Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 08, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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    January 8, 1906, Portland Observer, Page 3
The N e ig h b o rh o o d C o n tractors
Call 288 4 6 3 /
Special«!* xi ROC b Bank Loan Package*
and Insurant« Work
All Industrial Commarctai «nd
Rmdsntial Work front Sidewalk to Roof
H. J. B elto n H a m ilto n — A d m in is tra tiv e L a w J u d g e
hv Jerrv darner
Judge H. J. Belton Hamilton is one
o f only eight Black A dm inistrative
I aw Judges in the United States
(there are 722). Judge Ham ilton is a
graduate o f Stanford University and
the Northwest School o f l aw, Lewis
& Clark College
Judge H am ilton has been an A d ­
ministrative Judge since 1971. Prior
to this, he served as Oregon Assistant
Attorney Oeneral from 1955 to 1970;
the firs t non-w hite to serve in this
Hamilton has served five terms as
Chairman o f the Board for the Por-
land Urban I eague, which makes him
the only person to win five elections to
this position during the 40-year
history o f the Urban I.eague in Port­
As an Adm inistrative l aw Judge
w ith the Social Security A d ­
ministration, Judge H am ilton must
review cases on appeal before the
Social Security A dm in istra tio n. " I
only take cases that involved the
Social Security Administration, such
as medicare appeals, hospitals and
other care providers decertified or
considered for decertification from
doing business with the Health and
Human Services Departm ent.” The
m ajority o f cases handled by Judge
Hamilton involve individuáis who are
appealing unfavorable d ia b ility
When Judge H am ilton was asked
why individuals are taken o ff Social
Security, he replied "a n individual is
taken o ff Social Security when the
State agency decides the person no
longer meets the severity o f im pair­
ment that would ju stify considering
the person disabled.”
In order to qualify for a position as
an A dm inistrative Law Judge, one
must be an attorney w ith at least
seven years experience handling com­
plex c iv il cases w ith tw o years ex­
perience in Administrative law. After
surviving an evaluation procedure by
other attorneys, a one-question w rit­
ten test is taken in which five to six
hours is given to answer.
I f chosen to become an A d ­
m inistrative Law Judge, the in ­
dividual is interviewed by a panel con­
sisting o f a representative from the
Judicial Fitness C om m ittee o f the
American Bar Association, an A d ­
m inistrative Law Judge, and an ad­
m inistrator with the U.S. Personnel
Board. This panel decides whether
you retain the score given during the
evaluation procedure by other attor­
neys. An ind ivid ua l who qualifies
previously can be disqualified at this
A fte r being appointed to the
position o f A d m in istra tive Law
Judge, one’ s appointment becomes
‘ ’ absolute.” An absolute app oin ­
tment is less than a life appointment,
but is more secure than any other ap­
pointment in the federal government
in that it cannot be terminated by the
agency served by the judge. (Federal
district Court Judges are appointed
for life.)
As an administrative Law Judge,
Ham ilton's duties are similar to that
o f a judge in a court of equity, in that
he conducts hearings However, there
are two m ajor differences between
judges in a court o f equity and A d­
ministrative Law Judges. A judge in a
court o f equity is part o f the judiciary
and an Adm inistrative Law Judge is
part o f the executive department per­
forming a judicial function.
The Administrative Law Judge has
the ultim ate responsibility to make
sure the records are completed, even if
the claim ant’ s attorney docs a poor
job o f representing his or her case An
A d m in istra tive Law Judge takes a
more active role in the trial. “ As an
Administrative Law Judge, I am the
judge and the ju ry ," said Hamilton.
Judge H am ilton say* a Federal
Adm inistrative l aw Judgeship is a
highly specialized position. For
example, an A d m in istra tive Law
Judge assigned to the Interstate
Commerce Commission would need
to know something about the
railroads, while one assigned to the
Social Security Admimstra ion must
make ju d ic ia l decisions based on
medical facts which require knowlcgc
regarding body systems and how d if­
ferent impairments affect the ability
to function in the labor market.
Judge H am ilton was asked why
there are only eight Black A d ­
ministrative Law Judges in the coun­
try. He said that in order to become a
Federal Adm inistrative I aw Judge,
one must have handled a considerable
number o f cases which were
significant in terms o f complexity and
were c iv il in nature as opposed to
criminal law. "M any Black attorneys
choose to work in criminal law. This
does not q u a lify one to become an
(P h o to Richard J B ro w n )
Administrative I aw Judge "
"B la c k lawyers who choose to
become crim inal attorneys provide
needed services to the Black
population because Blacks have d if­
ficulties with the police and criminal
justice system But what they arc
doing in terms o f their own career
Fwauu tMroan m u « amci covo«« ton
The first licensed woman pilot was Baroness Raymonde de
la Roche of France. She received her pilot's license in 1910.
The Hoang typew riter, a device for typing in Chinese
characters, has 5,700 characters on a keyboard tw o feet
wide and 17 inches high.
The record for the most strikes in a row in a sanctioned
bowling match is 29. That's two-and-a-half perfect games.
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M ind Over M a tte r N ew sletter
published by
C f,e
p ijo c n ix «Club
For years the United Negro College Fund has been saying "A mind is a
brouRht lo you
every week
growth may not be a ll that great,
especially i f they have aspiration*
towards a Federal A d m in istra tive
law Judgeship,” said Hamilton.
Judge Hamilton said another fac­
tor why there arc so few Black A d ­
ministrative I aw Judges is that Black
attorneys are not w illing to get the
necessary experience once they are
aware o f the opportunities. "T h ey
view the special experience as another
apprenticeship, another delay. Years
ago at the National Bar C onvention, I
tried to encourage young Black
lawyers to spend a couple o f more
years and get the kind of background
to qualify for the position of an A d ­
ministrative I aw Judge The response
I got from most was, how long must I
keep apprenticing when I am already
a full-fledged attorney."
Hamilton credits part o f his success
in life to his tour in the Arm y. " M y
arm y o u tfit was ve rtica lly in ­
tegrated all enlisted men were Black
and all officers were w h ite .”
H am ilton said he was impressed by
the way a certain Black man in his
unit who had legal training was able
lo handle him scll in dealing w ith
white officers. It was during this tune
that H am ilton decided to become a
lawyer, realizing that law could be
used to help tight discrimination.
No Need to Fear
Low Prices are Here!
ternbie thing to waste " I further believe that a body is also a terrible thing
to waste Here at the Olympian Fitness Center w e are doing something
about the waste of m in d and body
A tittle free wisdom about the m in d and body
First, let's understand that all of us have four separate parts to our
being or existence; they are: our h u m a n sp irit, our h u m a n m in d , our
h u m an b od y and our p ro p e rty or b elon g in g s such as clothing, home,
car, money, tools and other material items
Most people take their spirit, m in d and b od y for granted and spend
80 % to 90% of their time worrying and dealing with their property and
material things W hile their s p irit, m in d and b o d y w aste aw ay due
mostly to neglect.
Let s further understand that while we inherit how we look, and much
of how w e think from our mother and father, and of course their an­
cestors, when w e reach the age of five or six years old, w e start to ac­
tively add to or su b tra c t fro m these inherited tendencies almost always
m the direction of accumulating material things while oui spirit and mind
go unfulfilled.
Next month more information on the development of the human spirit,
and the human mind
Keep this publication for future reference.
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