JOBS Classified LIBRARIAN, SOCIAL SCIENCE REFERENCE Advertising For Fee Appraisers 12 M onth tcntporitry appointment Provide general reference service in Social Sciences. Hum anities reference department Some responsibilities tor collection development in the areas o l Business. I.cononucs and I a» Re­ quires a Master's Degree from A1 \ accredited 1 ibraiy School and Under graduate degree in Social Science m Business No experience required, in s tn x to r rank. SIH.IMX). m in Deadline March 21. |9Sb. send letter o l applica lio n and 1 letters of reference to l.m da R obcr, C h a ir Search C o m m itte e APPRAISERS-HUD is now accepting applica­ tions for participation on the HUD-EHA single fam ily private tee appraiser panel in the P ortland m etro area (in clu d in g Vancouver) only. Re­ quired qualifications include 3 years o f general experience in a real estate-related field; 2 years o f appraising; and, for Oregon only, a State license For an application form , call (503) 221-3077 A p ­ plications must be received by March 21. 1986 HUD is an equal opportunity employer Scicncc/Technology Department Oregon Stale University Library Corvallis, OR 97331 INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIOS Affirmative Action,Equal Opportun­ ity Employer complies with Sec 504 Rehabilitation Act ol 1973 Sealed bids will be received until 1 0 0 P W on the dates indicated in the Purchasing Department Multnomah County School District »1J. 501 N Dixon Portland, Oregon tor the items listed herein DATA PROCESSINO B ID F IL IN G DATE Mar 11. 1966 Mar 11. 1966 Mar 11, 1986 Mar 11. 1966 Mar 11, 1966 Mar 11, 1966 Mar 11. 1966 Mar 18. ,98 6 Mar 25, ,966 PflOGRAMMER/ANALYST D E S C R IP T IO N Franklin Media Center Remodel Band Uniforms lor Grant and Cleveland High Schools Root Coating (Rellectivel lor Warehouse Stock A s p h a lt an d R o lle d R o o tin g lo r W a re h o u s e S to c k (R e q u ire m e n ts Contract) Water Repellent Coating tor Warehouse Stock, (Requirements Contract) B la c k to p R e s u rfa c in g M a te ria l lo r W a re h o u s e S to c k (R e q u ir e m e n ts Contract) Acoustical Tile lor Warehouse Stock Science Room Remodeling at Various Schools. Phase VI R e fu rb is h in g ol O il B u rn e rs (Requirements Contract) Production Support Program m aintenance activities Re- queee an individual with strong prob­ lem anatyvs skills Individual must have a minimum ol 2 years experience in business application systems environ men I and lechnrcal competence in C O ­ BOL. TSO/SPF and O S /JC MVS ex­ perience is required ClCS command level EASYTRIEVE PLUS and NATU­ RAL experience is also desirable Pro­ grammer/Analysl will • Perform troubleshooting • Document solutions • C oo rd in a te with users • R e v ie w new/changed projects im­ pact on operations • Accept lor support new/changed system s form al announcement detailed specifications and bidding documents may be obtained at I he above address For additional information, please contact Michael J Hutchens Director ol Purchasing 249-3306 Blue Cross and Blue Shield ol Oregon oilers an excellent em ployee benefits package flex tim e work hours and com patltiva salary P lease apply or send resume Io Reach Over 1 Million Readers With A Statewide Classified Ad . Biue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon • Tour Ad Plated In Ml Newspapers Ihmughoul Oregon • More Ihan 544 Ü00 total ( in u U lx x i • Combined Readership ol Over 1,252,294 (2 1 Personnel Department, 5th Floor 100S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity EmpOoyar Readers Per Housebokll • We Piare Ihe Ad In AR S I Newspapers You Make Only One Phone la « 4 W rite O n r Check • A ll FOR ONLY $125 PfR 25 W O R D AD JOBS ( a ll LI* For D e t a il* 288-0033 March 5, 1986, JOB5, Page 3 -1«. . ‘ •’ . » ' • - ' • . * • - r. • • ■ ‘ . . * • ' ' . ' ' . \ • r ‘ • . * * *-*• , k . , 7 . .-A ,*.'» • V / •• . » z .z. r *t* ~ ad. ». “ i ; >. '