JOBS Classified INSTRUCTOR EMPLOYMENT COORDINATOR three quarter 1» lu ll time, 12 month appointment. fixed term, English as a Second I anguage. all levels and all skills Max include administrative duties Master's Degree in English as a Second I anguage or closely related field plus 4 years experience in E S I/ I ' l l . at least two of which have been in a post secondary level intensive En­ glish program devoted primarily to En­ glish tor Academic Purposes Salary range is $I6.5)X) to $17.7(g) Starts June 15, 19X6 Application deadline March 31. 19X6 Eor more information contact Instructor Search Committee, English Language Institute. North Portland Youth Service Center seeks person Io provide |ob search in struction, |ob development A referral, vex. allouai counseling, and casual labor supervision tor "h ig h ris k " youth Re quires bachelors degree in human ser­ vice related field plus I-year exp in youth employment or equivalent com bmalion ot education A experience Send resume to ACADEMIC COORDINATOR Lull-tim e. 12 month lived term ap pomtment Salary $ IX.(MX) to $20,000 Design and implement cunculum. supervise and guide faculty; supervise registration, counsel students on academic matters; teach ESI M A , in ESI. or closely relaed field, 4 years fu lld tim cl S | / l I I experience (mclud mg 2 years m an L AP program, I year curriculum designfimplementation I Starts June 15, 19X0 Application dead line March 11. 19X6 An Affirm ative ActioiYE.qual Oppor tumty employer, complies with Sec 504 Rehabilitation Act. 197 t DUPLEX Classy large I hdim. big kitchen, t inge <5t refrigerator, mini blinds, insulated, storm window s A doors, bsmt. wash A dryer hook up. yd. garage. No Pets 5623 N E MHh $265 per mo Adult Education Application deadline March I >. 19X6 FINANCIAL AID SPECIALIST Closing March 17. 19X6 INSTRUCTOR TEMPORARY Broadcasting Visual Ik'sign A Production Mass Communications Department Closing dale March 7, 19X6 Equal Opportunity Employer Application deadline March 14. |9X6 RESEARCH ASSISTANT IN FOREST ECOLOGY INSTRUCTOR HOME ECONOMICS Lull time, 6 months extension con tingent on funding and performance Pav $ I S.txxi vear Qualifications must include H S in Botany, Forest Biol ogy or related field, experience in supervision o f field personnel, use o f microcomputers tor data management and analyses, and identification o f northwest plants Send letter indicating qualifications, complete resume, trans cripts, and three letters o f recommenda lion to Closing A pril I, 19X6 Call (503) 726-2211 or write Lane Community College Personnel Office 4000 E. 30th Ave. Eugene. OR 97405 Eor application anti |ob description IC C application must be received no later than 5 IX) p m on deadline dale Dr. Logan Norris, Head, Forest Science Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. Application closing date: March 31. 1986 Eor more in fo rm a tio n contact Academic Coordinator Search Com mitlee, English I anguage Institute. Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 or call (503) 754-2464 SECRETARY lit North Portland Youth Service Center 7704 N Hereford Portland, OR 97203 Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 or call (503) 754-2464 An Affirm ative Actiotylqual Oppor tunily employer, complies Sec 504 Rehabilitation Act, 1*47 4 LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE An Affirm ative ActioiYEqual Oppor tunily Institution SUMMER RECREATION LEADERS PLANT ECOLOGIST/ GEOMORPHOLOGIST. Department of Forest Science Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 City ol Salem accepting applications to r leaders in aquatics, sports, neighlxnhocxls. tennis and soccer A ll skill levels accepted, preference given Io highly skilled Must be available Io work flexible hours, provide own transportation, prool ol auto insurance and good driving record, must have m ulti media oi higher first aid certitica lion and ( PR Salary based on skill level $3 9I7-$X X3X/hr Closing date < 7/X6 Appiy City ot Salem Pers I kept . Rm 225, 555 I therty S I Salem. Oregon 97101 An EEO/AA employer I Of Research Associate position available May 15, 19X6. tor study ot streamside vegetation and valley llix ir geomor phology in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon Ph I) required, preferably with emphasis in plant ecology or geomorphology Two-year appoint mem at $20.(XX) per annum Applies lions close April 15. 19X6 Send re­ sume, transcripts, and three letters o f reference to Dr laigan Norris. Head. 292-4930 or 643-4008 February 26, 1986. JOBS, Page 7 * » . -, : I -■ - ■ ,