Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 15, 1986, Special Issue, Page 10, Image 10

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Page 10, Portland Observer, January 15, 1986
New textbook features King
I lie life and contributions o f Dr. M artin lu ih c r kin g , Jr. provide both the
inspiration and the subject matter for a new textbook being published this fall
to coincide with the tirst national observance o f the slain leader's birthday in
Januars Authored by Dr kin g 's sister. Mrs. Christine kin g Harris, the text is a
vehicle lo t e lem entary and in te rm e d ia te s c h o o lc h ild re n to study k in g ’ s
philosophy, achievements and personal (nonviolent) style in the context o f an
event which w ill be widely covered by the media Published by Ginn and C om ­
pany, the lest is co sponsored by the M a rtin 1 uther k in g t enter fo r N on­
violent StKial Change, Inc
As co rd in g is» M rs. H arris, an educator in her ow n rig h t, "w e have a
responsibility to help our children understand and appreciate not only the
cli.insrn.i. , om niitm ent and courage o f M artin I uther kin g , Jr., but his dream
as well I his new national holiday commemorating the anniversary o f his birth
gives us the o p p o rtu n ity to do that by bringing our ideas as a society to the
classroom It's the perfect tim e to b u ild awareness o f citizenship and the
national and personal values o f idealism, participation and hum anity."
“We have a responsibility to help
our children understand and
appreciate not only the charisma,
commitment and courage o f
Martin Luther King, Jr., but
his dream as well.”
PGE e le c tric ity w o rk s a ro u n d
th e clo ck. W hen you con sid er
all I t does f o r y o u , i t ’s
^ < 7 25
a m ig h ty good buy.
F a Z C
Ginn and Company has announced publication of a new book. D r M a r tin
Luther k in g , Jr.: His Life and D ream , destgned to support educators in their
observance of the new national holiday. Jan 20. 19H6
m u e rn o m n H c o u m v o A E G o n
Mis I .m is is associate professor o f education and director o f the reading
program at Sprlntan ( ollege in Atlanta. She also is an active member o f the In ­
ternational Heading Association and serves as senior vice president/treasurer o f
tlie kin g ( 'enter.
M i I arris' history ol her Nobel Prize-winning brother vividly details the
cha ra cte ristics o f the man and o u tlin e s the sequences o f events w hich
culminated in the C iv il Hights Act o l 1964. Excerpts fro m key speeches and
w ritings fu rth e r personalize the book and help students to share Dr. k in g 's
dream I he text is illustrated by photographs—
Multnomah County pays tribute to the
memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and
to the contributions he made to all mankind.
m uLTnom oH
coum v
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Dr Martin Luthor King, Jr His Life and Dream," a new book written by Dr
King s sister, Christine King Farris (left), is being published by Gwin and Com
(»any Standing with Mrs Farris are (left) James Wilder, Manager. Sales Plan
rung and Administration and (right) President Robert F Baker
First tune which depict and support the dramatic story as it unfolds.
I ich sell contained textbook (there are two: one for grades 3-5 and one
lor glades 6 K) is structured in 1» lessons, so that it can be easily introduced and
taught hi any social studies program prior to obervancc ot the holiday on Jan.
2(1 Accompanied by annotated teacher's editions to eliminate any need fo r
classroom pieparatioii. the new instructional materials provide structured rein-
lorcement o f basic social studies skills in a form at which is flexible enough to
adapt to any soc ial studies curriculum and teaching style.
I hough ch a p lets ate sh o rt, each con ta in s in tro d u c to ry questions,
vocabulatv definitions m context and a variety o f exercises and activities that
can be completed in l(F 15 minutes
(.in n and ( ompany. I IK seat old publisher o f elementary and secondary
textbooks, has a longstanding tradition o f excellence and success in the reading
and social studies fields.
M u ltn o m a h C o unty hits had a M in o rity Business E n te rp ris e (M B E ) Program since 1977.
H o w e ve r, past M B E o p p o rtu n itie s have been lim ite d . For exam ple, u n til 1981 the
C o u n ty ’ s M B E pro g ra m focused only on se ttin g aside 10% o f co n stru ctio n proje cts u n d e r
$50, (XX) fo r m in o rity firm s . In that year Multnomah County was one of the first local governments to
increase io MBE construction projects to $100,000.
Now participation In minority and female owned firms has been reaffirmed by County
Executive Dennis Buchanan and the Board of County Commissioners.
Since June 1964, with a Federal Grant from the Minority
Business Development Agency, there has been a new
and expanded Minority and Female Business Enterprise
Program w ith . ..
Multnomah County is accepting
Oregon Department of Transportation’s
M B E and FB E certifications
* To bid on construction projects
* To sell supplies
* To render services
* To provide professional services
Please also contact our Purchasing Division:
2505 S.E. 11th AVE., PORTLAND, OREGON 97202
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