Advertisement for Bids CITY OF SALEM, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES INVITATION TO BID FOR THE REHABILITATION OF A 15-INCH SANIT­ ARY SEWER SYSTEM IN UNION STREET NORTH­ EAST. MILL CREEK TO WEST OF WINTER Sealed bids w ill be received ai the office o f the C ity Rccor der. < ity H a ll. Room 2(15, Salem. ( fregon, until but not after 1 1 (Mia m . local time on March 19, 19X6. at which time all bids w ill be publicly opened and read aloud at the Council Chamfers. C ivic Center, 555 Liberty Street S E . Salem. Oregon lo r THE R E H A B IL IT A T IO N OL A 15-INCH SANITARY s iw ir SYSTEM IN UNION s i k i l l NORTHEAST. M IL L CREEK TO WEST OF W INTER " Ihe piopnsed work consists o f construction o f 1.554 lineal feet of 12 inch polyelhylene liner pipe. I IN lineal Icet o f N inch and 1 12 lineal Icet of h inc h sewer pipe, three (J ) manholes, and miscellane ous appurtenance work Plans. specifications and other bid documents may be inspected and obtained at the office of the City o f Salem. Department ol Public Works. 555 Libert) Street S I . Room 525. Salem. Oregon The bidder shall not tile Ihe book of "Standard Construction Specifica lions" with his hid Bids shall be made on Ihe lorms lumished b) the C its . addressed, and mailed or delivered to Ihe Cits Recorder. C ity H a ll. Room 205. Salem. Oregon 97501, in a sealed envelope plainly marked " B IO O S I N IO N S T R E E T N O R T H E A S T SEW ER R H I N E PRO J E C T ." and Ihe name and address ol the bidder A surety bond, cashier's check or certified check ol the bidder, made payable to the City o f Salem, in the amount o l ten percent ( K K i l ol the bid must accompany each bid as security Bid security ol all sase the three lowest bidders w ill be relumed follow ing the bid opening, all bid security w ill he refunded upon execution of the,» contract by the successlul bidder No bid will be received or considered by the City of Salem unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder the provisions of ORS 279.350 shall be In­ cluded in his contract. Ct»ntr4*.it»i s Prequeiliftcahnn Application* must he submitted to the ( it> Rurcha&ing Super* im * (1 3 4 0 20th Street S E . Salem . OR 97302) for ¿ppnnal. on or before March I I . I9 H * which i * at least five working day* prior to the scheduled hid opening date Upon approval the bidder w ill receive a valid pn*po*al for bidding pur pOYCV No bid shall be received or considered from any bidder who does not have an approved prequalifica­ tion application on file with the City Purchasing Supervisor. PREQt AI.IHCAIION CLASS SEWER RAMONA HUDSON. CITY RECORDER B ID N O * 2 9 5 6 B ID O P E N IN G M a rc h 19. , 9 8 6 Page 2. JOBS. March 5. 1986 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids for the construction of a Water Treat­ ment Plan for the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon will be received by the City until 7:00 p.m. P.S.T., April 1, 1986. Bids submitted prior to the opening will be received by the City Recorder, City Hall, 919 Bridge Street, Vernonia. Oregon. Bid opening will be conducted in the Council Chambers of the Vernonia City Hall, and publicly opened and read aloud. The project Includes a basic bid for the construction o, a 1 0 mg water treatment plant with package treatment un­ its. masonry structure and appurtenant mechanical and electrical construction, an intake structure and Rock Creek channel stabilization improvements. An alternate for construction o, a 1.5 mg water treatment plant Is In­ cluded. Plans and specifications may be seen and ordered frorr. the office of H.G.E. INC. Engineers and Planners, 19 N.W. 5th Avenue. Portland. Oregon 97209, (503) 222-1687. and seen at the following locations: H.G.E. INC.................................................Coos Bay Construction Data News .........................Portland Builders Exchange Coperatlve ..............Portland Northwest Plan C en ter............................ Portland Contractor's Exchange................................ Salem Eugene Builders Exchange ..................... Eugene Contract documents may he obtained by pre qualified prospective bidders upon receipt of cash or check made payable to the Engineer in the amount ol 550 KO for each set Deposits made upon procure ment of drawings, specifications, and forms within the Contract Documents w ill he refundable upon their return in good condition after ihe opening o f bids Bidders must p r- qualify with Ihe Owner through the Engineer, on Standard Oregon Review Board Pre qualification Forms, ten days prior to the hid opening If a pre qualification form is on file with the Engineer and is not over one year old. re filing is not necessary unless there has heen a substantial change in Contractor's status Bids must he accompanied hy a Bid Bond executed in favor o f the Ctty of Vernonia in an amount o f ten percent o f the total amount of the hid Any bid awarded pursuant to this Notice to Contractors w ill he subject to approval by the City o f Vernonia, the U S. Department o f Housing and Urban Development through the Community Action Team o f Columbia County and the Farmers Home Administration as to form and sontent of the Contrast between the C ity o f Vernonia and an\ sueve**ful bidder The City of Vernonia reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities. No bidder may withdraw or modify their bid after the hour set for the opening and thereafter until after the lapae of alxty (60) days from the bid opening. By order ot the City Council of the City o f Vernonia Wallace Vaughn Mayor