Page 6, Portland Observer, January 15, 1906 Martin Luther King, Jr. Family of Schools gives new expression to Dr. King's life r/v In i elcbration o f the first M artin l.uther King national holiday Jan. 20. o iiie Mt.iMKi students and educators from 15 U.S. schools associated with his name .ire giving new expression to the civil rights leader's ideas. I he schools are part o f the Martin l.uther King Family of Schools Net- w o rk, a N ational Lducation Project made possible w ith the support o f American < an Company, and together they have been working on special p i' >iii is and activities to demonstrate what Dr. King's legacy means to a new generation ol young people. 'working holiday’ in honor o f her late husband.” she added. The “ Collector of Dreams" writing project has students describing their “ dreams" and those of people they have interviewed Representative responses w ill be circulated throughout the N etw ork, via a q uarterly publication published by American Can Company and designed to be a forum for ex­ changing information among the schools nationwide Author Alex Haley is honorary chairman o f "Collector of Dreams" guidelines committee U) O The "Weaver o f Dreams” presentation quilt involves students designing and sewing individual quilted squares according to size and shape specifications developed by quilting artist Mane Wilson. A volunteer quilling team is joining the squares to complete the oversize hanging quilt, which was dedicated on Jan 14 at the Martin I uther King, Jr., ( enter for Nonviolence Social Change in Atlanta, GA. I he quilt will then be exhibited at various U.S sites during the year. Because o f the need in public schools and communities, a pilot conflict- resolution program to reduce physical and verbal violence by applying Dr King's philosophy o f nonviolence, was launched in November at Martin I uther King, Jr.. High School in New York C ity. Student government representatives have taken the lead at the school, and by working with Dr. Claudwcll Thomas, chairman. Department of Psychiatry, at the King Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles. ( A, and Parent Association presidents from some Network schools, they are implementing strategies for reducing violence and stress at school, home, and in the workplace. Shown here is the gotd com foR stamp issued in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr It is one of a collection of worldwide stamps paying honor to this great humanitarian and Nobel Peace Pnze winner JMplja U lappa A lp lfa § u ru rity , 3)nc. To commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, the Martin Luther King Family of Schools Network's eighty foot by 10 foot "Weaver of Dreams" preMHtatiori quilt was dedicated at the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Non V« 'lent Social Change during "King Week," Jan 14. The quilt, composed of 35 distinct quilting blocks submitted by MLK Network school children from all grades, elementary through high school, artistically demonstrates the signifi conce of Dr King's legacy to young people today Above, volunteers Edith Cherry, left, and Irma Berrios, right, work with needle and thread to unite representative quilting blocks submitted by school children throughout the nation. " Alter a year of preparation and developm ent," said Carolyn Jones, chaiim an, M arlin Luther King, Jr., Fam ily o f Schools Network Steering < onimittee, "students, faculty, and school administrators in communities ac­ ross the nation are ready to celebrate Dr. King's birthday.” Network activities include " ( o lle c to r ol Dreams” essays, a unique patchwork "W eaver of Dreams” q u ilt, a conflict-resolution project to reduce physical and verbal violence in schools; and a new documentary film o u tlin in g Dr. King's philosophy and nonviolent approach to social justice. "None of this would have been possible without the hands-on involvement and linunctal support ol American Can Company," Jones said. The Network's activities aie positive steps toward realizing Coretta Scott King's vision ol a AFT marks King Day w ith radio campaign I he Am erican Federation o f Teachers (A I L) and its affiliates arc sponsoring a m yriad o f activities ranging horn a national radio adver­ tising campaign to posters, lesson plans and I dins focusing on the life ,utd times o l die Lite IX. Martin Luther King, Jr. in honor of the first official holiday observance ol the civil rights leader’s birthday Beginning in m id-January and tuned to the federal holiday obsersan- ex- o l Ian 20. the AF'T will be airing a 60 second paid and public service radio spot which pays tribute to Dr. King who would have turned 57 on Jan 15. I he realization that today’ s ele­ mentary and secondary school students were not alive dunng the civil tig h ts movement o f the 1960s and weie not actual witnesses to the teach- n i and work of Dr. King prompted tin- A l I to design a 60 second radio spot on the lessons society can learn from his enduring struggle I he spot incorporates the thoughts ol a jun ior high history teacher, an actual clip from a King address to an \ l I meeting in New York in 1964 and a closing tag line from a Washington. IH teacher who salutes |)i King and others working to keep the dream alive I he District of Columbia teacher, Donal I eace. has been a dedicated follower ot Dr King over the years. A te n her in the DC schools lo r eight veais, I ease participated in the 1963 March on Washington and performed at numerous King rallies held in Ihe nation’ s capital Leace teaches tele­ vision history and acting at the Duke I -Kington School for the Performing Arts. In declaring 19X6 the year o f " la v in g the D re a m ," AF T President Albert Shanker said approximately sub radio stations around the United States w ill be airing this spot as a public crvice announcement during 19X6. "W hile most adults remember his pioneering work as i f it took place . \ dav. voung Americans today view the growth o f the civil rights movement as a history lesson. Dr King is viewed almost as a charac- ter in a book, rather than a charismatic leader whose message is still vital today,” said Shanker. He added, " I he A F T . recognizing this problem among our students, hopes this spot can bring Dr King's message to light in a context students —and in fact, all Am ericans—can understand." Zeta Sigma Omega presents Its Founder's Day Celebration Feb. 15.1986 at the Red Lion (Lloyd Center) Coretta Scott King, center, president. Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Non violent Social Change, recently discussed her husband s philosophy of non­ violence with students from schools in Atlanta, GA Cameras were rolling, because the dialogue is part of a new documentary film, "Heroes The Legacy of Martin Luther King, JR " The 30 minute film, with its Classroom Discussion Guide, will be released to schools throughout the nation during January 1906 I it led Heroes.' I he I exact o f Dr M arlin I uther King, Jr., the documen­ tary film records testimony ol people involved in Montgomery and B ir­ mingham demonstrations and present day students, to relate Dr King's philosophy to problems faced by today's youth. Ihe film, underwritten by an American Can Company I oundation grant, will be distributed in videotape format to Network schools in early January. Teachers’ guides will accompany the videotajvcs. Applauding the Network's efforts to get students and teachers involved in spreading Dr. King's legacy, Coretta Scott King, president o f the M artin Luther King ( enter for Nonviolence Social Change, said, "B y involving stu­ dents and (acuity from schools throughout the nation, the Network is helping to make this holiday what it should be a day of doing, a day o f reflection and education, a day o f getting involved in nonviolent action fo r achieving humanitarian goals.” 6:00 p.m. Cocktails 7:00 p.m. Dinner 8:00 p.m. Program BANQUET & TICKETS: $25.00 DONATION Guest Speaker MARTIN LUTHER KING III Donation will benefit the Martin Luther King & Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Scholarship Funds for ticket information Call 284-3342 THE PEOPLE AT PACIHC POWER JOIN IN CELEBRATING THE MEMORY OF A GREAT AMERICAN : MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. I — WMWWWil i WX Ii .11 liriLZT . • ;. T. s ùùC TZIJ~ 1 Hf l J ITÜ * w », ' *'•i?,