March 5, 1986. Portland Observer, Page 5 __________ Poor Pueblo Recovers From Quakes b y B ob Lothian El Rixlco, Mexico — For the im- poverishcxl Indian pueblo of El Rodeo, located about 80 miles south o f Guadalaiara. M exico's devastating Sept I 9th and 2(Xh earthquakes made an alreads desperate situation worse El Rodeo has no pure drinking water, no water or sewer system, there is no doctor tor the village o f 2.(XX). no park, no school bus, and only one bus each week to the nearest town. 12 miles away Village residents often walk to town, w h iih lakes two hours over a dusty. log trus k choked mountain road The average income for El Rodeo residents front woodcutting, the main source ot work, is about S225/ycar A l­ coholism, unemployment and illiteracy plague the village According to l ather Jesus Bcmar ditto Reyes, secretary ol the El Rodeo reconstruction committee, the quakes destroved 10 adobe mud brick houses and seriously damaged 94 others, ntak ing them uninhabitable Many ol the 5v$l Center» Portland Oregon Tel. 282 1664 How much do you want to pay every month on a new car? “ Health Matters” Looks at Elderly Adults user age 60 are the fastest growing age group in America A l­ though many people enjoy fu ll, active lives, increasing age often brings a gre­ ater chance o f illness or injury One third o f the elderly sutler from a chronic health problem that is a serious concern both to themselves and their families This week on "Health Matters" lSunday. March 9, 8 5 0 a m on KGW Chan IK-1 8) yo u 'll learn what the op­ tions are when older parents need spe­ cial can.- Is a nursing home the answer? Should they lise with relatives’ What about retirement centers or apartments? Y o u 'll meet a couple with four e l­ derly parents who need care, and learn about alternatives Io nursing homes Spi- cial studio interview guests w ill in ­ clude Alton Wiehe. M D . family prac­ tice physician on the Emanuel Hospital and Holladay Park Medical Center medical staffs, and Carolyn Rezmkoff, sixial worker with Portland's Visiting Nurse Association "H ealth M atters" is a health and medical information senes presented as a public service by Go ahead Tell us what you can afford Because right now, you can apply for a consumer loan on your own terms at First Interstate Bank of Oregon Special 100% financing on new cars Negotiate the right deal for you on a new car You dec ide wfiat your monthly payments w ill f>e, whether you want our maximum terms, or whether you even want to make a down payment. The same deal applies to used '85 and 86 cars Flexible terms are also available on Jacob Critical of EEOC Action by John I Jm nb I he Equal Employment Opportunity Cission has abandoned its policy of using hiring goals and timetables to red­ ress d i sen minatory practices This new policy has been implemented without public heanngs. without a formal vote o f the Commissioners, and w ithout due regard for the purposes for which the EEOC exists The National Urban League con­ demns the EEOC's practice It is a ter­ rible step backward — a triumph of ideology over decency It is yet another example o f the Administration s high­ handed disregard o f c iv il rig 1" ' en­ forcement tools proven to be c fu .tiv e premium used cars of other model years And you can enjoy the same flexibility on RVs boats, vacation loans, and home improvement loans Certain restrictions do apply But with approved credit, you'll have remarkable lat­ itude in cutting your own deal Special ’/2% discount on most consumer loans We re making consumer loans easier and more affordable in other wavs, loo You can qualify for a 'z4% discount off the normal interest rales with automatic o payments (mm your First Interstate Bank checking account And with the right credit informa­ tion. we can have your money reads the same day Special loan hotline To apply for your loan, visit .ins First Interstate offk e during normal b u sin ess flours ( )r call our loan hotline weekdays from 5 to 8 p m . weekends from lb a m to 5 p m In Portland, call 225-4000 Outside Portland, call I (800)228-0454 Apply soon You may tie surprised at the deal you can make First interstate Bank Urn* setting the [tace ■SI«» I , « | r Alls ’ rl • • VIxA» V»slrr» SZiotrCit k»4*is *«*•, »•os arw] bussnrss V r - t n FT ID I )