STAFF ATTORNEY RADIO NEWS ANNOUNCER LONGVIEW. W ASHINGTON POSITION DUTIES: The Longview Office is responsible for the delivery of legal services for a three county area. The attorney will maintain a reasonable caseload, and under the supervision of the office Di recting Attorney, will advise groups, aid community organize tions in planning goals, and esta Wish contacts with the local courts, bar association, etc. QUALIFICATIONS: Membership in the Washington Bar or willing to take the next bar exam. SALARY: KXL AM Evergreen Legal Ser vices is seeking a staff attorney in the Longview, Washington Office Longview is located on the Columbia River, approxi­ mately one hour from Portland, Oregon and the Washington beaches. Salary is dependent upon experience Minimum star ting salary is $17,082 per year STAFF ATTORNEY FARMWORKER DIVISION GRANGER Seeking experienced Journalist with minimum 3 5 years exper fence who can also host anchor ma|or news block Must be able to demonstrate smooth operation of broadcast board and use sound creatively as reporter Contact: BRIAN JENNINGS OR JEFF GRIMES 231 0750 Equal Opportunity Employer FOOD Ef PRODUCE MISCELLANEOUS PEACHES Improved Albertas. U Pick, $2 50 , 5 pound bucket Canning tomatoes, 10C pound Bring Containers Take 282 exit towards Canby, Left on Barlow Road Follow signs John's Peach Orchard, Canby, Oregon 15031266 9466 AVAILABLE: Immediately IN S U R A N C E APPLICATIONS: Please submit a resume and letter of applica tion to: Patrick McIntyre, Deputy Director EVERGREEN LEGAL SERVICES Central Support Office 101 Yesler, Suite 300 Seattle, W A 98104 Evergreen Legal Services is an equal opportunity employer Women, minorities and handi capped persons are encouraged to apply. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUN ITY, $250,000 possible first year Recent breakthrough in field of health and nutrition, National Te levtston Exposure $40,000 in vestment required to secure Ex elusive State Distributorship 1 800 367 8047 x 442 449 SUPERVISOR HMO |CLAIMS/ELIGIBILIT y | ,B |U* 3 h ,c ld ° ' < *rg o n . h e a lth in su ran ce com p any la •e e k tn x a S up erviso r < la n n , E llgfeui ty t o r s new ly developing H M O subaldl sry r h e In cu m b e n t w ill have ac q u ired a m in im u m 3 yean, experien ce as a C laim s Processing S upervisor, as well " »«mng lea d ersh ip and in te rp e rs o n a l s k ills P re v io u s e x p e rie n c e in pro ject m anagem en t is highly desired S alary 822 ¿ z i x £ ” “ “ 1" " " $ e » r5 ’ , d epen din g upon experien ce and background B lue C ross and Blue S h ie ld o f Oregon otters an excelle n t em plo yee ben efits p a c k a g e fle x tim e w o rk h o u rs , an d c o m p e titiv e s a la ry P le a s e a p p ly o r send resu m e to 7 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon H u m an R e so u r c e s Oept., 5th Floor POSITION. Evergreen Legal Ser­ vices is seeking a staff attorney for its Farmworker Division. The office is located in Granger, W a­ shington, a small rural town in the midst of the Yakima Va«ey. The Farmworker Division serves migrant and seasonal farm work ers state wide and emphasizes employment related issues and impact litigation involving crv4 rights and employment discrimi­ nation The Granger office in­ cludes a directing attorney, 5 staff attorneys. 1 paralegal and 3 support staff RESPONSIBILITIES: The attor ney will maintain a reasonable caseload, and under the super­ vision of the office directing at­ torney will advise groups, aid community organizations in pfen­ ning goals and establish con­ tracts with the local courts, bar association, etc QUALIFICATIONS: Memo«, of the Washington State Bar or will­ ing to take next bar exam. En­ glish Spanish bilingual manda­ tory. SALARY/BENEFITS: Salary range begins at $17,082 per year. Excellent benefits APPLICATIONS. to. Send resume Attn: Patrick McIntyre EVERGREEN LEGAL SERVICES 101 Yesler, Suite 300 Seattle. W A 98104 1206)464 5833 Evergreen Legal Services la an equal opportunity employer. M i­ norities, women and handicap­ ped are encouraged to apply. 100 S W Market FINANCIAL P ortlan d , ( >K 9 7 2 0 1 NEW CREDIT C A R D III No one refused. Also information on re­ ceiving Visa. Mastercard with no credit check. For details calf 1818) 762 6853 Ext 530 FEE. f ysaf Cmptortr September 3, 1986, JOBS, Page 11