience Above Positions Tem porary A pplication D eadline S eptem ber 26. 1986 Call 1 726 2211 or write: Lane C o m m u n ity College Personnel Services 4000 E 30th Ave Eugene. OR 97405 For application and job descrip lion LCC application must be received no later than 5:00 PM on deadline date. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Institution. PRO JECT C O O R D IN A T O R Salary $30,000 $39,000 Promote, implement and assist economic development projects in Portland's Columbia Corridor: a new development area which contains over 6000 acres of va cant industrial and commericial property Job qualifications in­ clude experience in economic development, real estate devel opment. and ability to work with diverse protects and individuals; excellent oral and written com munication skills Return com pleted Commission application form by September 19, 1986 Portland D evelo pm ent C om m ission 1120 S W 5th A v e .. Suit 1102 Portland. OR 97204 503 796 5349 An equal opportunity. affirmative at linn employer