Page 4, Portland Observer, September 3, 1968 Career Workshop The Urban League of Portland will begin hosting a senes of career exploration and iob search assis tanca workshops this month as part of its outreach program directed to ward unemployed and under employed residents of North/North­ east Portland. The first workshop in this series will be conducted by Victoria Wade, Police Officer and Minority Recruit er for City of Portland's Police Bureau Ms Wade will be available to answer questions about minon ties in local law enforcement careers Among the topics to be discussed will be compensation, job security, advancement opportuni ties and training and education re quired to apply for law enforcement careers This workshop will be held at the Urban league of Portland, in the Multi Purpose Conference Room, located at 10 North Russell Street The date of the workshop is Satur day, September 6th, from 10:00 AM to 12 00 Noon All interested persons are encour Youth Center Needs Volunteers aged to attend this presentation, Please contact McKinley Williams, Director of Employment. Urban League. 280 2600 On September ,3th and 14th, the Portland Police Bureau and Portland Community College (Cascade Cam pus, will conduct four (4) compre hensive pre examination seminars tor all persons interested m becom ing Portland Police Officers Nikki Sullivan, who has conducted pre vious seminars, will facilitate these upcoming seminars. There will be four 14) seminars, each scheduled three (3) hours in length Conducted both Saturday and Sunday, the morning seminar is scheduled for 9:00 A M to 12:00 Noon, and the afternoon seminar is scheduled for 1 00 PM to 4:00 PM All interested persons are encour aged to attend Reservations are required To make arrangements to attend, please contact Victoria Wade at 796 3200 The City of Portland will follow up these seminars by opening appli cations for Portland Police Officers from September 15 through 26. Workshop Series The Urban League of Portland will begin hosting a series of work shops to inform the community about specific opportunities avail able through the State of Oregon Bureau ol Labor and Industries Ap prenticeship and Training Pro­ grams The first workshop in this series will be conducted by Lana Barr. Program Coordinator. Job Corps Program. Ms Barr will introduce two participants currently attending tfie Union Carpenters Program. Oave Davis, a local black male youth, and Kris Wesley, a local black female youth, will be on hand to answer questions about their ex periences with the Job Corps Pro­ gram Both Davis and Wesley will be graduating from the program in December 19B6 with excellent pros pects for employment as Appren ticeship Carpenters The workship is scheduled for Tuesday. September 9th, from 4 00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Multi- Purpose Room of the Urban League of Portland The Urban League is located at 10 N Russell Street. All interested individuals, particu larly youth, are encouraged to at tend this informative session For additional information, please con­ tact McKinley Williams. Director of Employment. Urban League, 280 2600 The $12 class for children 1, and older will teach basic first aid, hand ling emergencies, and child proof ing the home. Participants are en couraged to bring a sack lunch and a doll, if possible community who enjoys children and/or young adolescents Said Kallmyer, "We have had volunteers ranging from sensitive seniors in high school to senior citizens Age and occupation aie not pertinent, rather the importance lies m the tact that the volunteei is a mature, cai mg individual " If you have an interest in becom Upon completion of the day long course, certificates from the Amen can Red Cross will be issued to class members To register, persons may drop by St Vincent's Health and Lifestyle Center weekdays. 8:30 a m . to 5 p.m., or mail in a registration form and the class fee For more information, contact Jill Jaccard, Press Relations Officer, 29, 2225 ing a Big Brother Big Sister of would like more information, con­ tact Beth Kallmyer at The North Portland Youth Service Center 285 0627 THIS BOOKLET CAN CHANGE THE WAY YOU PLAN TO PAY FOR COLLEGE. THE G l BILL PLUS THE A R M Y COLLEGE FUND C A N BE W O R TH UP TO $ 2 5 2 0 0 TO W ARD YOUR COLLEGE E D U C A TIO N I k*fc* hi »u it wi wk* I ir * i ym i i( W itr iK itc to ym it cl I lm atHMi $ k V |«ri rn m ith Im t in - I h m f u ll 12 n u n th ft »4 y u u r m ltM m e ttf I h r n d i r tp iv rtn iiM tit u w ttr ih u tr * u p t o W / k V T h . i f s t h r L ì I B ill U i t h r l w A f t u \ ( x »liege F u n d . ym i i >iu . k I a ! u p to '14 1 . m u re (Sei ta b lt below.) A m i tiu- i r u a i d * « »1 B rin g .» ** 4d icf g»» t.ii h e ym u i «M in in g money (« »f o ’lk'gv \ h i II .$| m » k '.o n M’lt i c I i . i i h c. d 1*4 ip lin c , team u t »i k .n m I p i k k S « u h e n yi h i d* » get I»» n»lk*gc you II lx- $hk- to get tlw nw»*t • Hit »4 II h •» m» we t n lo t in .it»on a lx m t t in * p ro g M itt a n d l* > * y$»u l . i i i i ju a lit y tm it. m v o h n k * .»I \ im y R c iiu it c t tod.ty O i ».»Il t . »Il ( m I W l \ \ ARNO V»u II (utai «nit th a t p a yin g (m i$ *llrg e th ro u g h ilw A rm y pay* o l( in m o te way* th a n $»iw ARMY. BEAUYOUCANBE. JANITORIAL Cleaning Efficient, Dependable References All areas 249 7950 Sale prices in this ad effective Wed . Sept 3 through Sat . Sep, 6 unless otherwise specified Most items a, reduced prices Babysitti ng Class A babysitting and safety class will be offered Saturday. Sept 20. from 8 30 a rn to 4 30 p m at St. Vm cent Hospital's Health and Lifestyle Center, 11640 SW Parkway The North Portland Youlh Ser vice Center is currently in need of volunteers for their Big Brother/Big Sister Program The Big Brother Big Sister Program sponsors a one on-one relationship between a re sponsible adult and a child in need of a positive role model and friend. Most of the youth involved in the program are from single parent households or households where both parents work, hence the need for adult companionship Youth requesting companionship moat often outnumber volunteers Furthermore, the demand for Big Brothers is one the program has the most difficulty fullftiling The lime commitment is 2 5 hours per week for a period of nine months Beth Kallmyer. coordina tor of the Big Brother Big Sister Program said, "The time commit ment can scare potential volunteers away, yet most people have more free time than they might think 2 3 hours on a Saturday afternoon is minimal, especially when com pared to the rewards of the relation ship -fo r both the child as well as the volunteer" Volunteers are matched with chil dren who share the same hobbies and interests The volunteer and the youth engage in many activities together, such as biking, cooking, fishing, attending sporting and cul tural events or anything that inter ests both parties "But the most important aspect,'1 said Kallmyer, "is Ihe time spent, which in turn fosters a positive friendship The potential volunteer can be any responsible member ol Ihe SEPTEMBER WID IMUAS FAl SAT 3 4 5 fi rw A LINE-UP OF GREAT PAINT '/ALUE! > INTERIOR PAINTS ... ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH C orner of t t h en d S k id m o re Sunday School 9 I 6 l m Sunday Worship 11 00 a m Christian Youth FeUowship 6 00 p m «second and fourth Sundays! P h illip s N elso n (P a sto r) o^ o d a te y o u r0Osk ©z EDWARD E WARD, DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY •DENTAL CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY" e 3 COLORS Wall paint - ramvTMw uauvno Econom ic.I intonor paint coverage lor a basic coal Easy lo apply and easy to claan with soap and water Sears every day low price - i a i i > t * t fsohauonm . m n - IN U RANCI I »LA IX V A C a r t l D - S ip A THEN 10« S lN M Tt»! r ATONTA P«r e»W» o*w«oo$ patrsta mutl be « - HLs txsct ssto rato« ro rat atto nt - - - - - - »RA M ASURCASO n i » atonta » iluxslü A U BIS U N IS V AUDATtO FASS WC o n i c i m x as MONDAT VATI RUAT I AM ITININL.S A» AILA B U ADA ME M M R PRICE! DURABILITY! SELECTION! 50 COLORS Satin flat 50 COLORS Semi-gloss Sears premium E a *y Living o n e c o a l interior finish Alto bnytii while cetbng paint Clean up with soap and water W ashable finish 10 yr warranty Easy Living premium hmsh is a datable one coal Withstand» scrubbing when dry Perlee! lor high use areas Irtre kitchens and trim ID yr warranty ____ i lwrt*r wwiwiry for year« mdxaM •«»• '<* <$•<«$• r EXTERIOR PAINTS ... Í FM VALUE BUYS! 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -3 0 0 9 Dr. Edward G Ward 610 SW Alder, suite KM* paY0' en* Pa inf sprayer plan 1 a . 69” Cialtsrnan heavy duly airless sprayer krl with a case included Covers siding furniture more 15529 Iasi and easy ’YT’i * I Exterior stains Reg $15 99 taw* gal 45437 Latex house paint W e a th e rb ea te r 10 D riv e w a y coating Basic cover coal lor your home Easy soap and water cleanup Available in white only Flat finish. Sears premium one-coal exterior paint 40 col­ or choices 10-yr warranty Sears premium coal protects as phall. fills cracks up to 1/8 meh Clackamas 11800 S E 82nd Ave 652 2280 Vancouver Mall 4911 N E Thurston Way 256 8333 Washington Square 9800 S W Washington Blvd 620 15,0 W a rra n te d lor 3 years not lo crack blister or peel For siding S trim t ough A resistant f it