. • • • • • • ’ ' - • ••• ?• • * > * * . • • , * * » ' ♦ - ■ . *■> . V ; r .; r < ,5* ' ' • . • 4 ' ’ ' >• •.•. , f • \.': i ■ ■ • - A ; * * '»w.. OREGON IS YOURS PUBLIC NOTICE D IS A D V A N T A G E D A N D W O M E N O W NED B U S IN E SS ENTERPRISES C TRAN hereby announces its 1987 goals of 10% Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and 5% Women Owned Business Enterprise IWBEl partici pation in federally funded contracts A description of how these goals were established will be available for public inspection Monday through Friday from 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m until October 2, 1986, at C TRAN, 2425 N E 65th Avenue, Vancouver, Washington C TRAN will accept informational comments until October 17, 1986 Address comments to Sandy French, Procurement & Grants Manager, C TRAN, P 0 Box 2529, Vancouver, Washington, 98668 The Urban Mass Transportation Administration will also accept informational comments until October 17,1986 Send comments to: F=OR U M T A , Region X 915 Second A venue. Suite 3142 Seattle. Washington 98174 Date of Publication September 4 1986 ONE WEEK! Your classified ad will reach over 800,000 Oregonians through 84 state wide weekly newspapers. From Pendleton to Brookings and Lakeview to Portland (Lake Oswego, Beaverton, Gresham, Milwaukie) you get a combined paid circulation of over 373,000. Conditions: • Line ads only •n o ads requiring money to be sent in advance • $5 per word, 25 word minimum • Ad must be prepaid For fu rth e r details, call JOBS TRADE M A G A Z IN E 288-0033 Ask for AI Williams September 3, 1986, JOBS, Page 7