Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 05, 1986, Page 7, Image 7

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    March 5, 1986, Portland Observer, Page 7
Bill Thomas to Speak
From Ihe streets ol Fast Harlem to an
academic line up at a European univer
i ll ) may lx- an unusual journey. hut Hill
Thiunas is an unusual person His
career represents a new look m black
ministry. expanding to w orldw ide
horizons Dr H ill Thomas w ill he shar
mg some o f his experience and perspec
tise at Maranatha Church. AAednesday.
March 12. at 7 X) p m Maranatha is
located at N E 12th Avenue at Skid
more The public is invited
|)r Hill Ihomas has ministered not
ttnlv in lands where the population is
primarily ol African descent, but also to
Epropc and East Asia He has served as
pikstor o f a f rench speaking church in
Belgium, as a missionary in Zaire
speaking in l.ingala. and as an
evangelist in Hong Kong and other
pouts in the Ear East, speaking through
art interpreter whenever English or one
o f bis other four languages did not serve
the purpose As the result o f his minis
tty people have been healed, converted,
and enlisted in Christian discipleship
Or Thomas holds several academic
degrees, including a doctorate in theol­
Grace Collins
ogy from the Tree University of
Amsterdam. Holland
Although Wednesday, March 12th
w ill he the only general appearance in
Portland at this time. Thomas w ill be
speaking also at a luncheon especially
for pastors, on Tuesday. M a n h I Ith at
Allen Temple C *1 F Church. N E
Xth and Skidmore The Rev l*hillip
Nelson tv host pastor On Tuesday
evening he w ill meet for an informal
lime of sharing and answering ques
lions with students, stall and board of
North Portland Bible College, at X
p in . in the library
B ill Ihomas' stated aim is Io "m ajor
on those arrasol the world wheie Christ
is seldom or never preached, and to
stimulate a vision lor cross-cultural
mission in those churches where such a
vision is dim or lacking " W herever he
works he seeks to strengthen the local
church in Us ministry ol evangelism and
church growth
Further information can he obtained
by calling M a ra tilh a Chun '
’ 241. or North Portland Bible c ..liege.
Memorial Center
Day Care
• Kindergarten
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'Latch Key Program
Children 6 wks.
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to 11 yrs.
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4 year old kid« at G race C ollin«
63Olni 6 00pm
5 year old kid« at G race C ollin»
• tu d y b ard on s c h o o l w o rk
before going outside to play.
128 N.E. Russell SI.
Depart at 7 X) a m Iront N I 17th \ Multnomah and return al 6 p ill
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includes roundtrip transportation, ski lesson, ski equipment rental, (ski. boots A
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& .poles) $9 00 Lesson Mi H ixxl Instructor $K 50 Deadline is March Xth. limited
sealing lirst come lira reserved Ticket inlormatton contact Sandra Johnson at
Jabell's Beauty Supply. 5X52 N F Union Ave .2X1 6)95 Orienlalion AAednes
day. March 12th. 19X6at North Portland I ibrary M 2 N Kilhngsworth) upsl-nrs)
Portland. Oregon promptly at 6 X) p m
Howard History Professor
Wins Prize for Work
on Emancipation History
Grace Collins
Memorial Center
laA erne Hampton has lieen elevated to assistant vice president of First
Inter stale Bank of Oregon. Her o(Tne is at the Walnut Park branch where she
hail been assistant manager of operations since |9(t4. Hampton joined the
bank in l*)64 as a commercial teller and held operations positions in a number
of Portland bi am lies she has been active in counseling Jefferson High School
students about financial careen through financial Academy Mentors.
The yo yo w as originally a |ungle w eapon that could ba bounced oft the
head ot an enem y and swiftly draw n up out ot sight by som eone hiding
Day Care
Ron Hunt an inbalder w ho played w ith various National League team «
holds the record lor getting hit by pitched balls
The City ol Usbuaia. in Argentina's Tierra del Fuego. is the w o rld ’s south
ernm ost seat of governm ent
Dr Joseph P Reidy . an assistant prolessor in the history department at How .ml
University, was recently awarded the J franklin Jameson Prize lor his work as one
o f Ihc editors o f "T he Black Military Experience" (Cambridge University. 19X2)
Reidy shared the prize along with two other editors ol ihc volume which was ihc
first published in a projected 10-volume series, "Freedom A Documentary
History o f Emancipation. 1X61 1X67 "
The prize is awarded by the American Hislonc.il Association every live years
Tor outstanding achievement in the field ol historical editing
" The Black Military Experience" chronicles the lives ot black soldiers during
the C ivil War era. using materials from the National Archives which dociiiiienl the
soldiers' writings and recordings ot that lime
Reidy is also one ot the editors ol a second "Freedom
volume recently
published by Cambridge University Press, entitled "Ihe Destruction ot Slavery
It prevents a diKumeniary record ot the transformation ot the C iv il War into a war
against slavery, and the slaves' role in their own emancipation
In 1976, the Erecdmcn and Southern Society Project, led by University ot
Mary land historian Ira Berlin, began to explore the possibility ot writing a history
o f emancipation from the perspective ot ihe emancipated I or three years, the stall
o f the project worked in a vault at the National Archives searching through
thousands o f boxes and volumes
From the millions o f documents examined
most of them prev musly unknown
to scholars — they selected, catalogued and indexed some 40,000 which they
believed would tell the story o f emancipation Ihe richness ol their findings led
them to decide to make their history o f emanc ipation a documentary history I he
arranging, transcribing and annotating ol the material shaped the project's primary
selections into a comprehensive history
a multivolume formal that would allow
for a lu ll examination ot the complex w xial transformation that accompanied
emancipation The result is the "F reedom " series
In addition to Joseph Reidy and Ira Berlin, other editors o f the "Freedom "
senes are Barbara J Fields o f (he University ol Michigan. Thavoha (ilym ph ol the
University o f Texas at Arlington, and Leslie S Rowland o f Ihe University ol
Maryland Berlin and Rowland shared tlx- Jameson Prize with Reidy
Rutii n Morgan, feminist, author,
poet, playwright, journalist, will
speak al Portland Slate M ar. 7 at
Noon and 7.-.XI p.m. in Ihe Smith
Center BallriHtm.
Photo Credit: Isel Rivero
Robin Morgan to Speak
at PSU
One ol ihe earliest voices ol ihe wo
men's movcmeni in ihe United Slates,
Rohm Morgan, w ill make two tree pub
lie appearances I in la y . March 7, al
noon and 7 X) p ill , in Ihe Portland
Stale University Smith Center Bal
I room
Morgan, who edited Ihc book, "S is
lerhood is P ow erful." a collection ol
feminist essays from Ihe I960'», w ill
speak al noon on. "Sisterhood is
Global " Ihe 7 X) preseniahon w ill
consist ol readings from her hooks
Childcare w ill be provided tor both
Robin Morgan is a poet, playwright,
journalist and author Among her most
recent works are. "G oing Too J ar The
Personal Chronicles o f a Fem inist,"
"Sisterhood is G lo b a l." an anthology
ol essays from the iniernalion.il wo­
men's movement ol tlx- |9X(Tv. and
" I h e Anatomy of Freedom Feminism.
Physics and Global P olities."
She has published three fxxiks o f
poetry and is al work on a first novel A
c o n trib u lin g e d ito r o f " M s "
magazine, Morgan is a frequent
speaker al colleges and universities in
the US and abroad She is a recipient of
a National Endowment for the Arts L it­
erature Grant, and a Front Page Award
for Disiinguished Journalism She re­
cently was awarded a writing residency
al Yaddo
Her appearance at PSU is sponsored
by Ihc University
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• 4