January 15, 1986, Portland Observer, Page-1 THIS BOOKLET CAN CHANGE THE MAY YOU PLAN TO PAY FOR COLLEGE. Sculptor Milton Sherrill, refining clay model Specially designed pin to commemorate King A specially designed pm commemorating ihe life and work ol Di Marlin I ulher King, Jr. is being iniroduced through a unique marketing plan that will enable churches and other non-profit organizations to participate in its mer chandising. Milton Sherrill, renowed sculptor and painter from New York, was coin missioned by the company. Famous Faces Inc., to create an elegant lapel pm with the sculpted image ol the late civil rights activist and humanitarian I nder a license agreement from the Estate of Dr. King, the '«-inch relief pm will be manufactured and then distributed nationally as well as internationally The introduction o f the M artin Luther King, Jr. Inaugural I’ m coincides with the first national observance o f the late leader's birthday Jan 20 I lu­ pin’s First public unveiling and announcement of the distribution and mcrchan dising plan was made at the National Baptist Convention. V.S.A. annual gathering at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta on Sept. 2, 1985 The maugual pin is being produced in bronze, silver and gold electro-plate as well as sterling silver, gold filled and 10 kt., 14 kt. and 18 kt. gold Prices for the pins range from $19.95 for bronze to $260.00 for the 18 kt. gold The sculpted image o f Dr. King is also being offered in a charm and medallion, l ike the pin, the charm is aLso '« inches in diameter and comes in all the same surfaces. The medallion, a traditional disc design, measures 1 .- in­ ches in diameter and comes in gold electro-plate only. “ The sculpted pin, charm and medallion provide everyone the oppor lunity to purchase both a work o f fine jewelry and fine art,” said Mr. Sherrill "W e are urging all Americans to wear these items with love, not only on Dr King’s birthday, but whenever they want to make a personal statement ol what he has meant to us all.” For information about purchasing the fine jewelry, write Famous faces, Inc., P.O. Box 2421, Mt. Vernon. New York. NY 10550. THE N E W G I BILL PLUS THE N E W A R M Y COLLEGE FUND C A N BE W O R TH UP TO $ 2 5 ,2 0 0 TO W ARD YOUR COLLEGE E D U C A TIO N And the rewards ot Ix-ing a ■«•Idler go tar beyond earning money tor college You II also learn self reliance disctpline. team work and pnde So when you do get to college, you II be able to get the most out ot it bir mm- informanun about this new program and how you can quality tor it. see your local Army Recruiter tixl.iy O r «all toll tree 1 n V I ’SA ARMY You 11 find out that paying tor collegi- through the Anns payiott in more w avs than oik - Herr s h«« it works Hrsi you cuntnbute to sour education S llV per month tor the tirsi tuli 12 i months of your enlistment Then the government conmhutes up to $9.6iV I hats the New G I Bill Witn the New Army College fun d, you can add up to $14 4vV mon-' (See table lx l«>w I Û* » . *e<*n ' »<• 4fX 4 yt-jrx kW »t.-.-xv r»« Ml «G) M. M.n •»« * * •*•' uldtf «VX- »17 iW $7.’ IXV ».’s 7.V ARMY. BE A LL YO U CAN BE. The Manin Luther King. Jr Inaugural Pin EASY ASSEM BLY W ORK! $600 00 per 100 Guaranteed payment No experience/ no sales. Details send self addressed stamped envelope: Elan V ita l 6196 3418 Enterprise Rd. Ft Pierce. FL 33482 . HAVE A D R E A M 1 THAT O N E D A Y THIS N A T IO N W ILL RISE UP A N D LIVE OUT THE TRUE M E A N IN G O F ITS CREED: w E H O LD THESE TRUTHS T O BE SELF-EVIDENT; THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. I Move O P<«ons Dr Moe in l u '* « » IN OBSERVANCE MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY J A N U A R Y 20 BLACK HISTORY MONTH February Supported by the J Portland trailblazer/ Oregon Education Association