ÉAft ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS STATE OF OREGON Department of Human Resources Children's Services Division I9X Commercial Street, S.E Salem, Oregon 97510 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Professional Schools Building. Phase II Portland State University Portland. OR bid data: March 13. 1986. 8 p m REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Emerick Const. Co. P.O. Box 66100 Portland, OR 97266 777-5531 No. 6-2-1 Persons or agencies experienced in providing Homemaker Services io sustain and support families are invited to submit a proposal lor providing such services in the Multnomah. Washington, and Clackamas Counts area Sealed proposals will be accepted at the Children's Services Division, Con tracts Office, I9X Commercial Street, S I . Salem. Oregon 97310, Attention: Dean Orton, until 5 p m local time, April II. 19X6 A copv ol Request tor Proposal No 6-2-1 describing the required services and proposal content may be obtained from the Children's Services Division. Contracts Office An Offeror's Conference util be held to answer general questions relating to this R E P on March 4, 19X6, at 9 30 a m ,a t the Multnomah CSD Branch Office, 1st floor Group Room. X I5N E Davis Avenue, Portland. Oregon All per sons interested in submitting a proposal arc invited to «iten.t SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Charleston. Oregon Contract I Bid Date Monday, March 3. 19X6 5 00 p m WILDISH BUILDING CO. P.O. Box 7428 Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 485-1700 Plans and specifications arc available at the local builders exchanges and at SRG Partnership. Portland. DR We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvan­ taged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Oregon Institute ot Marine Biology Charleston. Oregon Oregon Stale Board ot Higher Education Bid beta March 4. 1986 DALE RAMSAY CONSTRUCTION P.O. Box 1082 Corvallis. OR 97339 Phone (503) 753-2012 Page 8. JOBS, February 26. 1986 Collect calls accepted We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority business enter­ prises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Professional Schools Building, Phase II Portland State University Bid date: March 13. 1986 8 p m Wildish Building P.O. Box 7428 Eugene. OR 97401 or call Bob McDonald 485-1700 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from women and minority business enterprises