Jobs Classifieds' Jobs PUBLIC NOTICE Classifieds JOB ANNOUNCEMENT POSITION: Humboldt Neighborhood The Portland Private Induatry Council, Inc. will submit a draft two year Job training plan to the State of Oregon Job Training Partnership Administration on February 28. 1986 to develop and administer training programs authorized under Title IIA of the Federal Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA). A mix of activities Including basic skills training, clas­ sroom training, customized training and on-the-|ob training will provide approximately 3750 low income youth and adult residents of the City of Portland opportunities to gain employment. Funding for JTPA Title IIA will total approximately $6,000,000 for the period beginning July 1,1986 through June 30, 1988. I wo public meetings » ill he held to receive tilizcn input on the drall job training plan Wednesday. March 12. 19X6. 1 (Ml p m King Facilily 4X1$ N 1 7th. Portland. Oregon Thursday, March 1.1, 19X6. 7 (10 p m Sunnyside School >421 S I Salmon. Portland. Oregon Wollen comment» are also encouraged through A xil I. 19X6 to the address listed helo» Dennis Cole. President Portland Private Industry Council. Inc. 520 S.W. Sixth Avenue. Suite 400 Portland. Oregon 97204 A copy of the draft plan may be obtained by calling the Portland Private Industry Council office, (503) 241-4600. Donald M . Drake Company- 1740 N.W. Hander« Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 226 3991 He are an equal opportunity employer and request sub btds from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and tyomen and minority business enterprises © Port of Portland An Equal Opportunity Employer For Information on current job openings, call our Employment Information Desk, 231-5000, Extension 700. Page 6, JOBS. March 5. 1986 Organizer RESPONSIBILITIES: I. Develop a program that will provide a permanent increase in the Active Membership of the Humboldt Neighborhood As­ sociation (HNA). This program must be achievable in a twenty- eight (28) week period. II. Assist The Board of Directors with organizing and Planning As­ sociation. Objectives and Goals: 1. Establish Communication Network via a newsletter. 2. Con­ duct Neighborhood Survey to de­ termine neighborhood concerns and analyze results of survey. 3. Development of HNA Board Orientation Manual. III. Recruiting and training of vol­ unteers for involvem ent in neighborhood activities. IV. To maintain and present to the Board of Directors at regularly scheduled intervals a complete and accurate record of all ac­ tivities and expenditures as­ sociated with this program. DESIRED SKILLS AND EXPERI­ ENCE: Public speaking and writing skills Ex­ perience in community development and organization Ability to »ork inde pendently and to formulaic a work plan Ability io supervise and motivate vol­ unteers Personal experience with neighborhood or community based or­ ganizations Familiarity vc ith local government process and policies A f­ firmative Action applies Humboldt re sident preferred COMPENSATION $1,0X0 IX) » u h a commitment ol twenty-eight (2X) weeks. and twenty (20) hours per week S O U Ihe individual selected w ill be acting as an independent contractor, re­ sponsible lor het his own tax and soc ial security payments Applicants are available at Itie North east Neighborhood Office 4XI A NE 7th Avenue. 24X 4575 Deadline for com pleled applications is March 19. 19X6 JOBS Magazine 288-0033