January 15, 1906, Portland Observer, Page 3 Black Women's Health Project * Seven year old Shukree Dawan pined a group of about 20 people in renewing their protest of the returning drug sales activity on the comer of NE Grand and Alberta Saturday afternoon. A statement by the Eliot/King Crime Prevention Committee said, in part, "W e are here to justify the namesake of this neighbor hood and to testify to the philosophy of a great man. To return respect to a proud and contemporary name K in g l" The N a tio n a l B lack W o m e n ’ s H ealth P ro je ct (B W H P ). P o rtla n d Chapter, w ill be holding an induction ceremony Jan. 19 at 5:00 p .m . The cerem ony w ill be held at the M t. O liv e t B a p tist C h u rc h , 116 N .E . Schuyer. The induction ceremony is a form al recognition and ce rtifica tio n o f a lo ca l chapter o f the N a tio n a l BW HP. The B W H P was initiated in 1980. Through a critical analysis o f personal experiences, Black women are begin­ ning to realize that they have some c o n tro l over fa cto rs a ffe c tin g their physical and m ental health, such as diet and lifestyle and approaches to problem solving In actively seeking out a va ila b le he a lth resources, in becom ing aware o f se lf-h e lp a p ­ proaches, in establishing a dialogue with health care providers, and most im portantly, in establishing dialogues with each other in order to break the barriers o f isolation and powerless­ ness, Black women are beginning to realize how much their own actions can control and affect their lives. This model o f mutual and self help activism has been successfully used by the Women’s Health Movement in its c o n tin u in g quest to em pow er women to make health care decisions and increase their awareness o f repro­ ductive health issues. It is essential that this course o f action be conceived d ire cte d , and c o n tro lle d by Black women in o rder to reduce the d is p a ritie s and in e q u a litie s o f American life. Persons wishing to become m em ­ bers o f the Portland Chapter may do so at the induction ceremony. I f you have any fu rth e r q uestions, please contact Bobbi I . Gary, at 231-7509 or Karen Wells, at 643-8866; or write to The National Black W omen's Health Project, A tte n tio n : B obbi 1.. G ary, P.O. Box 40590, P o rtla n d . OR 97240-0590. OLYMPIAN FITNESS CENTER PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP ONLYSOO.OO/YR. PERSONALIZED INSTRUCTION ENJOY AND IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH STRETCHACISE AEROBICS A V » .»"Y V MIND OVER MATTER FORUMS BODY BUILDING OLYMPIAN FITNESS CENTER 10 23 NE ALBERTA PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PHONE; 287-9883 (Photo: Richard J. B ro w n ) You Ve g o t w hat i t takes. Abortion rights rally Jan. 24 A ra lly to defend a b o rtio n rights and to protest the escalating violence against clinics w ill be held on Friday, Ian. 24, 7:00 p in. at P ortland State University (PSU) Smith Center Room 338. Speakers w ill in clu d e D r. Peter Bouts; the Res . John Jackson, Albina M inisterial Alliance; Joan Binninger, P ro-C hoice C o a litio n ; Ju lia H icks, Am algam ated C o th in g and T e xtile W orkers U n io n ; a representative from Oregon State NOW ; and Sandy N elson, Tacoma R adical W om en. KMHD 2nd anniversary celebration Jazz ra d io s ta tio n KMHD celebrates its second anniversary with the Walter Bridges Big Band at Rian's' A triu m , 1601 S .W . 1st, between M arket and H a rriso n , Jan. 18, 9:00 p in. to 12:00 m id n ig h t. A dvance tickets are $5; at the door, $6. Tickets arc available at G .I. Joe’ s and Rian's A trium . Music by Mary Rose; childcare w ill be available. The rally is co-sponsored by the C o m m u n ity C lin ic Defense C o a litio n and the PSU W o m en's U n io n . F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n call 229-3516. Black Cultural Affairs of PSU Extravaganza The P o rtla n d Stale U n iv e rs ity (PSU) Black C u ltu ra l A ffa irs Board (B C A B ) is presenting a Dance E x ­ travaganza featuring C o o l'R , one o f Portland's hottest groups, at PSU in the Smith Center Ballroom, on Satur­ day, Jan. 18, at 8:00 p m P a rkin g w ill be free in tTie parking structure A dm ission is $3 .00 fo r all college students w ith I.D . and $4.00 fo r the general public. A d u lt beverage w ill be served with I.D . For more in fo rm a tio n , contact the B C A B at 229 4452 o r the PSU Box office at 229 4440 W A N TE D . VOLUNTEERS The YW C A Thrift Shop in downtown Portland is in real need of volunteers to help keep the shop running sm oo th ly. Assisting custom ers, making sales, restocking shelves, and acting as cashiers are som e o f the things vo lun teers do. The shop is open from 10 a m 4 p .m M onday through Saturday and volunteers are asked to w o rk o n e 4 hour shift weekly M en tal H e alth Services W est provides a variety of services to those w ho are m entally handicapped and volunteers assist the agency and its clients in many ways. Current volun teer needs include a photographer to help develop a slide show, recreation aides, clerical help for nurses, drivers, help with the Kids on Burnside project and friendly visitors. The Volunteer Bureau, a United W ay agency, matches prospective volun teers with the needs of approximately 200 local agencies and programs. To find the right volunteer job, call The Volunteer Bureau at 222 1366 YOU ARE W ELCOM E TO W O R S H IP AT 84 N E Killingsworth • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always'' TuMday BibU Band Thunday Chrwr Rahaanal Sunday P Sunday School I ( r i / hurt h t e r t n, sa rist UV W o n h tp VJW W T f v a n g a i« « Worship ^Tuesday Frioay 7 X p m 7 00 p m 9 15a m I t 15a m 6 Xp m 8 00 p m Moon Pay Prayer tke. Bl Wl 4CUp-r |rtwsy f o l l o w peace w ith Tha Paaloi Spaak»" 7 X p m. o il m eo.tr holiness w ith o u t which Prayar 9 00 a m man shall sec inv Lord * ? ' i''. * - : > ' * * ». n » /• t