* JOBS Classified Employment Opportunities Multnomah County Jail Steward $9 54 per hour; this is cooking and supervisory work in the preparation of food at the Multnomah County Correc­ tional Facility in Troutdale The Jail Steward determines tixxl stock levels, plans menus, and supervises and in­ structs inmates in the preparation of meals; requires 18 months o f experi­ ence or vocational training and 6 months experience; apply by March 7, 1986 Where Io apply Multnomah County Courthouse Rom 134 1021 SW Fourth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 " A n Equal Opportunity Em ployer" POLICE OFFICERS Portland Public Schools PATROL OFFICER Complete job description, including information about the required examination, may be obtained from Personnel Services. Portland Public Schools, 501 N Dixon. Portland. Oregon Completed application materials must be submitted to the PPS on or before March 14 1986 No telephone calls please Equal opportunity affirmative action employer B R O A D C A S T IN G TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR The Oregon Commission on Public Broadcasting seeks,in I xeculive Direc tor tor tile Administration A Develop ment o f the State I icensed Television A Radio System A related Telecom­ munications activities Requires min 5 yrs Administrative exp Application deadline April 15. 1986 Salary Com petitive Candidates must send com plete resume A a I page statement of Candidate's Philosophy regarding Pub lie Broadcasting to Alicia W olfrum . Oregon Commission on Public Broad casting 2828 SW Front Ave Portland OR 97201 (503) 295-2412 Affirm ative Action Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTING INVESTMENT ASSISTANT INDUSTRIAL The Investment Department o f a major health insurance company w ill be ac­ cepting applications for the Investment Assistant position Investment ac­ tivities include transferring and record ing o f figures required to generate daily balance reports, recording monthly buy and sell transactions for stock portfolio, performing account reconciliations, and other investment related tasks M inim um qualifications Qualified applicants w ill have knowledge o f in ­ vestment theory Demonstrated analyt­ ical skills M inim um I year college ac­ counting or I year accounting or hook keeping experience in lieu o f college IB-key and calculator Experience using a personal computer and LOTUS 1-2-3 would be helpful Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary Please apply or send resume to Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Personnel Department 5th Floor 100 S W Market hirtland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer LIBRARY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Descriptive cataloging and (X T .C tag ging o f documents Qualifications 4 yrs Library experience, 2 yrs, college level course work mavhe substituted for 2 yrs experience Knowledge of lib ­ rary procedures, clerical organizational skills, typing 55 wpm Salary range $1151 to $1575 monthly Eor applica­ tion contact Oregon State Library State Library Building Salem OR 97310 Phone (503) 378-4243 WASTE CIAN TECHNI­ Unified Sewerage Agency, $9 47 $11 5tVhr Assists m coordination of In d u s tria l Waste Program o f the Agenc y among various industrial customers, other governmental agen cies A staff, Req exp in program and protect management involving public contact and project responsibility, col lege level training in c iv il or sanitary engineering, exp with sewage treat ment and industrial waste regulations pref County application forms req .re ­ sumes NOT accepted Apply by March 14. 1986 to Washington County Personnel 150 N. First Ave. Room B-2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 ________ An E.O.E. __ ENGINEERING AIDE ($1139 - $1_433 Monthly) pertomis routine and non technical manual work in the field, office or laboratory related Io the investigation, lixation. design, construction, mainte­ nance and operation of engmeenng pro jects You must have know ledge o f the fundamentals o f algebra and plane geometry, ability to make simple re­ ports and keep accurate records, ability to trace and letter architectural or en gineering drawings, and ability to per form physical labor in all kinds of weather To request an employment application and announcement, contact ODOT Personnel 419 TrauaDoruiioii Bldg Salem, OR 971 IB (373 766It or the Personnel Center. 775 Court Street Salem. OR 971IB (378 31651 An Equal Opportunity/ Affirm ative Action Employer HAPPINESS IS a thing called home and a great investment! 1 VI I RIED E VE R YTH IN G NO TH IN G WORKS Until now I've personally lost 102 lbs You can lose your extra weight too' No drugs, no exercise, completely guaran teed Call 297 8450 Right now we have some beauties and some uglies priced right Call us, tell us what you want and let us tailor fit a home to please you. your family and pocketbook Call Wortha Justice C.C. Justice Real Estate Co. 6501 N Interstate 285 3625 March 5. 1986. JOBS. Page 7 • A : - : ... . . . • • • *■• { . • V ' •— » - •- • . f * Z X » *. • •