H olt to M ake Debut w ith Portland Opera A Public S urvie* of t h * P o rtla n d Observer Portland Opera General Director Rohert Bailey announced today lhat baritone Ben Holt w ill make his debut with the Company in the title role o f a brand-new pr.xluction ol Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's The Marriage o f Figaro This comic inastcrpieec. which received its premiere almost exactly 200 years ago on May I . I Sb. and was featured in the film Amadeus, w ill he performed in English on March 15. 19 and 22 at 8 p m in the Civic Auditorium 1 ic Lets for all performances o f The M arriage o f Figaro are available at the C ivic Auditorium box office. Stevens & Son Lloyd Center weekdays from 10 a in to 5 p m , G I Joe s in Beaverton. Rockwood and Tualatin, and at the Portland Opera office, 15.10 S W Second Avenue. 97201. 241 1401 A lb in a M in is t e r ia l A llia n c e 284 6023 ALLEN TEMPLE CME C H U R C H Corner of 8th and S kidm ore Sunday School 9 15« m Sunday WorUup 11 00 a m Chnetwn Youth FaHowatup 6 00 p m * I < 4 laacond and fourth Sundeyal P h illip s Nelson (Pastori Piedm ont Church of Christ Hhere the Scriptures are studied'' Bible Study LordapayVNorsha, 9:46 a.m. I t 00a m Wednesday Bible Study b 6 OOp m 7:30 p m 5338 North B orthw ick Portland OB 97211 W E Hunter EVANGELIST . 286 2956 THE M O U N T OLIVET BAPTIST C H U R C H N E Flret ft Schuyler » 284 1964 John H Jackson Minister V Ed 9 30 A M Church School MO 11 00 A M Conyreya|ton«l Worship 5 00 P M Vesper Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday — 11 00 Communion Each First Sund.ty The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon Loft Carey Foreign Mission Convention National. Oregon. P o rtla n d E cum enical M in is trie s . A m e rica n B ible S o c ie ty , M f»M Board T C O M M U N IT Y C HU RCH of GOD & 202 N.E. Skidmore CHUCK ROASTS ROUND BONE USDA| C ram er S elected D irector of SM ILE - GOD LOVES YOU N o rth /N o rth ea s t COMING SOON C o m m u n ity Health CHOICE, Services. 9:46 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship 7:00 p.m .. Evening Worship 7:00 o.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meetino Victor R. Brown, B. Theology. Pastor Dr. Hazel L. Brown Sr D D.. Assistant Pastor h\ J e m Gam er POUND LIGHT BREAKFAST LINKS JONES DAIRY FARM BROWN A SERVE 8 oz. PKG. EACH BEEF SPARERN» POUND SHOP ■ENOW'S FOR I« T« BRAMOS yeu kn ew V A H IIT IIS yew lib * SIZES y o u w a n t • aatt « t Aaii»«wb.« « , * g «*•***•»« • »»••» a «••• U'«"4« « , M.e«a.k • • iì*»a a m • oi »a- . a 11 • N Lo«wba^ at* t l O t ó la s YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsw orth • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always " Tuesday Bible Bend 7 »pm Thursday Choe Reheersel 7 00 p m Sunday ----- 1 Sunday School 9 1 5 a m , B Morning I Wnrsfuo 11 15 a m ■ .Y .F W W 6»pm i | Evangelistic I Wnrshm (Tuesday Friday the JfcUe . Friday Follow peace with* all n>ci). tr holiness Without ivbicl) ¿ W man shall see the; ** Lor^ 8 OOp m Noon Day Prayer leawaj j- The Pastor Spaatx 7 30pm S p r a w r 9 00. swawa^aiaaiuaoia David N Cramer wav chosen Execu­ tive Director o f North/Northeast Com munily Health Inc Edna Mae Pittman. President ol the Board o f Directors ot North/Northeast Community Center, said Cramer received the highest rating by the Search Committee, and his selec lion was unanimous by the Board of Directors Pittman said Cramer was selected lor several reasons, one being he works for a center similar to North/Northeast that is located in an impoverished area which serves a low-income and minor ity population "E qually important, he brings fiscal skills, grant writing skills, community relations skills, clinical skills, and cntreprcnurial s k ills ," said Pittman Cramer has over twelve years o f experience in working in a manage mem capacity in the health field He has served in Tulsa. New Orleans, and New York City C ramer’ s intensive background in management has provided him with un ique strategies and techniques lor prob­ lem solving and organizational matters in regard Io Staff and Board Another area o f Cramer's expertise is children's services. "T h is expertise w ill permit North/Northeast to apply for contracts for Children's Services, which in turn w ill allow us to expand our service de­ live ry” , said Pittman Cramer em­ phasizes the importance o f communica­ tion with staff and his belief in staff input When Cramer was asked whether the federal govemmenr was meeting the needs o f the mentally ill, he replied, “ since the Reagan Administra­ tion took office, he has given only lip service Io the problem o f mental health.” According to Cramer, at least ten percent o f the U S population suffers from some form o f mental illness ( ramer slated that he was looking fo r­ ward in assuming the responsibility o f being Executive Director o f North/ Northeast Mental Health Center Cramer is coming to Portland from Tulsa. Oklahoma, where he was the Executive Director o f the Star Mental Health Center Cramer and his wife Cheryl have two sons, age 24 and 4 Cramer received his MSW from For dham University in New York C ity, and he is a native o f White Plains. New York Cramer s w ife, Cheryl, is a Phi Beta Kappa, and she holds a Master's Degree in both International Relations and Public Health Planning Cramer w ill assume his position A p ril 14 MARCH 8,1986 Stewardship Promotions GOSPEL Presents The IN CONCERT VANESSA bell AR M STR O N G ALLEN GROUP Benson High School Auditorium & VT 534 N.E. 12th SATURDAY, MARCH 8,1986 8:00 P.M. CHRISTIAN SUPPLY- 5 ’w STEVENS & SON, Lloyd Center HOUSE OF SOUNDS, 3534 N. Williams Avenue Tickets Available at All Outlets Thru March 6 Only GENERAL ADMISSION 514.50 287-1960 Then at Door $ 16.50 RESERVED SEATING 516.50 I I