JO BS Classified S U B -B ID S REQUESTED CITY OF SALEM. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES PURCHASING DIVISIO N Meacham-Hilgard Section Interstate Highway 84 Oregon State Highway Division Project Bid Date: January 23. 1986 — 9:00 A .M . IN V IT A T IO N TO BIDDERS 45 MORSE BROS. PROTECTIVE COATINGS Highway Corutmction Group 32260 Hwy 34 • Tangent. OR 97369 The City of Salem will receive sealed bide at the office of the City Recorder Room 205 City Heli Salem Oregon 97301. until, but not (503) 928-6491 after n 00 A M . FEB R UA R Y 5 1986 at which tim e »aid bid» w ill be publicly opened end reed in the City Council Chamber«. Room 240 W e e'e an equel opportunity employe' end request tub bide from City Hell for the protect specified herein emeu business end emeu disedventeged business subcontractors end «»omen end minority business enterprises Prime contractors mey receive one copy of the bid document» et the office of the Purchasing Supervisor 1340 20th St S E Salem . OR CITY OF PORTLAND 97302 The p ro p o s ed w o rk cons is t« of a p p lic e tio n of p ro te c tiv e coetmgs et the W illow lake Treetm ent Plant 5915 Windsor Island Rd N INViTATlON FOR PROPOSALS Bids must be subm itted on the form s furnished to prequahfied bid ders and enclosed in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the above PROPOSALS DUE 2 00 P M ON VARIOUS DATES bid name and show the business address of the bidder A surety bond, cashiers check, or certified check of the bidder made Seeled Proposals «»ill be received et m e Bureau o* Purchases end S tores Room 412 City Heli P ortland Salem OR 97303 payable to the City of Salem O P 97204 tor th e Protect m the amount of ten percent 110%) of the bid. must be a ttached to each proposal as bid security Unsuc detened beiov» until 2 00 P M on the detes mdiceted cessful bidders will have their security returned to them when the con tract has been awarded Plans end Specifications may be obtained at the above address For additional information telephone Buyer at number listed No bid will be received or considered by the City of Salem or any of its officers unless the bid contains e statem ent by the bidder thet the Unless otherwise stated in the individual proposals listed herein, no provision of ORS 279 350 shell be included in his contract proposal or bid wilt be considered unless accompanied by a bid surety fo r an a m o u n t not less th a n ten p e rc e n t 110% I of th e a g g re g a te The City of Salem reserves the right to reject any or ell bids, to waive amount of the proposal form alities end of postponing aw ard of the contract for thirty (30) days The City encourages bidding by MBE s end FBE s and will assist such firms to understand and participate m formal bidding processes N o bid w ill be rec e iv e d fro m any bidder w h o has not file d e p re q u a iific e tio n s tate m e n t w ith th e City Purchasing S up ervisor •»ON D IS C R IM IN A T IO N No proposal or bid will be considered unless Statem ents must be received by 5 00 P M th e bidder is c ertifie d as en EEO A tfu m a tiv e A ction E m p lo ye ' as prescribed by Chapter 3 100 of the Code of the City of Portland BID NO 84 DESCR IPTIO N The attention of bidders is directed to the provisions of chapter 97. OPENING OATE Salem Revised C ode concerning un law ful em p loym ent practices Labo r. M a te ria l Et E quipm ent for Rede V io la tio n o f such p ro v is io n s shell be grou nds for im m e d ia te ter veiopment ol M t Scott Park ft Com m uni ty C en ter A lte ra tio n m m eton of this contract without recourse by the Contretor C all D ela B ab er. 796 6856 P re q u a iific a tio n in C lass 2 0 Et R epair a nd B uildin g MBE on or before January 30 1986 U pon approval the bidder will receive the official bid form s PR EQ U A LIFIC A TIO N C LA SS Painting A mandatory site inspection will be held et the W illow lake treatm ent Usa Required plant 5915 W indsor Island Rd N 1 28 86 Salem , OR 97303 et 10 00 A M January 23 ’ 986 All prospective bidders muet attend C 9671 Labor M a te ria l Et E q u ip m a n t to Con Inquiries regarding this project shell be directed to Paul Eckley. Project struct NE 1212 Ave Et NE Sacremento St Sew er System Call M ichaie A ckerm an. 796 6854 Engineer at Willow lake treatment plant, telephone <503) 393 3806 P req u a iific etio n in Class 8 Robtn Kirkpatrick 1 /2 ' 86 Sew e'C onstruction Required Purcheemg Supervisor 85 Print and D'Str bute N ew sletter to City ol P o rtla n d Em plo yees C all Bid No 2946 H aro ld Opening FEBRUARY 5 1 986 1 1 0 0 a m 2 4 86 Vaughan 796 6865 Page 2, JOBS, January 15, 1906 • ; • ■ » ‘ s •. • . I • , .v 8 * r . . \ « ’ I M 4* ’ » '• 4 Y ' •» M’r * '