Page 8, Portland Observer, September 3, 1986 A New Dance School Spread the Word! Two dance schools in Oregon have merged to form a very new and exceptionally unique dance school. The Pacific Academy for the Perform mg Ans located in downtown Portland, and Ballets USA based m Lake Oswego, have become The School of American Contemporary Ballet This new dance school embraces contemporary dance and classical ballet to offer Portland s youth and adults, beginners and professional, an excellent, energetic end eclectic dence program Please x»m us for a Grand Opening, Sunday. September 7th from ,2 00 5 00 p m at our new loca tion. The school is located at 618 SW Park Avenue in the heart of down town Portland STOP The Northeast Housing and Com­ munity Development Steering Com­ mittee is requesting proposals for programs/projects to develop the northeast HCD neighborhoods. The monies being provided from the city of Portland s NE HCD Plan total »180.000 00 The entena do cument for program/project devel opment is available in the north­ east neighborhood office during work hours 9 00 A M to 4 30 PM The King Neighborhood Facility, 4B15 N.E. 7th Avenue Persons interested in submitting proposals must send a letter of intent to be received by August 29th at 3 00PM to the NE neighborhood office Proposals deadline is September 17th at 3 00 PM FOR SALE 2 Bedroom House For Sale By Owner Phone (503)287 8303 New on the Alameda Community School fall schedule is Spread the Word I. an adult d ata in news writing The course is designed for persons sending news releases from businesses, sociei service agencies, nonprofit organizations, and community and special interest groups Spread the Word' will address defining readerships, selecting media format mechanics, writing style and efficient news dissemination. Amalie Lee Bricker Clark, instructor, has a diversified background m news media work, including 5 years as special sections editor, The Houston Post 4 years as instructor in communications. University of Houston; and service as informational representative. Oregon Employment Division. Classes will meet eight Tuesday evenings, 7 9 p m .. beginning October 7. To register by mail, send »24 tuition to Alameda Community School 2732 NE Fremont. Portland. OR 97212 after September 12; or take your payment to the school between 11 a m. and 6 p.m. September 29 through October 2. ESTATE J E W E L R Y -B U Y & SELL Cash for Your Old Silver ft Gold • Wedding Bands; • Class Rings Broken Chams Fraternal Jewelry . GoW e t c CARLYLE G E M S b C U S T O M JEW ELRY 447*» N E. F R E M O N T The first president to eccepì his pert y « nom inetion w ith a speech at the party convention was Franklin 0 Roosevelt w ho flew from Albany to Chicago in 1932 “Their checking fees were low. And they’ve kept them that way.” “I wanted to refinance. ' They were one of the few who would work with me, even though they were so busy.” “I thought they should put in more parking at my branch. They did.” Red Cross Parenting Course Scheduled The American Red Cross is offer­ ing "Parenting: Your Child From One to Six" class in four sessions each Tuesday, Sept 2 through 23 The class will be held at Emanuel Hospital. 2801 N Gantenbein, from 7 to 9 p.m. Taught by Red Cross authorized volunteer instructors, the class will cover sensorimotor, language, intel lectual and social emotional growth, discipline, safety, nutrition, health, philosophies of contemporary pa renting, and current child develop ment theories. Pre registration is necessary since class size is limited Cost of the class is $20 per couple or individual to cover cost of materials Call The American Red Cross, 284 1234, x 175, for more information 7.51% 1 __ Rfi t k VLD FSLIC INSURED ONE YEAR CD C A LI FOA OTHER HATES El TEAMS W. WILSON FINANCIAL X Z IS W M h 727 1144 BUY AT WHOLESALE NO LIMIT! Flour Tuna Fish 6W-oz Alpo Dog food. 15-oz Dry Doglood Name brand mix: 50 lbs............ OJ. frozen 12-oz * a L so 8c lb. 49c 3/$1 $8 49 59c A Cosco Baby Stroller Huffy 'Workhorse' 1 »eraser $24.99 $129 95 FOODSTAMPS l W ELC O M EI -a? THE BEE CO 800 N. Kllllngsworth St. Portland (503) 283-3171 Open Mon-Sat. 9:30 a m. - 6 p.m. Yru Talked. We Listened. Now in your community: Since March of 1985. we’ve been making changes. We vc added more tellers during peak hours. Streamlined procedures for opening new accounts. Developed regional lending centers to meet local needs. Remodeled one third of our branches to make I he Benj. Franklin a better place to bank. Instituted 100 policy changes that have made banking easier. And more. AU part of our commitment to "Plain Talk, Easy Banking." A lot of these changes were a result of our "Talk Back program. T his direct line to our chairman let customers teU us how we could improve. Or, as • Voung Brifi»h a n d Engllih »peaking European» will provide in home child core tor one year • C hooie from our profile» of carefully »elected and »creened Au Pair» • S’ 50 per week include, Au Pair i pocket money oirfare medical in,uronce and local »upervlWon • First legal Au Potr/culfural exchange program with U S Govermenl de,ignation $«nd ter our F tm brecfmre Au M i In America