September 3, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 7 PCC Students Schedule Steel Drum 'Al Fresco' Concert Word of the Week. Bonanza - a very rich vein or pocket of ore. Color of the Week: Scarlet Red The public is invited to bring sack lunches and join students and staff of Portland Community College at outdoor luncheon concerts September 22 and 23. featuring steel drum artist Phillip Greek. Greek will provide his "Caribbean sounds between ,1 a m and 1 p.m. beside the fountain adjacent to the College Center building at Sylvania Campus. 12000 S W 49th Ave Greek a popular Portland musician, is a graduate of Stanford University. His appearance is being sponsorded by the Associated Students at PCC. The program is free Fashion Collage!!I J a n e t Jackson Hits the Top W ith " C o n tro l” A lb u m Janet Jackson, the youngest member of the Jackson family is making a name for herself with her smash hit album "C ontrol." reports the Septem ber EBONY The attractive 20 year old began her career at the age of nine on a televi sion show with her brothers She later was cast in major roles on "Good Times,’' "D iff’rent Strokes," and "Fam e." Now all grown up. Janet has taken a dramatic turn Janet talks about her new career, her marriage and divorce, and why it is important for her to change her image "Everything does change Nothing stays the same This is my change I'm becoming an adult," Janet says in the September EBONY KEY LARGO PRESENTS On September 10, Key Largo is privileged to present in a rare West Coast appearance SUN RA AND THE OMNIVERSE JET SET ARKESTRA In a career that began in the '40s as pianist arranger for the Fletcher Henderson Big Band. Sun Ra has consistently been in the forefront of musical innovation. The OMNIVERSE JET SET ARKESTRA a 14 piece band who play more than 20 instruments between them, have been known to begin their shows by parading en masse from the back of the house to the stage playing their instruments. They are equally adept at a number of styles ranging from the aforementioned Fletcher Henderson Big Band charts to the self professed "Extra Terrestrial Aliens" critically acclaimed "Space Music." Tony is particularly pleased they have decided to schedule their Portland appearance at Key Largo because, the last time they were hare, they per formed at his by now legendary "Luis La Bamba Club” to ecstatic audiences in two sold out shows. We hope you will |oin us for what we feel will be one of the most sigrufi cant musical events of 1986 And remember, "Space is the place," Parents Needed Parents Anonymous is helping parents succeed Put your parenting experience or problem solving skills to good use by volunteering to be a Child Care Specialist. Training provided. Call 238 8819 Announcing three (3) new groups: Step Parenting Self Help, Single Parenting Support Model. Men Abused As Children Anger Manage ment TERRI’S % FRESH FISH & SEAFOODS 3225 N.E. Union Ave Open 9 a m - 9 p.m. M Sat Sun 4 9 pm 24 Hour Delivery on Chinook Salmon Specializing in Whole Fish Executive Women International. Portland Chapter, will host a fund raising dinner fashion show at 6 00 P M Wednesday. September 17. 1986 at the West in Benson Hotel. Tickets are $22 00 each and can be reserved by calling June Gray. 227- 0714 Exciting door prizes and a fanta Stic grand prize . two round trip airline tickets, compliments of United Airlines, wili be given away Proceeds from the fashion show will go to Executive Women Inter national "Business Career Devel opment Program" This worthwhile program provides scholarships to high school juniors who have ex­ hibited outstanding business leader ship potential For further information call: 227- 0714 Shelter to Open Annie Ross House. Clackamus County's new land only) emergency shelter for homeless families will hold an Open House and House warming Friday. September 5. from 4pm 6pm, at the shelter, 2316 S.E. Willard Street (across from Milwau kie High School) There will tie an official dedication ceremony at 5 30 p m by Shelter Director, Diane Hess, and a state ment by Frank Kerr. Annie Ross' grand nephew There will also be refreshments, live chamber music and house tours Annie Ross (Roberts) was a major philanthropist in Milwaukie’s bis tory, who generously supported many chanties and organizations which supported children, low in­ come and minorities She lived only a few blocks from Annie Ross House, where the Milwaukie Pres byterian Church stands today Red Cross Baby Care Course Offered The American Red Cross is offer ing a "Baby Care" class in four parts on Thursdays, September 4th through 25th, from 7 00 to 9 30 PM at Red Cross Headquarters. 3131 N Vancouver Ave. This course is for expectant, new, and adopting parents and or grand parents to prepare them to under stand and fulfill the special needs of infants through their first year of life Taught by Red Cross volunteer instructors, the subjects covered will include feeding, handling and bathing, characteristics of the in­ fant, family adjustments, growth and development during the first year, and safety and health care for infants Pre registration is necessary since class size is limited A charge of $15 per couple or individual will be made to cover costs of materials. Scho­ larships for "Baby Care” and other Red Cross courses are available Call Red Cross at 284 1234, x3O3, To claan a badly at amad brollar pan. aprlnkla haavily w ith dlahwaahar datargant or dry laundry datargant Cover w ith dam pened paper tow els and let stand an hour or so W ig s^aírp ieS s^ íñ d 'íeauty^iw líe^ Sale & Restyling • E vj Gabor • Burn f ree • Rene »I Paru • Carefree • Zurv and morv • Andie IXiugla 1106N.E. Broadway lacrosa horn SaTaway Lloyd Cantari Tel. 2821664 ^ * o r iC H o u r ^ t0 ^ 0 ^ ^ t^ H ÍL 0 0 ^ n ^ 4 o n d a ^ th r t^ a tu r d a ^ IW/GS