Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 26, 1986, Annual Black Heritage Edition, Page 16, Image 16

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    Advertisement for Bids
Separate sealed Bids for the 19X6 Sewerage l* r o |c tl Sewage
Treatment Plant Improvements will he received bv the City
of Nyssa. Malheur County. ( Iregon at the City Hall los uled at
14 South Third. Nyssa. Oregon, until 4 INI p m . prevailing
local lime, March 17. 19X6. and then publicly opened and
read aloud
The Protect consists generally of modifications to the exist­
ing Sewage Treatment Plant including installation of a head
works grinder, rehabilitation of the existing anaerobic diges
ter. sludge pump installation and piping improvements, con
struction of heat exchanger building, installation of heal
exchanger, installation of aerobic digester pump, construe
lion of sludge dry ing beds, yard piping, site grading, clectri
cal work, installation of lift station controls and telemetry,
purchase of emergency generator and all other related work
The Contract Documents may be examined at the
following locations:
NyuaC 'ity Hall. 14 South Third. Ny*ca. Oregon
Associated (ieneral Contractors. I 10 North 27th. Boise. Idaho
Aswxiated (»eneral Contractors. 94M) S W Commerce Circle. Wilson
vt,le. Oregon
Intermountain C ontra tors. 5295 Fmerald. B«»ise. Idaho
J C B ENGINkkRS. Irx . 250 S Beechwood Ave . Boise Idaho
MJ H I NG,NF I K \ Irx 212 Tenth Avenue South. Nampa. Idaho
Copies o f the Contract Ikxunx-nts may he obtained at the offices of J I B
ENGINEERS. Inc upon payment of I went) Live Dollars! $ 2 ' (Mb for each
vet Payment iv to he made to J I B I NG,NET KS Irx
Any unsuccessful Bidder, upon returning the Contract iX su iirn ts within
thirty ( Mb days after the dale of the Bid opening and in good condition, will
he refunded Twenty Five Dollars ($25 00)
I he City of Nyssa reserves the right to waive anv informalities or to retest
any or all Bids
hash Bidder must deposit with hiv Bid. security in the amount, form and
subject to the conditions provided in the Information f»*r Bidders
Attention of Bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to condi
turns of employment to he obsersed and minimum wage rates to hr paid
Sealed bids for construction ot a Municipal Water Treatment
Plain will be received on hehalt of the City of Gales by
Wesieeh Engineering. Inc . 1421 25th Sireel SE, Salem.
Oregon 97.102, until 2:00 p m local lime on the 13th of
March, 19X6 Proposals shall he clearly marked "Bid for a
Municipal U aler Treatment Planl" show ing dale and lime of
bid opening, am) shall he delivered to Wesieeh Engineering,
Inc . on or before the above bid opening time
The work to include the following construction:
A nicul building in house a 250 gpm pressure Idler treatment facility,
installation of ouner furnished Irealmenl equipment including feeders
and ihlorinatmn equipment, baskssash pond, electrical, siiesvork and
miscellaneous appurtenant work
Plans and specifications may be examined at:
I City Hall. Gates. Oregon 9 7(46
2 Wevtech Fjigmeenng, Inc . M 21 25th St Sfc. Salem. Oregon 97302
' Salem Contras tors Exchange. 2 '6 6 Judson SF. Salem, Oregon 97302
4 Construction Data Plan Center. 925 NW ,2th Ave . Portland. Oregon
5 Northwest Plan ( enter. 9 0, SF Oak. Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 ,4
6 Northwest Minority Contractors Association. 1625 NF. killingsworth,
Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 ,,
Coptevof the Contrast Dtxumenis may he*»btained form Westcch Engineer
ing. Inc . upon deposit o f twenty dollars ($20 (Mb ,<»r each set ot d<x uments
,h e deposit will he nonrefundab,e
Bidders must be prequalified with the owner as required by OKS Chapter
279 Only bids from prequalified bidders for this project shall he opened
Bidders must also comply with the minimum rates for wages as determined
by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with provision of the Davis Bacon
Al, pntposals shall be accompanied by a bid bond equal to ten percent ( I(Hk i
of the lota, hid. to be forfeited to the Owner in the event of failure of the
Contractor to execute the contract One hundred percent <
) perfor­
mance and payment bonds will he required to guarantee the faithful perfin
mante of the contract
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to postpone the award
for U) days to delete certain items from the pn»posaJ. and to award the
contract to the lowest responsible bidder
Dated this 14th day of February, 1986.
No BiAter may withdraw his Bid within cu t) (60} days attri the date ot the
opening thereof
Dated this 12th day of February. 1986
Jim Scbuette. City Engineer
John Mott Mayor
City ot Nyaaa
M a lh e u r C o u n ty . O re g o n
Highway Construction Group
32260 Hwy. 34 e Tangent. OR 97389
(503) 928-6491
Page 2, JOBS. February 26. 1986
Donald M. Drake Company
1740 N .W . Flanders
Portland, Oregon 97209
(503) 226 3991
B e are an equal opportunity employer and request sub
bids from small business and small disadvantuged business
subcontractors and women unit minority business enterprises.