Page 12, Portland Observer, January 15, 1986 King Day special programs on KBOO l or (he fifth year C om m unity Radio KIR K ) (90 7 FM) is planning a day o f special programming from 9 a in. to I a.m. on Jan. 20 in comme­ moration of Martin I uther King Day. Highlights include: 9:00 a.m. to II a m .— Free at l-ast, Free at I.a s !—a tw o hour musical celebration o f the life o f the c iv il rights leader featuring music com ­ posed by Malcolm Goldstein and A r­ chie Shcpp. Works include "Been in the Storm Too L o n g ," "F u n e ra l" (composed by A rchie Shepp as a memorial piece for Medgar Evers), and " I hat Hung Like Fire on Hcasen” by M alcolm Goldstein, a setting o f King’s “ I Have a Dream” speech. From 2 p in. to 5 p.m. KB(X) will broadcast live a special Martin Luther King ceremony from the W hitaker Middle School. Featured speakers will include Ron Herndon o f the Black United Front, Stale Rep. Margaret ( alter, and Donnie Adair, chairman o f the Urban League. Among the musical groups perform ing w ill be New Beginnings, Goldie Irby, Time- sound and Tiffany Osborne. Between 4: JO p.m. and 5:30 p.m. G overnor Vic A tiych w ill be in te r­ viewed on the significance o f King Day. At 5:30 p.m. a program o f gospel music will be featured. King School & guests honor King birthday Portland’s public school named for M artin Luther King celebrated his birthday Wednesday, Jan. 15. Students and faculty o f King Early Childhood Education Center, 4906 N .F. Sixth Ave., conducted a program honoring the late civil rights leader Joining i.” ’be ceremonies s*s Port­ land Mayor Bud C la rk , Portland School D istrict Supt. M atthew Prophet, Oregon Rep. Margaret Car­ ter (D Portland) and Black United Front co-chairman Ron Herndon. King birthday. Black history observed at Ore. Historical Center I he January b irthday o f M artin I uther King, Jr and Black History Month in February will be observed at the Oregon H istorical Center, Thomas Vaughan, executive director, has announced. I he A fro American Bicentennial Com m em orative Q u ilt, which in ­ cludes portraits o f the martyred civil rights leader and Nobel l aureate and other prominent Black Americans as well as scenes from history and in ­ scriptions of special significance, has been selected from the Oregon His­ torical Society’s collection o f Black history artifacts for a special showing as part o f the "Presents o f the Past: ( ollecting Oregon's H istory” exhibit at the Center through Feb. 22. Admission is free at the Oregon H istorical Center, 1230 S.W. Park Ave., downtown Portland. Exhibition hours are 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Mon­ day through Saturday. I he Afro-American Heritage Quilt was donated to the Society as part of the U.S. Bicentennial celebration 10 years ago. Il was last exhibited at the "Heritage Quilts” exhibition here in 1985. I he M artin Luther King, Jr. quilt block was made by M rs. Perry Whitlow. The entier JO-block quilt is the work of the Afro-American Quilt Club under the leadership o f M rs. O J Gates, a member o f the Oregon Historical Society. The live broadcast moves to Pin- nochio’s Club between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. fo r more music and theater groups. "The goal of the special King Day Broadcast is Io bring people together to share thoughts and aspirations about ‘ livin g the d re a m '," says broadcast coordinator Ken Berry . King Day Celebration in Portland Jan. 19 On Jan. 19 the Martin Luther King Commorative Committee will present the first annual King Day Celebration to be held at (tie Red Lion Inn (Uoyd Center) 8:00 p m until I 00 a m with a 7:00 no host bar/hors d ’ oeuvres. The evening w ill be fille d w ith live music, speakers and a portrayal o f Dr. King. Guest speakers w ill include Dick Bogel, Anna Street. Margaret Carter, Ron Herndon, Lanita Duke and a P.P.S. representative. Musical groups will include Velvet. Strawberry Gam­ blers, C leanCut. Ron Steen, Love Congregation and Street Corner Singers. Also appearing w ill be the King School Choir. TJiere will also be a King Portrayal by Anthony A rm ­ strong. Donations for this event are $10.00 (tax deductible, and tickets are avail able at the House of Sound, Mrs. C’s Wigs, and Music M illennium A ll donations will go towards the lifesize bronze statue o f Dr. King that will be placed at the King School Early Childhood Education Center (N I 7th and Alberta). For more in fo rm a tio n call 288- IM2 Greater Solid Rock C.O.G.I.C. Give A Martin I uther King, Ji Birthday Celebration will take place Jan 19 at 3:00 p.m. at the Greater Solid Rock C.O.G.I.C., 1705 N.E. Dekum. State Representative Margaret Carter will he the mam speaker A Dream Remembered ! Safeway Salutes... Dr. Martin Luther King Jr:s Holiday BORN: January 15,1929, Atlanta, Georgia Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., A Baptist Minister, led the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's & 60’s which lead to an end of racial segregation. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his non-violent protest movement. DIED: April 11,1968, Memphis, Tennessee we at Safeway are committed to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of equal opportunity for all people. it is a fundamental policy of our company to provide an educational reimbursement program to all our full-time employees and management training and advancement to all of our employees without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or physical handicap. You see, we re truly proud to be a part of everyone’s life; and we show it! w ritte n Designed A Produced By Derrick i Dansby SAFEWAY ü Y ri work an honest d \bu get an honest de ■? z < / '• ■V*** • . v > <#,• ♦-*. k 4 ( ' V ' ♦