Jobs M ULTN O M AH COUNTY RESTAURANT b CATERING MANAGER DATA ENTRY OPERATOR *6 77 per hour PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Enter property and tax record data on XL 40 mini co m p u ter, applicant» must have six months recent related work experience; a data entry speed of 10.000 or more keystrokes per hour Bachelor's degree in Food Systems M an ag em en t or H otel R estaurant Administration, or equivalent training and experience 2 years related work exp Ability to tram , supervise and is required evaluate employees establish duties, and schedules of work for adult and student em plo yees K n o w led g e of SANITARIAN »9 70 per hour Requires State of Oregon Sanitarian or Sanitarian Trainee registration PROGRAM MANAGER ALCOHOL b DRUG *29.817 -38.753 annually Responsible for the administration of the A lcohol and Drug P rogram in­ cluding contracts, budget, personnel, advocacy, and community based ser vice delivery; required M as ter's Degree in public administration, social w ork, or related discipline and five years of related program m anage merit experience CORRECTIONS COUNSELOR Spanish Speaking *20.817 annually Performs social casework and coun­ seling in service to adults who are in­ m ates of county co rrectio n al in ­ stitutions, clients of rehabilitative programs, or on probation or parole; provides service to Spanish speaking clients, as well as assisting othtr staff as needed in translating, requires a Bachelor s Degree in related field, one year of experience in counseling or casework in a social welfare or correc tional agency and the ability to speak and understand English and Spanish Apply for the above positions by January 24, 1986 at Multnomah County Courthouse Room 134. 1021 S W Fourth Avenue Portland. OR 97204 Page 6, JOBS, January 15, 1906 CHUBBIES UNLIMITED DATING SERVICE As seen on A M Northwest, Channel 6 News, as heard on KX Loveline, and K W JJ . All w elcom e including large persons, senior citizens Fees based on incom e; no m a tc h , no m onthly paym ents If our nam e scares you, our prices w on’t. Call offices Portland 252 3316. Salem 585 9822 principles of food handling and storage, h o te l/re sta u ran t/c a,erin g style food service operation; account ing and finance, marketing and mer chand.sing A b ility to m ain tain a financially successful and accoun table food service operation 12 month w ork year Salary range *1 7 ,6 2 0 *20,150 depending upon training and exp Excellent fringe benefits Apply Personnel Service» PPS Blanchard Education Service Ctr. 501 N. Dixon Portland Applications accepted th ro ug h Fri Jan 24 Equal Opportunity/ Affirm ative Action Employer marketing COORDINATOR 80% position (32 hour» per week) To adm inister M arke tin g and Van Pool program s Salary Range *1 7 .9 9 4 fy r to » 2 4 .3 3 0 /y r ., plus benefits Requires B A in Marketing or related field and tw o years w ork experience, preferably public sector Excellent communication skills, writ­ ten, oral and public speaking N o n ­ smoking office Resume» to; Personnel Manager C-TRAN P 0 Box 2429 Vancouver, W A 98668 2529 Closes 1 31 86 , n E guai Opportunity Employer lassi lobs Classifieds Equal Opportunity Employer M /F /H data paocessino Senior Progrimmer/Anilysts Progrimmer/Amlyiti BiuA Croaa and Blu» S -'» d o' O-«gon » major health inaurane« c o m p io , •• l e a l ng S«n,O< p , o g , am m a r , A n a ly a , S a n d P r o g r a m m * Anaryltl ' » Sysi«ma and P'OO'am mino □•panm eni Qualified Senio» Program mer* Anaiyat applicant» mua, have succaaa ui protect leadership •■ p e » « '* « on r»o- ’ » m»««- p » ,o n proieca ol aia month» duration or long •> individuali m ull have • minimum ol lou' r e e n • «nca ,n ■ Buimees application» environment technical competence ,n COBOL ClCS EASVTfltEVE TSO OS/JCL M VSA M O' V S 1 »hop a ■ pei enea *• required lente Pregi e»ina"Analyala »HI • Perform front-end Analysis • Writ» uie» and D P specifications • Perform technical design • Perform proi«ct es tim atin g and scheduling • Coordinata with m ultipla us «'» across functional areas • Wnta project and operational docu­ mentation Senior Programmer A n aiv iti w»i De »»peeled io duec, , io 1 people o' perform the most technically Oifhcui, development» Program mo, An»iy», applicanti i t u i i ha»« a minimum 2 i t i n aip«ii«n c« in Dunne»» application! »»stems development ana pno< a . perenne in COBO l and OS'JCL » ,«ou,r«d Knowledge ol CtCS VSAM ADABAS and erg a iflM -iA a mamtramea prawned ProgramM, Anatrata ««1 • Pertorm program design and deve, op mart • Gath«' and analyze mlormation for systems development or modification • Conatiuct test and implement sys­ tems and prepare systems operation and use' documentation Biua Croaa and Bn» Sn»id o' Oregon ohe,» an w i am.piovea Dene*1’ » peciege "m a w on n ou 'i and compel,tme aaiary Principal« omy pieaae app'r or »end '«aum « ,0 • im Blue Cross and Blue Shield ol Oregon Personnel Department. I l k Fleer 1 M * W -M arket Pert lend, OR • ZZ01