» Consumer Education Research Center is a national non profit organization devoted to furnishing information to consumers that will help them cope with life in America For a T i m review copy ot in» book cooled Robert L Berko Executive Director CONSUMER EDUCATION RESEARCH CENTER 439 Clerk Street South Orange N J OTO 79 (2011 762-6714 or 762 7120 fr .' -2s X Helping Your Children Do Better In School How can parents help their children become more successful students9 A new booklet written ,n the wake of reports of declining achievement test scores and lowered minimum basic skills standards m the nation s schools details what parental concern ationtmn and Um can do to help children study, learn, and establish habits that will lead to a lifetime of s ^ e s ? 6 ™ 5'0" E d u â t^ R e s e lîc h c X e ^ X ^ k i e l T a d d r e s s ^ ' t o ^ school students ' PU?',S^ Dy ,he Profit Consumer addressed to parents of elementary through ,un.or high ft is based on the premise that successful students are • motivated • pay attention • understand ideas • remem ber facts and concepts • work without stress s x ,h e M • • how positive self talk and images and Questions r«iat«H : " • ~ • an effective organized study and note taking system • S 3 o n ^ t s S,lX,en‘S atten,,° " * — - . and toward productive ways to do The information in How to Help Your Ch.ldren Achieve ,n School can go a long way in ass.st.no oarents in making school and learning a rewarding experience for their children and a firm basis for their further education and ultimate career 6 turmer “ n T o ™ £ 14 " n C k "" a °°S' a 9” I C e RC ea ““ “°" f « « . « 9 Clan. S tre et