JOBS Classified ORGANIZER GENERAL MANAGER to w o rk w ith the W o m e n of Color C aucus S U P E R V IS IN G STOREKEEPER B $ 1 ,6 5 5 The position of General M anager of the municipally owned M cM innville W a te r and Light D e p a rtm e n t w ill becom e open on Janu ary 1, 1986 because of retirem ent. The General Manager reports to the four member W ater and Light Com m ission. The M ayor of M c M in n v ille is ex -o fficio - $ 1 , 8 2 5 M o n t h ly THF ORI GON D F P A R IM IN I 01 T IO N , of O C A D S V IRANSPORTA HIGHWAY D I V I S I O N . IS ACCEPTING 30% FTE. 12 hrs per week. $360 00 per m onth; full medical and dental A P P l [C A T IO N S I OR THE ABOVE P O S IT IO N . T H IS RECRUITMENT W IL L E S T A B lIS H A L IS T txmefits OF Q U A L IF IE D PEOPLE FROM WHICH FUTURE VACANCIES W ILL BE F IL L E D DURING NEXT YEAR IN Chairman. I AGKANDF IN Q ualifications: Experience a n d /o r training in program or co m m u n ity organising; knowledge of Oregon's m in ority popu latio ns, ability to organize meetings, publicize Caucus activities and arrange interesting training programs; experience and/or training in pubic relations (preferred), SAI EM . RENO. ANO CURRENTLY A VACANCY E X IS T S LAGRANOE P O S IT IO N IS WORKING Five years' experience in the total ad ministration and direction of a w ater or electric utility or responsible charge of a major division or department of a MANAG1R HANOI ING PROCURI ME NT/W ARI - w ater or electric u tility. M ust be familiar with Northwest power issues Bachelor deg ree in Engineering or Business Administration or combined education, training, and experience that is acceptible to the Commission. Valid driver's license required THREE YEARS PROGRESSIVE RESPONSIBLE HOUSE RELATED A C T IV IT IL S FOR LIGH T TO HEAVY EQ U IPM EN T/PAR TS AND CON- S I ROC 11 ON S U PPIY OPI R AI ION EXPERIENCE IN MUSI HA VI interest in and co m m itm en t to w orking to end violence against w om en and children; b ilin g u a l/b ic u ltu r a l b a c k g ro u n d KEEPING OF SIO R ES ANO STORE RECORDS. PREFERABLY SUPPLE­ MENTED BY COURSES IN T IC E BUSINESS PRAC OR ACCOUNTING.CONTACT 0 0 0 1 PERSONNEL. 4 1 9 SA LEM . OR TRANSPORTATION BID G 9 /3 1 0 . (5 0 3 ) (preferred). . 3 7 3 -/6 6 3 Application process: subm it letter, resume and names of tw o references FOR MORE D E T A IL S AND A P P L IC A T IO N / Send resum e and salary history in ANNOUNCEMENT confidence to: C h airm an TIO N S W ILL BE ACCEPTED U N T IL 5 :0 0 P .M .. IN 1 0 R M A II0 N . JANUARY 2 9 . A P P L IC A ­ by Jan. 31. 1986 to: O regon C o alitio n A g ain st I9 B 6 . D o m e stic and Sexual V io len ce 2336 S E Belmont Portland, OR 97214 M c M in n v ille W a te r and Light C o m m issio n PO Box 707 McMinnville, OR 97128 Affirmative Action Employer Closing date: January 31, 1986 Equal Opportunity Employer DIRECTOR OF NURSES EARN $4.87 HR. B E A U T IF U L S E A S ID E C O M M U N IT Y LANE CO M M U N ITY COLLEGE M e d ia Productions D e p a rtm e n t Media Specialist Application deadline January 31, 1986 EXCELLENT C O M P E N S A T IO N P A C K A G E IN C L U D E D FULL R E L O C A T IO N C O S T S W e need assistance in evaluating and responding to daily w ork reports submitted by our agents throughout the state No experience necessary: Paid to co m p lete training W ork at hom e. For in fo rm atio n send self- addressed. stamped envelope 9 Vi in C o m m u n ity Education Division Administrative Secretary Application deadline January 17, 1986 W e are part of a growing progressive company & are seeking an expenen ced Director of Nursing to develop an aggressive restorative program Sue cessful can d id ate w ill be self m otivated and possess good public relation skills O u ts tan d in g advan cement opportunities Contact Cart Helms, Administrator ches long to: AW GA Dept E Box 49204 Atlanta. GA 30369 AFRICAN ARTS SALE Call (503) 726 2211 or write Lane C o m m u n ity C ollege Personnel O ffic e 4tXW E 30th Ave Eugene. OR 97406 Seaside Care Center for application and job description 822 Necanicum Dr. LCC application must be received no later than 5 00 p.m on deadline date Seaside. OR 97138 Phone 15031 738 8383 Jew elry, beautiful clothing, ornate candles, kufis, sculpture, and incen se For details call after 5 p.m.: An Affirmative Action/ E qua I < fpportunitv Institution Equal Opportunity Employer _____________ January 8, 1986, JOBS, Page * V a • ' • T* ' » * * ¡ - • '■ . , » • . ‘ ' • ' . . . . * ' * ’ • Y • • ’ ' J r. » a* x, . • * . ■' .» » • ■ ■ ' e • ■ ' ■■ •<- . wvrv* v - _ *•:•' ' • - s’ ■« •< - » 4 / «