» Jobs Classifieds Jobs ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Scaled bids for (be University o f Oregon Gilbert Hall No 3 Energy Conservation Measures. B P V IB P . w ill be received by the Oregon Stale Board of Higher Education in Confer cnee R o o m 2. CO Physical Plant Department. 1295 Franklin Boulevard. Eugene. Oregon 97403 1276. until 2 30 p nt P S I. March 27, 19X6, and then publicly opened and read aloud by the Undersigned or a designated representative Briefly, the wurk includes H M N o control lights, end f t St N o 2. including a nucro-processor Io 1, replacing incandescent w uh fluorescent fig tu rn Bute w ill he received on a lum p sum basis lor all o l the work O ne cel o f contract dm unseats may he obtained by prune bidders only from the O niser city o f Oregon n i y t k a l Plant Departm ent upon deposit of $5t> (Ml Iiiinat sets may he obtained for the com of reproduction Addi D epm ito » i l l he refunded tot ducum em s returned in good condition by actual bidders » ith in two weeks after opening of bids, but Io non bidders only it returned no later than one week prior to bid opening Contract doc umenis may he esannned at the U t) Physical Plant Departm ent. Builders I schangr C ooperative. and Construction Data Plan Center. Pori land. (Xstgo'S t A N , Seattle. W ashington. (Xiuglas County Builders f s change Roseburg I ugene Builders f «change. Eugene. M ed lo rd Builders I «change S frdlord. Northwest Plan C enter. Portland. O regon Builders Exchange. Roseburg, and Salem Contractor« ( «change. Salem A P rr B id Conference w ill he held at 2 JO p m Classifieds TRANSPORTATION & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER C’ity nt Salem $2617-53316 mo Professional/administrative position Considerable experience ol a progres­ sively resp«insible nature in manage­ ment ol transportation & utility plan mng & development review. 4 yr de­ gree with specialization in planning, engineering or public admin . Master's degree in area o f specialization desira­ ble; or any combination o f experience and training Thorough knowledge of transportation and utility planning, traf­ fic engineering principles, design & construction methods; budgeting; supervision; communication skills oral n the Bid Eortti provided and accompanied by Bid Security OREGON STATE BOARO OF HIGHER EDUCATION By: W.C. Nnlarvd Associate Vlco-Chancollor Eugene. Oregon "REFERENCE LIBRARIAN II, Washington County Cooperative L ib ­ rary Services, $ 1775 to $ 2 158/mo Re­ sponsible lor the administration o f the References Sers ices division ol Wash Co Coop Library Req individual with increasingly resp exp as a refer­ ence librarian for a last growing mul­ titype library system Delivers back up reference services to public, special, academic & school libraries, serves as consultant to all libraries in Wash Co Online searching &. MLS required County application forms required, re­ sumes NOT accepted Apply by Mar 7. 1986 to: Washington County Personnel, 150 N. First Ave., Room B-2, Hillsboro, OR 97124, An E.O.E."__________ © Port of Portland An Equal Opportunity Employer For Information on current job openings, call our Employment Information Desk, 231-5000, Extension 700. Page 6, JOBS, February 26. 1986 INVESTMENTS STOP paying federal and state taxes on interest from savings and CD's by in ­ vesting in Oregon tax exempt mumci pal bonds, FREE bond list Tom Moore. 1-800-452-0955 HELP WANTED EASY SALES L/PTim e. up to $20 per hour Highlights lor Children Lrec leads, io initial investment Write Box 464. Kenmore 98028 or call I (206) 483 2689