Page 10, Portland Observer, February 26, 1986 ? Nabisco Brands’ Posters Applaud Black Entertainers ■ I published by OLYMPIAN FITNESS CENTER I he votes are in And black America's biggest stars came out on top We've seen their names in lights Now we can sec their faces on Nabisco Brands Jam ous Black American Entertainers” posters From Blind Tom Bethune to B B King, the poster* spotlight 119 o f America'» best loved black actors, dancers, musicians and singers I he two (Misters, scheduled for release during Black History Month, are accom­ panied by biographical study guides Ihe entertainers posters were a big production," lerrance Burke, senior diretor o f corporate personnel at Nabisco, explained More than ballots were sent to entertainers and entertainment critics Their * Cf)e £I.D.;ë>. pijocnix (Club The Nabisco Brands "Famous Black American Entertainer*" posters applaud blacks' contributions to the performing arts. I he two posters, which spotlight 119 actors, dancers, musicians and singers, are distributed free of charge. Io order, contact: the Portland ( ibserser newspaper. 2XX-(M).1.1, 146.1 N.F.. killingsworth. Posters ran be picked up at Ihe Portland Observer after March 15th, I9H6. nominations were validated by a five-member selection committee chaired by I loyd Richard, dean o f the Yale School o f Drama Nabisco Biands commissioned Winston Salem. N C . artist James H uff Io create two murals, reflecting the committee's final selections The murals, from which the posters were reproduced, w ill he donated to the Los Angeles County High School tor the Arts Entertainers are the latest addition to Nabisco Brands' "Famous Black Amen cans" poster senes The senes began in 197N with educators Subsequent editions recognized writers, scientists and generals and admirals The educational posters arc distributed free o f charge tiy 'We have an agenda that we must fo llo w .. .economic withdrawal from the oppressor." FredMeySL Portland, Oregon, a a unique slice o f America for Blacks, w ho are able to p ro d u ce and p e rfo rm m e a n in g fu l services. N o ­ where in the w o rld w ill you find a place that has the kind of background and history o f racial prejudice tow ard Blacks, and yet has so m any very successful Black professionals in bust neas, as well as Blacks m key prestigeous jobs. To name a few w h o readily com e to m ind are: Bill H illiard, Editor, The Ore- gonian; Jam es DePriest, Director, Portland Sym phony; M at thew Prophet. Superintendent. Portland Pubic Schools; Mer cedes Deiz, Judge, M u ltn o m a h C ounty; Aaron B row n J r., Judge, M ultnom ah C ounty; Hazal Hayes, Oregon State Pa­ role Board; Bill M cC oy, Senator, State o f Oregon; M argaret Carter, Representative, State o f Oregon, M ultnom ah County; Jim Hill, Representative, S tate o f O regon, M arion C ounty; Dick Bogle, City Council, Portland; Venerable Booker, Presi dent, Am erican State Bank, Portland, David Nero, Founder and Chairman of Nero and Associates, also o f Nero Industries, Inc.; W alter Reynolds. M D , Founder of Phil Reynolds Medi cal Center; Henry Scott. Founder and President o f Coast Jam tonal Services (Coast Janitorial is the second largest janitorial service in Oregon); Marion Blackburn, Founder and Owner of Hills Racquet Club; Richard W a sh in g to n , O regon's first Black com m ercial artist, 46 years in business; Dr. E. C. O q b u o b iri, e le ctrica l engine er and fo u n d e r o f EZAK; Paul Knauls, very well know n businessman o f Portland; Alfred Lee Henderson, Founder, P o rtla n d Observer, Gary A n n Garnett, Editor Manager, P ortland Observer, Al Williams, General Man ager, P o rtla n d Observer; Bernice Foster, Founder, Editor and : Publisher, The Skanner; Don Vann, Founder, Vann and Vann Funeral Directors, A rth u r Cox, Founder, Cox Funeral Home; Thom as B o othe, Founder, A d d ic tio n D iagnostic Services; R D. Sevier, Founder, Sevier Sanitation Services. Rcvscre/f Robinson, Asst District Attorney; George Rankins, Portland- Urban League; Charmers ¡ones; Beniamin Talley; Dr. ¡ohn Marshall G.P.; Dr Booker T Lewis, dentist; Jonas Southwall; plus Herb Cawthome, Multi-talented community leader W e can all rem em ber those w h o are no longer w ith us, some w h o are deceased and som e w h o have m oved on such as Charles Jordan, Gladys M cCoy, several TV news anchor per sons; deceased Richard M u ffe t, Sherm an Thom as, George Baldwin, Rosalie Boothe, Ira M um ford, Sidney Porter, T hom ­ as Johnson, and m any others I know that I have not nam ed m any persons w h o m ay be just as successful, if not m or j so, than some I have named; to those I apologize. H ow ever, m y in te n t here is to sh o w and docum ent that o u t o f a popula tion of a p p roxim ate ly 30,000 Blacks, success is not denied those w ho can perform and pro­ duce quality services The above-m entioned Blacks excelled out o f a popula tion o f approxim ately 700,000 peoplu living in and around the Portland M etro area OPEN 9A M to 10PM - 7 DAYS A WEEK Everyday You’ll Discover Lots of Good Reasons to Shop at Your Local Fred M eyer! Come in today and take advantage of the specials in every department. ¿Mi B SERVICE, SELECTION, Q UALITY, PRICE Friendly service High quality products Great »election low price». 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