January 15, 1906, Portland Observer, Page 13 King's daughter featured at Nobel symposium YOLANDA KING (Photo Richard J Brownl Yolanda King, daughter of slain civil rights leader and 1964 Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. M artin Luther King, Jr., w ill speak at the Oregon Nobel 1 aureate Symposium Feb. 24-27 on the Linfield College campus in M cM inn­ ville. Yolanda King has been in the midst o f the struggle for human rights all her life, participating in numerous civil and human rights demonstrations and s h a k in g before countless religious, educational, civic and human rights organizations and institutions. In addition to King, the symposium will feature l.inus Pauling, winner of the I954 Nobel Prue for Chemistry and the 1962 Nobel Peace Prue; Lawrence Klein, 1980 Nobel laureate for economics; Czeslaw Milosz, winner o f the 1980 Nobel Prue for literature; and Charles Townes, 1964 physics laureate. King w ill be a featured speaker at the symposium’s evening session on Wednesday, Feb. 26. Among other topics, she is expected to talk about the contributions of her father toward world peace and human rights. On Thursday morning, Feb. 27, she will talk to students in classes at Lin­ field and meet informally with students, faculty members and other interested persons. King is an actress and producer -director, as well as a lecturer and activist, and she often combines all o f those activities toward reshaping the attitudes and values o f people. ” W hile it is imperative to actively challenge the forces that deny human bangs their right to a decent life,” she says, "one must also stimulate and alter the hearts and minds of both the privileged as well as those who have been too long denied Within the arts lies this power.” Putting that belief into action, she was a founding member of Christian Theatre Artists and has taught theatre to young people and college students She presently serves as co-director, along with Attallah Shabazz, the eldest child o f Malcolm X and Dr Betty Shabazz, ol N U t'l LUS, a company of per­ forming artists dedicated to promoting positive energy through the arts. NU CLEU S currently is touring high schools, colleges, churches and communities around the country with an original production called "Stepping Into Tom orrow." King's film credits as an actress include the role o f Rosa Parks, (he woman whose refusal to give up her scat on a bus triggered the movement that ultimately desegregated the Ssmth, in King, an NBC made for-television movie. She also played the role o f Betty Shabazz in The Death o f a Prophet, a story about Malcolm X. King serves on the board o f directors ol the Martin 1 uther King, Jr., Cen­ ter for Nonviolent Social Change, the official national memorial to her father. She is director of the King Center's cultural allairs program. Her publications include "Using Television to Teach Nonviolence." in Teachers Guides to Television, and she has authored a column for black Family magazine A graduate o f Smith College in Northampton, M A . King received her master o f fine arts degree in theatre from New York University. The Oregon Nobel I aureate Symposium, one o f only five such confer ences worldwide recognized by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden, is scheduled to become an annual event at 1 infield College SAVE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Buy Factory Direct from Liberty Home Security 8778 N.E. Sandy Blvd. 254-7928 ■< y t W indow Guard Saia $ 4 0 9 $q. ft. Reg Stop the burglar $6°° >q n before he get» Ini MARTIN LUTHER KING III King's son to speak Martin Luther King III, son o f Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose birth­ day is being celebrated nationally on Jan. 20, will be guest speaker for the an nual Founder's Day celebration o f Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., on Saturday, Feb. 15. Ihe celebration includes a cocktail function at 6 p.m,, a dinner at 7 p.m. and the program at 8 p.m., all at the Red I ion, Lloyd Center’s Hotel. Ihe Oregon chapter o f the sorority, /eta Sigma Omega, is adopting one of the 1986 national themes o f the organization, "Scholarship: Our Key to the F u tu re ." Monies raised through this evening celebration w ill go tow ard Oregon's future scholarship programs for the M artin Luther King and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Scholarship Funds. Attendance to the dinner and to hear Martin 1 uther King III is through a tax deductible donation of $25 per person or $250 per table. Ticket information and table reservations may be obtained by calling 284-5542. SOME DREAMS NEVER DIE. Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. lived his life in struggle so that m illions after him could live their lives in pride. The struggle to achieve equality through civil action. The struggle he faced every day as a man of faith. The struggle that was recognized with the cherished Nobel Peace Prize. What could be more appropriate than to designate his birthday asa national holiday? We at The Seven Up Company jo in all Americans in honoring Dr. King, and in so doing, help keep his dream alive. TH< S IV fN UP COMPANY 1?, S M t HA M l (. 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