Page 2, Portland Obaerver, January 15, 1966 Letters to the Editor EDITORIAL/OPINION J he Observer welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be typed or neatly p rin te d and signed with the author's name and address (addresses are not usually published). Tax bill important to low and moderate income families by U.S. Rep William H . Gray. I l l Low- and moderate income Amen can taxpayers will get a major break if the m u ch -d eb ated (ax re fo rm b ill becomes law thu year. Before adjourning last month, the H ouse o f Representatives passed legislation which— if approved by the Senate— w ill grant much needed and long-overdue tax relief to millions o f fam ilies w ho were w ritten out o f President Reagan's massive 1981 lax cut. O u r legislation would provide im ­ portant relief in two ways: • First, it would sharply reduce the tax burden on as many as 6.$ million low-incom e households by removing them from the lax roils. This means that whereas fam ilies w ith tw o children now pay taxes when their in­ comes hits a mere $9,739, under our b ill, they would pay no federal taxes until they earn $14,473. • Secondly, it would lower the tax burden for middle-income families— those earning $20,00 to $40,000 a year — by as much as 10 percent. Clearly, the House's tax reform bill addresses one o f the ironies and inequities in the Federal tax system— its bias against poor people. Since President Reagan took office, the p ro p o rtio n o f incom e that Americans at the poverty line pay the federal governm ent has jum ped dramatically. In 1973, a poverty-line family paid 1.9 percent o f its income to Uncle Sam; but for 1983, that same family will pay 10.4 percent o f its in­ come to the federal government. M an y observers, therefore, view the tax b ill as the most im p o rta n t, positive legislation development in years fo r low - and m iddle-incom e America— and I ’m inclined to agree For example, under current law by next year a four-member family with earnings of $12,000 would owe $1,271 in federal income and Social Security taxes. T h e legislation we passed in the House would reduce this to $399— a cut of 69 percent This cut is im portant not only to the typical American family. I t ’s im portant, also, to our neigh­ borhood stores and businesses. By our cutting individual tax rates and preserving such provisions as the full credit for child care expenses, low and moderate-income American families w ill have that much more money to spend on goods and services in their Neighborhood planning emergency F in a lly , the tax b ill is im p o rtan t because while it provides equity for millions o f ordinary taxpayers, it also makes sure that p ro fita b le c o r­ porations and upper-income persons pay their fair share. The House legislation shows that by zeroing in on in d ivid u als and businesses who currently pay little or no taxes, we can provide re lie f fo r most taxpayers. At the same time, we have provided incentives fo r a stronger econom y through a significant cut in lax rates for corporations which currently pay their fair share. These businesses will have an added incentive to make productive investments rather than seek tax shelters. O u r b ill is not perfect by any means. It leaves unsettled, for instan­ ce the inequity of our regressive Social Security tax. But we made a realistic and major step toward a fairer tax system. The House has acted decisively toward this goal. Let's hope that the Senate can do the same to make our tax system more fa ir and m ore e ffic ie n t fo r all Americans. neighborhoods. ON SOUTH AFRICA Johnny Mathis boycott D u rin g the past few years there have been numerous national and in­ te rn a tio n a l protests against e n te r­ tainers who have performed in South A fric a . A num ber o f artists have pledges not to return to South Africa until the apartheid system end*. Their names have been removed fro m the United Nations boycott list. They in­ clude Tina Turner, Chick Corea, the perform ances. This m u lti-m illio n dollar gam bling resort is located in Bophuthantswana, one of the ten so- called tribal "hom elands" the South African government has established as part o f its segregationist policy of Temptations, and Barry Manilow. Since 1968 the United Nations has country o ffic ia lly designated as " w h it e " areas. L ik e the other hom elands, B o phuthatsw ana is located on some o f the most arid and impoverished land in South A frica. A lth ou gh it is one o f the fo u r hom elands that have been granted "independence" by the South African government, no other country in the world recognizes it as an independent nation. been issuing regular appeals to coun­ tries and organizations to suspend all sporting and c u ltu ra l ties w ith the ap arth eid governm ent in South A fric a . In an ongoing atte m p t to bolster its international image. South A fric a lures entertainers w ith astronomical fees for performances. "S u n C ity " is a favorite spot for apartheid. The hom elands serve p rim arily as d um pin g grounds fo r Black South A fric a n s who are not em ployed in the 87 percent o f the In 1982, singer Johnny Mathis per­ form ed in Sun C ity , B o p h u th a t­ swana. He continues to refuse to recognize the United Nations boycott. U n til he publicly announces th at he wiH not re tu rn to South A f'IcB . Mathis will be boycotted aero** (He picketing that performance at 7 p.m. /VrrlurvJrn Organaxd f o r Southern AJrvun freedom fPO SAE), a local multi rm ial otiaec, action group th it supports Black mq/ontv rule in Stuihem A J m a and an end to U.S. f o r more m- formation cull 230-9427 Healthwatch b y Steven B aile y N . D . In te rfe ro n , a naturally-occuring chemical component o f the immune system, has recently been found to relieve many symptoms o f the com ­ m on co ld . W h ile this chem ical has been studied for its value in treating cancer (w ith limited success), the new potential for anti-viral chemotherapy Ls both promising and frightening. T h e co m m on c o ld , and fo r the most part, viral infections have long eluded researchers' attempts to find adequate an tib io tic tools fo r tre a t­ ment. A multitude o f reasons exist as to w hy viruses are a more d iffic u lt enemy than most bacteria. However, the question I pose is: should we utilize natural immune products such as interferon for the common cold? As sophisticated as modern medi­ cine appears, as a whole, it has been follow ing the historical misdirection of our chemicalagrobusiness It conies as little surprise that the percentage o f crops lost to in fe s ta tio n is now equal to that o f 1900 The decreased loss o f crops in the ea rly years o f chem ical use was soon follow ed by the need to dram atically increase the amount of chemicals used per acre to kill o ff the insects. Soon most insects became resistant to levels more than 10 times that o f the early years. Now insects have shown complete resistan­ ce to many chemicals. Not only do we consume higher levels o f trace chemicals in our foods, but we also have devastated natural predators to the insects (sp id e r, e tc .), added millions o f gallons o f poisons to our soil and water, begun food irradiation programs and are pursuing in blissful ignorance the developm ent o f bac­ terial pesticides. T h e blindness o f these agricultural practices seems to walk hand-in-hand w ith medicine's approach to human infection. Similar to the resilient nature o f in­ sects to pesticides, we have seen bac­ teria become less and less sensitive to our antibiotics. I have seen penicillin- resistant infections in children who are under one year o f age, who have been given p en ic illin derivatives numerous times for infection prior to seeing me. Oregon, like many other slates has reported tw o separate strains of p en icillin -resistant gonorrhea. Medicine, like agriculture, is having to use higher dosages o f stronger types o f chemicals to m ain­ tain the same degree of protection. W hile there is an undeniable need for antibiotic therapy, there is also a need for a more scientific application of antibiotics by many medical doc­ tors. A ll too frequently, I encounter patients w ho have been given pre­ scription* with no identification o f the bacterium, nor test to see if the par­ ticu lar strain is sensitive to the prescribed a n tib io tic . L ik e the pesticides, many antibiotics, and par­ ticu la rly tetracyclin e, can k ill o f f many o f the checks and balances o f the norm al human flo ra, leading to increased future susceptibility to less- hardy organisms like the yeast, can­ did*. The aspect of introducing inter­ To the Editor: Northeast Portland, in my opinion, is about to be rip p e d -o ff again. For years we have qualified the city for millions o f dollars in poverty funds, only to have the money spent else­ where. or wasted on poorly-planned programs run by people downtown. The H ousing and C o m m u n ity Development (H C D ) plan for N o rth ­ feron to common viruses so that their resilient nature (fast reproduction cycle) can make them resistant to one o f our b ody's strongest a n ti-v ira l chem icals, m ay be an unnecessary lesson in futility, and further progress our species to an overall level of im­ mune incompetence. I believe that the immune system needs to function to completion, just as our muscles need exercise, our heart needs aerobic ac­ tivity and our minds need stimulation. Though interferon may have a role in serious infections, let us hope that we don't take a giant step backwards for the relief o f a few colds in the '80s. I wrote in the Observer nearly two years ago, in which I stated my belief that the misuse and overuse o f anti­ biotics and an ti-inflam m atory drugs was an important contribution to the predisposition o f A ID S (A cqu ired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). This I still contend; I also feel that the false security o f drug therapy leads many to ignore the obvious symptoms o f inappropriate lifesytles. To many it is much simpler to take a drug than to practice safe b irth c o n tro l, eat properly, get adequate rest or manage their stress a p p ro p ria te ly . In the meantime, when you get a common cold, rest, drink plenty of fluids (not soft d rin k s, m ilk or co ffee ); sup­ plement with V itam in C (1000-4000 mg daily), beta carotin (23,000-30,000 IU S d aily ) and zinc (100 mg d aily), and look back to your life prior to in­ fection, maybe you can identify some obvious habits to avoid in the future. I They are paid o ff with a pitance and go their separate w ay. M ea n w h ile Northeast suffers fro m all this in ­ fighting and lack o f accountability. How can you fight P D C , when they have a m u lti-m illio n guaranteed budget? The Sabin Community Association has joined Vernon, King and H u m - bolt neighborhoods to protest the P D C steamroller Wc have asked the private agencies to help us. Let's stop fighting among ourselves long enough to give the m ayor a chance to esta­ blish a p ublic agency fo r N o r th ­ east, acco u ntable to C ity co u ncil, east Portland is another example A series o f budget hearings are now taking place at C ity H a ll. The P o rt­ land Developm ent C om m ission (P D C ) w alked out w ith over $6 million, just for housing alone North­ east was beat down to $21.000, and w ith a d m in is tra tiv e a u th o rity and enough program control to make sure Northeast Portland gets its fair share. W hat good are all these programs if even that has to be turned back to P D C control. If P D C can’t run all the housing programs in Northeast, they won't cooperate. But the final plan is not completed It must first be approved by C ity Council. And before that can happen, there must be a public hearing at 7 p .m ., Jan. 23, at the King Center. If you don’ t like city policy, you better come to the hearing and protest. The major issue is simple. W ho sets the policy for Northeast? Federal law says we have that right. It is called the right of local control. Most neighbor­ hood associations want the mayor to appoint a special, high-level board of directors for Northeast, to administer our housing, em ploym ent and eco­ nomic development programs. Mem bers o f this Northeast board must be residents o f N o rth ea st, representing the neighbor hoods served by the program. The city already pro­ mised us $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 per year, for three years, to im prove and c o o r­ din ate N o rth east program s. The problem is that P D C gets millions of dollars to do the same thing, but they d o n 't w ant to cooperate w ith us. N eith er do some o f the fa v o rite private agencies in the com m un ity. They line up w ith P D C to fight us. co u ntry. P O S A F is asking P o rt­ landers to boycott his upcoming per­ form ance at the A rlene Schnitzer C oncert H a ll, and to jo in us in support f o r apartheid H e reserve the right to edit f o r length M a il to; Portland Observer. P O Box 3137. Portland. O H 972OR To the Editor: Re: D r. C herovee's letter in the Jan. 8 Issue. I don't hold out much hope o f con­ structive dialogue because o f the tone o f the b ro th e r's letter, but I am willing to try. I'm not going to take up valuable space in (his paper trying to respond to the a d d itio n a l issues raised by M r. Cherovee, but I will say this: if the brother will go back over my letter he will see that I did not call him a lia r. I did acknow ledge the validity o f the position in regard to legalizing prostitution. He claims that there is not an atom o f tru th in what I said. C o m e on brother! You can't really be sincere about co m m un ity dialogue if you claim everything I said is other than the truth. You asked, " w h a t do you really know about D arw in 's th eo ry? " M y point in writing to the paper is not to impress you or the readership with my (P P IC ). PD C took away our housing program Now P P IC has taken away our employment program. But the battle is not over. You can still help. Com e to the hearing at 7 p .m ., Jan. 23. at King Center Help us get our programs and our money back. Call 248-4575 for information. C a ll me at 287-0826 if you want to help the neighborhood associations present our side o f the story to C ity United Way thanks To the Editor: W ith the local U n ited W ay c a m ­ paign now completed, I would like to express my gratitude to Portland O b­ server readers fo r helping to m ake 1983 a record-breaking year. Thanks to your assistance, the cam paign brought in nearly $17 m illion— more money than U n ite d W ay o f the Colum bia-W illam ette has ever raised before. Essential to that success were the thousands o f local volunteers and contributors w ho, despite economic u n c erta in ty , gave generously to provide hope and o p p o rtu n ity for neighbors less fortunate than them ­ selves. As alw ays, co n trib u to rs can rest assured that their donations w ill be used in an efficient and worthy m an­ ner. Last year, U n ite d W a y ’s 100 m ember agencies pro vided hum an and health care services to h a lf a m illio n people, or one out o f every three local residents. W h a t’s m ore, the success o f this year's campaign reaffirms something that should m ake us all feel proud— that the spirit o f caring con­ tinues to th rive in o ur local c o m ­ munity. Sincerely, Lloyd A nderson Volunteer Campaign Chairman, and Executive Director, Port o f Portland Children are the future To the Editor: T h a n k you fo r fea tu rin g the children this holiday season on your front pages of the Christmas and New Years issues. • The children are the future o f our country and during such trying times they need every bit of encouragement they can get. Ebony does a good job o f showing successful Black America but children often Lind it sadly neglec­ ted as how to get th ere. W henever possible feature stories about people doing a good jo b w o rkin g w ith ch ild ren and youth w ill give en ­ couragement. knowledge. It was to express my con­ cern with an issue that I think is much more im p o rta n t than is co m m on ly thought. Just for clarification (hough, I do believe that man has always been man and that man did not evolve from the ape. D r. D a rw in believed otherwise. Whet her he is agnostic (is not convinced o f the existence o f God) or atheist is not at issue. I will restate: prostitution is not an instinct, it is a social/cultural pheno­ mena, and if you want to argue that, do so with someone more patient and Thank you fo r a fine, outspoken newspaper. I heard a quotation read from the Portland Observer over the radio when President Reagan was at the University o f Portland. In fact it was from an article I had given him. Thank you again. Gertrude Beckwith understanding than I. W hy don’t we set up a time and place (hat this issue may be constructively discussed and debated? Least it be overlooked in the heat generated by bruised egos, the issue is p ro s titu tio n in our c o m ­ munity. I have said what I said and do much o f what I do out o f love and concern fo r my people, especially those mothers and potential mothers involved in prostitution. Hope you are likewise motivated. Proper credit To the Editor: Enjoyed the article on the P IC . It deserves much publicity. Must point out however that M argaret Strachan was the intiator o f the leaders round­ table. The M ayor got credit but she's the one that started it along w ith Roger Breezley o f the U.S. Bank. ) our Brother Nabeeh Í p ORTWND OBSERVER • 15 Io* ona yaer »25 tor two Bor 3137 Portland OR 97206 c*t M l Mrr, Thank you. Bud J. E. Bud Clark, M ayor SLLLILP m < O to O I C T 3 2 £ >3 m < j Street city But now P D C has been joined by the Portland Private Industry Council Council. United we stand, divided we fall. Ray Hanson Northeast dialogue With The Name Allah The Gracious, The Compassionate they d o n 't serve the people? A ll we are asking for is $500,000, a far cry from the millioas controlled by down­ town agencies. Api STATt ° 3 X 3 ZIP Portland Observer Th» ZVxrlerrrf O tarrver (U SPS 9 » « D l • pubMved avary Thurxdnr by L o a PubbUwrg Company. h e .. 14B3 N.C. KAnpe «rorth. Ror*l,n d - ° ’W 0 " *7711, N m O tta a Boe 3137. Porttand Oragon « 7 » Saoond daae pn aragi pead ai Portland. Oragon ’" a» * Bi ■ > p n«*' NB»O M *5»a»«B t i l * Tra P ortU m l Oteen rr roa» eetabBdrad In W 0 C C * M M « Ok. t e « member M W A per gsiociHion - founded ltd d Subacr^dono 115 00 par raer *r h e Tit-County ara m a a to t Sand addraaa changea lo h e N i r r t t d O teen Boa 1137. Portland. Oragon ( T X * A lfre d L . Henderson. E ditor/P ublisher A ! Williams, General M anager PO 2880033 Mattonai Advertising Représentative A m algam ated Publlstrere. Ine N e w VorV