• » 4 s \ . NOTICE TO ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will tie received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education in A dm inistrative Services Building, Room B100, Oregon State University Cor vallis, Oregon until 2 00 P M PDT, Thursday, Sep tember 25, 1986 for Dearborn Hall Alterations loca ted at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud ,n the Adm inistrative Services Building, Room A622D by the Undersigned or a designated representative Notice is hereby given that M ilwaukie, Oregon will receive sealed bids at the office of the Public W orks Department in the Milwaukie City Hall until 2 00 pm PDT on Thursday, September 11, 1986 At that time each bid received w ill be publicly opened and read for the ASPHALTIC CONCRETE OVERLAY OF S f RAILROAD AVENUE FROM S E 42ND AVENUE TO S.E BECKMAN STREET IN MILW AUKIE. OREGON The proposed work consists of: Applying approx, mately 759 tons of Class " C " asphaltic concrete pre leveling, and approximately 1 482 tons o f Class ' B overlay. The protect includes dem olition, concrete, carpentry, doors, cabinets, ceilings, painting and associated mechanical and electrical work Bids w ill be received on a lump sum basis for all of the work One set of contract docum ents may be obtained from the office o f Jeppsen, Miller and To bias. Architects. 245 NE Conifer Blvd., Corvallis Oregon 97330 (754 75411 by prime bidders only upon deposit of $25 A dditional sets may be obtained for the cost of reproduction S ubcontractors and others may purchase a set of plans and specifications for $15 Bids shall be addressed to Steven M Hall Public W orks Director. 10722 SE Mam Street, Milwaukie Oregon 97222 A non refundable fee for plans and specifications is five dollars ($5 00) per set ($2 50 additional ,♦ mailing is requested I No bid w ill be received or considered by the City of Milwaukie, Oregon unless the bid contains a state ment by the bidder that the provisions of ORS 279.350 w ill be complied w ith Contract docum ents may be examined at the Archi tect s office. O S U Physical Plant office; Builders Exchange Cooperative, Portland, Eugene Builders Exchange Corporation, Eugene, Northwest Plan Center, Portland Salem Contractors Exchange Salem C onstruction Data Plan Center, Portland. Impact Business Consultants, Portland, National Business League Oregon Chapter, c o CSS ft Asso ciates, Portland and Central Oregon Builders Ex change. Bend Bidders must be prequalified to bid for street overlay construction. Bidders not currently prequalified for this contract by the Oregon State Department of Transportation may apply for prequalif,cation by filing a com pleted prequalification statement of a form prescribed by the Oregon State Department of Transportation. Bidders filing prequalification appli cations must request an early decision and file the statement no later than five days prior to the bid closing date. Deposits will be refunded for contract documents returned in good condition by actual bidders w ithin tw o weeks after opening of bids, but to nonbidders only if returned no later than the day of the bid opening Bid security in the amount of five percent 15% i is required in accordance w ith the Instruction to Bid ders A 100% performance frond will be required upon award to the successful bidder Pre qualification of bidders is not required Non mandatory examination of the site and condi lions w ill be made on Tuesday, September 16, 1986 at 4 00 P M PDT Bidders shall meet w ith Owner and A rchitect at the Physical Plant Office prior to required examination Bids w ill not be considered unless com pleted accord ing to the provisions in the Invitation to Bid, and General Requirements The City o f Milwaukie reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any inform alities in the bidding All bidders m ust com ply w ith the requirements o f the prevailing wage law in ORS 279 350 CITY OF M ILW AUKIE STEVEN M HALL, P E PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Shaping Tomorrow Together « nliinihu it, n m m .’ I , ' S U l* iir llj,i,l No bid w ill be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in the "In stru ctio n to Bidders" upon the Bid Form provided and accompanied by Bid Security P * lh< i i k i i n . l l i s o r sm i mk s lm ,H OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION W C NELAND ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR S s r ild r O H *,*’ ¿,11 s i , , ' I Set! ¿¿,.-^¿1 September 3, 1986, JOBS, Page 13 I t - *s ft ¡ 7. I, Z ' w .*/ • •'•*#«' » I , • *’ * * » ’ • * • . - ... ? * «« •* « 'z • . • « . • . • »’ - ... * ? * ‘ ’ V 1 • • < • t •* . 1 J" JL’’ ». . *■»- - *■ , • •*. V •• ' t ■* • •• i«*« . 4 • • ■ r-