Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 05, 1986, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8, Portland Observer. March 5. 1986
Nero Awarded
Nero and Aswiciales, Inc has been
aw aided (he contract to furnish facility
engineering, operation and mainte­
nance services at the A rm y's Yuma
Arizona Proving Giounds. according to
David M N m C.B.O " t the Portland
The Yuma contract it for
$1,067,737 fo r fiscal 1986 with three
option year* resulting in a total contract
value o f $7,440,331 Nero announced
Portland based Nero and Associates,
Inc with 34 office* in 14 states
specializes in Engineering Manage
ment. Operation and Maintenance of
Government, m ilitary, municipal and
private sector plants and facilities Nero
stated that Services provided by Nero
and Associates, Inc includes Tire pro
lection, security, vehicular operation
and maintenance, waste and waste
water sewage treatment plants, build
mgs and structures
Oregon Eye Physicians Offer Help
The Oregon Helpline is open from 8
am to 5 pm Monday through Friday
Other stales w ill be opening at two-
week interval* until July 21. when the
Helpline w ill be operating throughout
the country
The program — supported by volun
tary donations from ophthalmologists
and by contributions from corporations
associated with the eye care profession
— is sponsored by the Foundation o f
the American Academy ot Ophthal­
mology and state ophthalm ology
societies across the US
A m erican
Ophthalmology is the w orld’s largest
association o f eye physicians and sur­
geons. with nearly 14.(MM) members
Ophthalmologists provide comprehen
sive eye exams, prescribe corrective
lenses and diagnose and treat eye dis
Energy Assistance Programs Receive Additional Funding
The Oregon Eye Care Project
Helpline, the medical program to help
provide eye care to the elderly, ha* re­
ceived 91 I calls in its first two week* o f
O f the callers. 632 elderly Oregon
residents — 20 o f whom have no insur­
ance — have been referred to volunteer
ophthalmologists for eye care Other
callers have received free information
about eye care
James R Waldman. M D . president
o f the Oregon Academy o f Ophthal­
mology. has encouraged US citizen*
an J legal residents age 65 and older to
call the toll free Helpline — 1-800
222 EYES — i f they think they have
medical eye problems but do nert have
an eye physician Disadvantaged e l­
derly are eligible for medical eye care at
no out o f poc ket cost
It has been announced by the Com­
munity Action Agency of Portland
(CAAP) that six local agencies w ill re­
ceive additional funding to provide
energy assistance to low-income people
in the Portland area due to recent
award* from the City o f Portland and
the Emergency Food & Shelter Board
On Wednesday February 12. 1986. the
City Council approved $25.(MM) for
emergency fuel assistance in addition to
$18,457 approved by the Council in
November The local Emergency Food
A Shelter Board, which oversees funds
made available by the Federal
Emergency Management A dininis
traiton. awarded the C AAP service arc
a total o f $56,923
Low-income persons may apply for
emergency assistance by contacting the
local C A A P affiliate agency serving
their neighborhood
Area Served Telephone
PACT. SE Portland. 239-4328
Neighborhood House. SW Portland.
246 166.3
Burnside Projects. O iw ntow n Port­
land, 222 9627
NCAC. N Portland. 286 8371
Urban league. NE Portland, 284-2776
NW Service Center, NW Portland,
228 6972
Michael Jans. Executive Director of
the C AAP. mxes that these emergency
fuel monies are coming at a critical lime
due to the spend out o f monies made
available under the federally-funded
Low Inc time Energy Assistance Prog­
ram icommonly called LIEAP) Jans
also noted that the federal government
recently released LIEAP monies which
had been temporarily frozen while the
Health & Human Services Department
I HHS) examined potential cutbacks in
funding due to the Gramm Rudman
Act "U nfortunately.” noted Jans,
"because lunds were temporarily held
by HHS. many low-income people
have gotten the impression that money
is no longer available Gur affiliate
agencies have reported that many
people have not shown up for appoint­
ments or have gone without heal be­
cause they were unaware that assistance
was available ” Jans also noted that
many low-income people do not apply
for assistance until they realize they are
unable to meet energy bills which have
accumulated over the cold monthv
" A s a result, every year we sec a large
number o f utility shut o ils which occur
starting about this time of year, thus this
money is very important to Portland's
poor "
These Feature Grocery
item s Are Just An
Example Of w h a t
y o u w ill Find in
Your "Safeway
Shopping Guide"
Sickle Cell Anemia
Benefit Scheduled
I he Portland Sickle Cell Anemia 2nd
Annual Musical w ill he held 6 p m .
Saturday, A pril 26 at Maranalha
Church, located at 4222 N E 12th
Ecaturcd w ill be Emanual Apostolic
C hurch. Bremerton. W ashington.
Time Sound, The Psalms. -Alpha,
Bethel A M E . Maranalha Inspira
turns and many other groups and choirs'
Come and worship and help others at
the same tim e' For more infonnation.
call 249-1399 Proceeds to Portland
Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation
A Late-Night Supper
That's Sure To Please
Something light, something easy —
that's the sort o f food called for after an
evening out at a movie, concert or night
game And this menu fills the ticket
nicely, thanks to the special flavor of
convenience foods that make sonic
thing special out o f simple inexpensive
Be a star after any event with a late
supper featuring this easy entree
Spaghetti Carhonara is delicious and
simple, made with ham. cheese and
perfectly assembled Italian style veget
a treat anytime, late night or
Antipasto Salad
Spaghetti Carhonara
Crusty Italian Bread
Red Wine
Coffee Tortoni
Look In Y our
N ewspaper
Today For
Even M ore
And value
For Your
Dollar A t
Blade Cut
Chuck Roast
Antipasto Salad
1 pac kage 116 oz I farm fresh broccoli,
green beans, pearl onions and red
|S |’|*'IS
2 ounces salami, cut in julienne strips
(H cupl
4 ounce* provolone cheese, cut in
julienne strips ( I cup)
Mi cup prepared Italian salad dressing
Run cold tap water over vegetables in
colander to thaw completely; drain
Combine vegetables, salami, cheese
and salad dressing; toss lightly. C hill
Makes 4 cups or 4 servings
“ Select”
Spaghetti C arhonara
3 ounces spaghetti or verniKelli. bro­
ken in half
Boiling salted water
6 bacon slices, diced
Vi cup water
I package (1 0 oz ) Italian style vegeta­
bles with a seasoned sauce
1 egg
Vi cup light cream
Cook spaghetti in boiling salted water
until just tender — about K to 10 m i­
nutes Drain Meanwhile, saute bacon
in skillet until crisp, drain on absorbent
paper Pour o ff bacon fat, reserving I
tablespoon Add Mi cup water and veg­
etables Io bacon fat. bring to a full boil
over medium heat, separating vegeta­
bles with a fork and stirring frequently
until sauce cubes are blended Reduce
heat, cover and simmer 3 minutes Add
cooked spaghetti and bacon Beal egg
well, blend in cream Add to vegetable
mixture and simmer until slightly thic­
about 2 minutes Makes 4
cups or 4 servings
Save Up To 99e Lb., No Limit!
Bath Tissue
Coffee Tortoni
2 teaspoons caftein free instant coffee
'•a cup milk
2 egg whites
'S teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons almond liqueur*
I teaspoon vanilla
Save Up To 80‘ , No Limit!
IZ3 cup f inely chopped toasted almonds
I container (4 oz ) whipped topping,
*O r use '» teaspoon almond extract
Dissolve instant coffee in milk Beat
egg whiles with salt until foamy
Gradually beat in sugar and continue
beating until mixture w ill form stiff
shiny peaks Blend in coffee mixture,
liqueur, vanilla and almonds Fold in
whipped topping Spoon into indi
vidual souffle dishes Sprinkle with ad
dilional almonds, if desired Freeze
until firm , about 5 hours Makes afxiut
3 cuns or 6 servmes
Post, New All-Natural
Sweet Thompson
Raisin Bran
Seedless Grapes
20-0z. Pkg.
Save Up To 77‘ , No Limit!
From South
For You!
Save Up To 40‘ Lb., No Limit!
A d P r ic e s G o o d 3 / 5 T h r u 3 / 1 1 / 8 6
Safeways in Lloyd Center, St. Johns, At 5920
N.E. union & 6400 N. interstate. Sales Limited
To Retail Quantities. No Sales To Dealers.
• •